Chapter 5: Django
Django is a free and open source high-level Python web framework that helps in the development of a website.
5.1 : Django Installation
Step 1: Open command prompt -> Go to the file location where Python folder is present (Python installed in Chapter 4, section 4.1 ) -> Go to Scripts folder
My Python folder is present in C drive. C drive -> Python folder -> Script.
Step 2: Check for the presence of pip application into the Scripts folder. Let’s display the pip version by using command pip –version
Step 3: To install Django, type the command py –m pip install Django
During the installation process, I encountered a warning saying Consider adding this directory to PATH . So let’s fix this warning..
Go to Environment Variables -> Now add the pip file location into PATH variables.
Now it says “Successfully installed Django”
Step 4: Now let’s set our virtual environment . To do that let’s follow the steps from Django Documentation:
To create a virtual environment Django documentation says the following:
So let’s create a folder (I named my folder Python_script) .
Open Command prompt -> navigate to the folder location (Python_script) then write the following command:
py –m venv project_name
We see Django created the folder for us.
Now Django documentation says:
So let’s activate the virtual environment. Open Command prompt -> Navigate to Scripts folder -> run the following command:
Step 5: After setting up the virtual environment, open command prompt -> navigate to above Scripts folder -> create the Django project by using the following command:
django-admin startproject project_name
(I named my project project1 ).
We see that Django created the project folder (project1 ) for us.
NOTE: All Django main projects reside within the Scripts folder
Step 6: Open the project folder (project1 ) and you will see the presence of file. This file is the most important file and is needed to run a Django project.
Now let’s run our first Django project (project1 ).
Open command prompt -> navigate to the project1 folder location where file is present -> run the following command:
python runserver
Open web browser and go to site highlighted in the screen shot above.
The installation works perfectly.
5.2 : Django App
App stands for Application.
What is the difference between a Django project and a Django app?
A project refers to the entire application all together, while an app refers to a sub module of the main project.
Let’s take Amazon for example. Amazon is a huge company and it may be divided into multiple departments. One department may handle the Amazon Marketplace, other department may handle the Amazon KDP and so on. So in this case, Amazon Marketplace and Amazon KDP become apps or sub divisions of the big project Amazon.
Now let’s create an app and connect it with our main project (project1 )
Step 1: Open command prompt -> since the app will reside within the main project (project1 ), we need to navigate to the project location -> now create a new app with the help of the command:
python startapp app_name
(I gave the name of my app doggyDayCareCustomerInterface ).
We see Django automatically creates the new app folder within the main project (project1 ).
Step 2: Now let’s connect our newly created app (doggyDayCareCustomerInterface) with the main project (project1 ) .
Open the project1 folder which contains all the important Python files like , -> open file
In , add the newly created app (doggyDayCareCustomerInterface) into the list of INSTALLED_APPS and click save.
The connection between the app (doggyDayCareCustomerInterface) and the project (project1 ) is now established.
5.2.1 : Django Architecture
We have successfully created our new app (doggyDayCareCustomerInterface).
Each app must contain the following:
  1. file – It contains the list of all urls present within the app .
  1. file – It contains all the functions and classes which will perform tasks.
  1. file – It contains the models or the database tables.
  1. file -  It helps to register the models into Django Admin App .
  1. templates folder – It contains all the HTML files.
  1. static folder – It contains all the static files like CSS, Images and Javascripts.
The Django process is very simple:
  1. A HTTP request from a user first goes to file where it looks for its associated url name and with that name finds its associated function which is present in file.
  1. The function in file throws the HTTP response (HTML file from templates folder) to the user. file also has the ability to access file to read or write data. contains all the models or database tables
Now let’s create a simple Django Hello World app to understand the entire process.
5.2.2 : Hello World Example
Step 1: Let’s create a new app within project1 and name it helloWorld .
Step 2: Now let’s connect our newly created app (helloWorld) with the main project (project1 ) .
Open folder project1 -> Open file -> Add hello_world within INSTALLED_APPS and click save.
Step 3: Now open hello_world app folder and check for the presence of, and file. If is not present then create a new Python file and name it .
Please note: I am using Notepad++ to write all my codes.
Step 4: Within hello_world app , create a new folder and name it templates.
Step 5: Inside templates folder create another folder with the same name as the app . This new folders templates -> hello_world will contain all HTML files used exclusively by hello_world app .
Create a simple HTML file (I named my file index.html ) and save it inside templates -> hello_world folder.
Step 6: Open file and write the following piece of code shown in the screen shot below
     urlpatterns is a tuple which contains the paths to each function written in file. It defines the connection between the urls and the views .
     path( ) function is used for routing url s to the appropriate view functions .
Step 7: Connect our app ’s (hello_world) file with our main project’s (project1 ) file. To do that:
     Open project folder (project1) where important files like and files are present -> Open file
     Into our main project’s file, create a path that will lead to us to hello_world app and its corresponding url s and click save.
NOTE: To use include ( ) function , we need to import it from django.urls
Step 8: Open app’s (hello_world) file and create the index function which is called from app’s (hello_world) file.
The index function takes the HTTP request and with the help of render( ) function gives a HTTP response which is the index.html file stored in templates -> hello_world folder.
What is render function?
Render( ) function is used to return an Http response and to use this function we need to import HttpResponse as shown in the screen shot above.
Step 9: Save everything and run the project.
Open command prompt -> navigate to the main project (project1 ) location where the file is present -> run the following command:
python runserver
Open your web browser -> go to and type the following url depicted in the screen shot below.
Let’s summarize the entire Django process.
5.3 : Django Models
Django Models are more like database tables where data are stored.
Let’s create some models or tables for our app doggyDayCareCustomerInterface (created in section 5.2) .
Step 1: Inside doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app folder look for file.
Step 2: Inside we will create two model classes , customer_information and dog_information .
      models.IntegerField( ) creates a column to store integer values.
models.CharField(max_length= n) creates a column to store character values, where n specifies the max length.
Please Note : There are multiple model field, please visit Django documentation for Model field reference
     To establish relationship between the two models or tables, we used Foreign Key.
on_delete = models.CASCADE means that if the reference object is deleted, then also delete its associated records pointing to the reference object.
NOTE : To add primary key to a particular field, set primary_key to True .
Example : name = models.CharField(max_length=50, primary_key=True)
Step 3: Start the migration process of creating the tables.
Open command prompt -> navigate to main project folder (project1 ) location where file is present -> run the following command:
python makemigrations
For applying the migration to Django database run the following command:
python migrate
Step 4: Open the SQLITE file present in the main project folder (project1 ) location and notice the presence of newly created models in that file.
Step 5: Now let’s add some data into our models .
Open command prompt -> navigate to the main project folder (project1 ) location where SQLITE file   and file is present and enter the following command:
python shell
In order to work with models, we need to import them first.
      from doggyDayCareCustomerInterface .models import customer_information
The syntax for inserting data is :
model_name ( column1 = “ data ”, column2 = “ data ”, column3 = 123 ……… )
      Inserted some data into customer_information model or table:
x = customer_information (customer_id = 123, username = “John”, password = “John”,          firstName = “John Jim”, lastName = “Kim”, gender = “M”, address = “Cedar Park”, state = “Texas”)
      Save the data
x . save( )
We have successfully inserted a new record into our customer_information model or table. Now let’s access that record from Django admin app .
5.4 : Django Admin App
Django has already created an app for us for data manipulation and it is called the Admin App . This app gives us the ability to insert , update or delete data without going through the hassle of writing multiple database queries.
Steps to access the Django Admin App are:
Step 1: Open the project folder (project1 ) which contains important files and - > Open the file and check for the presence of path to the admin app :
Step 2: Now open command prompt - > navigate to the main project (project1 ) folder location.
To access the admin app , we need to create our administrative account which can be done with the help of the following command:
python createsuperuser
Step 3: Go to app (doggyDayCareCustomerInterface ) -> Open its file -> Import and Register the models (created in section 5.3 ) -> click save
Step 4: Open command prompt -> navigate to the main project (project1 ) folder location where the file is present  ->  run the project using the following command
python runserver
Open web browser -> type admin
Enter username and password -> click Log In
The admin app shows the models or tables with records (created in section 5.3 )
Add some associated dog information into dog_information model or table and click save.
5.5 : How to navigate to different pages of our project using Django
In section 5.2, we have created our app doggyDayCareCustomerInterface and connected it with our main project project1.
In section 5.3 we created its models or database tables.
Now let’s follow the steps from Hello World Example (section 5.2.2 ) and make our doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app functional.
Please Note: doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app is the continuation of the Doggy Day Care Center project and it will contain all the HTML files which we created in Chapter 1 and 2.
Step 1:  Established connection between the main project and doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app through file (already done in section 5.2 ).
Step 2: Now let’s include the app ’s path and all its url s into main project’s (project1 ) file.
Step 3: Create the templates folder -> Create another folder within templates folder with the same name as the app and paste all the Doggy Day Care project’s HTML files into it.
Step 4: Now let’s go to the app ’s (doggyDayCareCustomerInterface) file and add the following lines of code:
Step 5: Open app ’s (doggyDayCareCustomerInterface) file and add the following lines of code:
Code Explanation:
     In file, path(“”, views.index, name=”index”) does not have any routing name. This means when there is no routing name simply proceed to index function present in file. The index function returns index.html (Home page of Doggy Day Care project ) file to the user. 
     In file, path(“logInPage”, views.logInPage, name=”logInPage”) have a routing name and url name of logInPage . This means when the routing name is logInPage proceed to logInPage function present in file. The logInPage function returns logInPage.html (Log In page of Doggy Day Care project ) to the user.
Step 6:   Open index.html file of the Doggy Day Care Project ( created in section 1.2.1, Chapter 1) -> Notice there was a hardcoded path given to the HTML href attribute which would lead us to Log In HTML page.
Now delete the old path and in that href attribute give the url name logInPage from file.
The syntax for adding the url name from file into a HTML file is:
{% url  ‘ url_name’ %}
What is {% …. %}?
{% … %} are called Template Tags in Django. They are mainly used within HTML document to:
1. Load some external information.
2. Perform loops or logic.
When user click on the Log In button of the Home Page , the href attributes leads us to url name logInPage . The request proceeds to file, where it looks for the path with url name logInPage . Now with the help of this name, it goes to its associated function logInPage present in file. Function logInPage simply returns the Log In page to the user (please refer to codes above ).
Step 7: Let’s run our project and check whether the navigation from Home page to Log In page is performing correctly or not.
Open command prompt -> navigate to the main project (project1 ) location where file is present and run the following command:
python runserver
Open web browser -> go to http://127 .0.0.1:8000/doggyDayCareCustomerInterface/
Now click on Log In button to check the navigation works properly or not.
The navigation works perfectly. Now follow the steps above and replace all hardcoded paths present in index.html files with url names .
Everything works fine but you will notice one BIG flaw. You will notice that the pages loaded without any images and CSS. So let’s fix this issue in the next section.
5.6 : How to load static files like CSS & Images into our Django App
In section 5.2, we have created our app doggyDayCareCustomerInterface and connected it with our main project project1.
In section 5.3, we created its models or tables
In section 5.5, we have learnt how to navigate to different pages.
Now let’s learn how to load images and CSS into our doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app .
Before we begin, please note in Chapter 1, we have done Internal CSS for index.html file and External CSS for the rest of the pages. The name which we gave to our External CSS file was commonCss.css
Step 1: Open file of the main project (project1 ).
Scroll down and look for the STATIC_URL . It says all static files like CSS, Images, Javascript will be stored in static .
So let’s create our static folder.
Step 2: Open app folder (doggyDayCareCustomerInterface ) -> create a new folder within it and name it static
Step 3: Inside static folder create another folder and its name should be same as the app ’s name. This folder will contain all static files used exclusively by doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app .
Step 4: Add all the images and CSS files into static -> doggyDayCareCustomerInterface folder.
Step 5: Open index.html ( Doggy Day Care Project Home Page ) file -> in <head> section of the HTML document, write the following line of code:
{% load static %}
Then add the static files with the help of syntax :
{% static  ‘ subdirectory/static_file_name’ %}
Step 6: Now let’s load External CSS file commonCss.css into our logInPage.html ( Log In page ) file.
{% load static %}
{% static  “ doggyDayCareCustomerInterface/commonCss.css” %}
How to access a static file (image) from another static file (CSS)?
1 . Since both are static files are in the same location, we simply have to give the static file name (image name ) into the CSS url ( ) function .
2 . We do not have to use the following line of code:
{% load static %}
Now let’s run our project. Open command prompt -> navigate to the main project (project1 ) location where file is present and run the following command:
python runserver
Open web browser -> Go to http://127 .0.0.1:8000/doggyDayCareCustomerInterface/
The images and CSS show perfectly.
How to add Javascript static file into our HTML document?
Similar to External CSS file, we need to create an External Javascript file and save it with Javascript extension .js .
Then add the Javscript file into our HTML document. The syntax for this:
<script src="{% static 'file_name .js' %}">  </script>
5.7 : Django Form
Working with Django form can be little bit complicated and requires a lot of steps. Well I will try my best to simplify the steps for you all.
Before we go into our Log In page of Doggy Day Care project , let’s first understand how Django form actually works with a simple example.
Let’s create a simple HTML file within our doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app and name it test123.html.
In test123.html, I created an input field Name and a submit button. When the form is submitted, I would like to show another HTML file as response which will contains the submitted Name from the form .
The above piece of code shows a HTML form with an input field and a submit button. But in Django, this simple form will work little differently. So let’s follow the steps below of creating a Django form
Step 1: Open doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app ’s file -> create a path with route name and url name test and which will lead us to a function test123 present in file.
Step 2: Open file -> created a form class and named it test123_validation . Inside this class , all the form objects with its data type are declared.
Form objects are simply the input fields present within the <form> tag of a HTML document.
Please Note : There are multiple form fields present, please visit Django documentation for Form fields reference.
Please note: Our test123.html file contains only one input file Name . So in class test123_validation , I created only one input form field name which will hold character values.
Step 3: In file create the function test123 . Inside the function, all the form objects from class test123_validation are passed into a variable form and this variable form is used by test123.html file.
test123 function returns the test123.html file with all the form objects.
Step 4: Inside test123.html , we simply have to plug in the form variable within template tag {{ … }} and Django will automatically generate the input fields with its corresponding <label> tags
What is {{ … }}?
{{  … }} is a template tag and is used to plug in variables into a HTML document.
Step 5: Now let’s add the action attribute. Once the form is submitted, I would like to navigate to url name greetings . (In section 5.5, we have learned how to navigate to different pages)
Step 6: Open file -> create a new path with url name greetings which will lead us to greetings function present in file.
Step 7: Open file and create our greetings function which will handle the request from the user.
Code Explanation:
In short it means:
NOTE: cleaned_data attribute is used to access the value from the input field.
Now let’s run our project. Open command prompt -> navigate to the main project (project1 ) folder location where file is present  ->  run the project using the following command
python runserver
Open web browser -> go to
After I entered the name and clicked the submit button, an error shows up.
This error appeared because I forgot to add csrf token within the <form> tag of test123.html .
What is csrf token?
A Django csrf token is a unique value generated exclusively for authenticated users. It MUST be used with all Django forms because it helps to protect the user’s information and prevent any kind of malicious activities. 
So let’s add the csrf token within <form> tag of test123.html file and save it.
Run the project.
Everything works perfectly.
Let’s summarize the entire process:
In real world, no pages look simple as the example above. Web pages are far more complex and contain CSS, Javascript and lot more. In the next section we will learn how to manually insert Django form fields into our HTML file without disturbing the original DOM structure.
Example :
In this example, we will create a database model and insert some data into it. Then we will print out the data from the model into a HTML file.
Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
Graphical user interface, text Description automatically generated
Let’s add some data into it and display the data in a HTML document.
In file add the following lines of code (code discussed in previous sections) .
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
In cars.html file display the records using for loop .
Text Description automatically generated
Please Note : In Django if you start a loop in a template, you need to end the loop.
Example: {% for … %} ….. {% endfor %} ,
{% if … %} ….. {% endif %}
Run the project.
Table Description automatically generated
  5.8 : Django Form with CSS & Rendering form fields manually
Now let’s open our doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app -> go to templates ->  doggyDayCareCustomerInterface and open our logInPage.html file
(section 5.5 has the steps of creating the templates folder ).
You will notice two things after going through the code above and they are:
If we follow the Django form steps in section 5.7 and simply plug in a variable containing all form fields, you will notice none of the table format and the CSS will load. In order to prevent that from happening, let’s manually and individually render Django form fields without disturbing the entire DOM structure of the HTML document.
Now we will create the Django form for Log In page.
Step 1: Create a path in file which will lead us to our Log In page. (we already did this part in section 5.5 ).
Step 2: Open file -> create a class containing all the form fields of Log In page.
Please Note: If we want to add a Javscript Event into our Django form field , we can add that in attributes attrs. Example:
password = forms.CharField (widget=forms.PasswordInput (attrs = { 'class' : 'fieldStyle', 'onchange' : 'js_function_name( )' }))
Now in function logInPage , let’s pass the above form fields into a variable form which is accessed by logInPage.html HTML file.
Step 3: Open logIn.html file -> in place of <input> tags, I am rendering the Django form fields manually with the help of dot (.) operator.
NOTE: When form fields are rendered manually, Django will not generate its corresponding <label> tag automatically. We need to manually add the label for its corresponding field and to do that Id_for_label is used.
.Id_for_label is used if we are constructing labels for the fields manually .
Save everything and check whether the new changes made in our logInPage.html works properly or not.
Everything looks good.
Let’s proceed to performing the validation process in the next section.
5.9 : Log In Page Validation process
In section 5.3, we have created models or database tables for our doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app
In section 5.8, we have created the form for our Log In page.
Now let’s perform the validation process.
Please note when the form is submitted from logInPage.html ( created in section 5.8 ), it leads us to url name customer as shown in the screen shot below.
Step 1: Open file -> create a path with url name, route name customer and which will lead to function customerProfile present in file
Step 2: Open file and let’s create our function customerProfile . The function will take the request from the user, check whether the entered username and password matches with its corresponding database records or not and then throw a response .
Code Explanation:
In section 5.7, we have discussed lines of code from:
if request.method =="POST"
obj2 = form.cleaned_data["password"] .
Now let’s discuss the code from line:
table_val = customer_information.objects.filter(username = obj1, password = obj2)
The above line of code is a database query where it looks for a record in customer_information model or table whose username = obj1 and password = obj2 .
We are all familiar with database select queries like:
select * from table_name where column_name = “value” .
But in Django the syntax of the above select query is little different. The Django equivalent of the above select query is:
table_name . objects . filter ( column_name = “value” )
You can also use get( ) method in place of filter( ) method.
NOTE : The Django equivalent of select * from table_name is:
table_name . objects . all (  )
customer_information is present in file. To access the table in file, first we need to import the table from the file.
Please follow the screen shot below for line by line code explanation.
In short it means,
Take the data from the above query and store it in variable table_val. If value is present, take the first row with the help of first( ) method and store the data into another variable row. Now pass that row variable into another variable form which will be accessed by HTML file customerProfile.html .
The above steps are performed if the form is valid. Now if the form is not valid then redirect back to the url name logInPage .
To use HttpResponseRedirect , we need to import it first.
Now in customerProfile.html , let’s display the data from customer_information model or table.
Now run the project. Open command prompt -> navigate to the main project (project1 ) folder location where file is present ->  run the project using the following command
python runserver
Open web browser -> go to logInPage
The validation works perfectly.
5.10 : Displaying data from multiple tables or models into Web Page
In section 5.3, we have created the models for our doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app
In section 5.9, we have learned how to display information into our web page from one table or model .
Now in this section, we will learn how to display information from multiple tables or models .
Few important points to note are:
Due to this relationship, the dog_id column will display associated data from ALL columns of customer_information model . Instead of displaying data from all columns, I would like to display data from only one column customer_id and to do that we need the __init__ function (__init__ function discussed in chapter 4) .
So let’s add the __init__ function into our customer_information class
What is f “…”?
f “…” is a Python formatted string literal that contains expressions within { } and these expressions are replacement fields.
In the same function, I added a new line of code:
In the above highlighted query I am performing a Join , I access the username field (present in customer_information models ) from dog_id column and look for a record whose username = obj1 . Then I store the result of the query in val2.
Code explanation of function customerProfile( ) is present in sections 5.9.
Now let’s update our customerProfile.html file and plug in the variables.
In ID , I am displaying the data from dog_id column which in turn will display its associated data from only one column customer_id and this was possible because of the presence of __init__ function .
5.11 : Django Email Form
We created our Contact Us page in Chapter 2.
Now let’s follow the steps below and make our contactUsPage.html file Django compatible.
Step 1: Open the doggyDayCareCustomerInterface app ’s index.html (Home page of Doggy Day Care project ) file and give an url name (page navigation discussed in section 5.5 )
Step 2: Open file and create a path that will lead us to contactUsPage function present in file.
Step 3: Open file and create the function contactUsPage( ). This function will simply return the contactUsPage.html page.
Step 4: Our web page appeared without any styling information so let’s load the styling information into our HTML file (discussed in section 5.6 )
Step 5: Now let’s create the form . (Django form discussed in section 5.7, 5.8 & 5.9 )
Open file -> create a new class which will contain all the form fields of Contact Us page.
Now create the function contactUsPage and pass the form fields into our contactUsPage.html file.
Step 6: Open contactUsPage.html file and render the form fields manually (discussed in section 5.8 ).
Step 7: In contactUsPage.html, add action attribute to <form> tag.
Once the form is submitted, it will take us to url name mail .
So let’s open our file and create a path with the url name and route name as mail and which will lead us to function mail present in file.
Step 8: Open file and create the function mail( ) .
Code Explanation:
We have already discussed lines of code from:
if request.method =="POST"
name = form.cleaned_data["name"] (discussed in section 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10 ).
Now let’s discuss the lines of code from:
email_from = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
But before we understand the above line of code, let’s first open the main project (project1 ) folder and go to file. In file, insert the following lines of code.
     EMAIL_BACKEND contains the backend to use for sending emails. Its default value is ' django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend '
     EMAIL_HOST contains the host to use for sending email. Its default value is 'localhost'
     EMAIL_HOST_USER contains the account name from which we will send an email
     EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD contains the password of the email account that we are using to send emails.
      EMAIL_PORT contains the port used by the SMTP server.
What is SMTP server?
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and SMTP server helps to send and receive email between senders and receivers.
     EMAIL_USE_TLS contains a Boolean value true or false. This setting specifies whether to use an explicit TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server.
What is TLS?
TLS stands for Transport Layer Security that helps to encrypts data sent over the Internet to prevent malicious activities by hackers.
     EMAIL_USE_SSL contains a Boolean value true or false . This setting specifies whether to use an implicit TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server .
What is SSL?
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It helps to encrypt communication between a web browser and a web server.
Please Note: Between EMAIL_USE_TLS and EMAIL_USE_SSL , only set one of those settings to True .
Now let’s proceed with our code discussion from line:
email_from = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
This line means from file access the EMAIL_HOST_USER value and store it in email_from variable.
Please follow the screen shot below for code explanation:
If mail is send successfully, the function mail ( ) will throw mail.html file to user
What is Django send_mail function?
send_mail function is used to send mail. The syntax is:
send_mail (
'Subject’ , 'Message ' , '' , [ '' ]
While using the Django send_mail function , it is very important to maintain the order of the syntax. The subject (a string value) should come first, then message ( a string value) , then from _ email ( a string value) , then recipient_email ( a list of string value) .
Before using Django send_mail function we need to import it from django.core.mail   module as shown in the screen shot below.
Step 9: I would like to send and receive emails using Gmail . Since our web application (Doggy Day Care project ) is not a Google registered service so it falls in the category of less secured app. In order to access Gmail through my web application, we need to turn on the less secure app access.
Go to your Google Settings -> turn on the Less secure app access.
Please note: Since we are turning on the less secure app access. I recommended not using your main Gmail account for it.
Step 10: Now let’s run our project.
Now go to contactUsPage
The mail was sent successfully.