Description: Chapter Header
8 |
Animal Protection Brigade Headquarters
Antwerp, Belgium
“W e have to do something! It’s time to take action!” Hugo Peeters slammed his clenched fist on the arm of his threadbare chair. “We can no longer stand by while the rich slaughter the defenseless creatures of Mother Earth for their own entertainment. What is this? The Dark Ages? What I’ve been reading on the Internet has me so angry, I can taste the blood that must be spilled to quench it.”
Heads bobbed as the others in the room, the six he trusted the most, listened to his proposal. Only one, the key to the plan, already knew what he had in mind, for he was the only one who could make it possible.
He had the military experience necessary to pull it off.
And the contacts.
He drew a steadying breath, lowering his voice slightly as his father would no doubt start screaming for him to keep the noise down. “The only cause these people care about is climate change. Why? Because big business recognized they could make money off it. That’s the only reason these people care about it. But what about the animals? Nobody cares anymore unless they can link it to climate change. I don’t give a shit about climate change, and neither should you. Our goal isn’t to save the planet so humans can continue to rape it. Our goal is to save the animals so that when man is a distant memory, these innocent, noble creatures, from the whales and kelp in the oceans, to the elephants and ants on the land, to the eagles and mosquitos in the air, all will be able to live in harmony without worrying about being enslaved or slaughtered by some supposedly more evolved primate.”
He rose to his feet, slowly circling the room as he spoke, staring each of his trusted Brigade members in the eyes. “We need to send a message, we need to let the world know that slaughtering five-hundred calves just to recreate a book that preaches animal sacrifice, shouldn’t be allowed, and won’t go unpunished. If we act now, we can stop this atrocity before it begins, and send a message to the world that no more will we sit idly by and allow the carnage to continue, no more will we let the rich indulge while the creatures who were here long before us suffer, no more will mankind be the only species that matters on this planet. Agreed?”
Everyone leaped to their feet, cheering him, his father’s pounding upstairs going unheard through the ruckus. He held up his hands, calming everyone, then returned to his seat. “There’s only one way to send a message that can be heard by the rich and powerful of this world. Our protests to date have fallen on deaf ears. Yes, we have thousands of supporters on social media, but they are the poor, trodden souls we see every day on the streets we walk. They have no say, they have no power, they have no sway. Even we have no power. What has changed in all the years we’ve been together? Nothing! We’ve sworn off the flesh of animals, the products made through their suffering, and vowed to live a simple, thoughtful life, while trying to spread the word through social media and protest. And it’s gotten us nowhere. But now, thanks to Karl, we have a chance to change everything.”
Smiles and fist bumps were exchanged with their newest member, a former German Army explosives specialist who had served in Afghanistan, and a recent convert to the cause after viewing one of their videos online about the inhumane conditions chickens were forced to exist in—for it wasn’t living—so humans could enjoy nuggets and buffalo wings. It had disgusted Karl as it had him when he first saw it.
And he had joined the few determined to fight back.
“Thanks to Karl, we’ve crafted a plan that will change everything, but we need every one of you for it to succeed. We need the people who truly love the animals, who truly love the natural world, who truly believe that man is no more important than any other animal on this planet. It’s up to us to take action.” He paused, his audience captive. “Who are the ones killing the animals? Who are the trophy hunters, the ones who go to Africa and slaughter innocent, endangered animals? Who are the ones who have heads stuffed and mounted on their walls, who have rare elephant tusks adorning their homes, who fly in helicopters and shoot defenseless animals with automatic weapons? The rich.
“Only a rich person could afford to do anything like that. The rich go out and actively slaughter. They wear the furs and the leathers, they eat the foie gras. They’re the ones who are destroying our natural beauty, who think that they are above all other creatures on this planet, including the poor. They’re the ones who should be made to pay. We must teach them a lesson! And then, and only then, will there be change. Kill a few dozen of them, and every rich person on this planet will take notice, because a friend, or a friend of a friend, will have died.”
He rose again. “It’s up to us to make a statement by punishing the rich for their decadence! Are you with me? Will you sacrifice your own lives to finally save the animals?”
And his heart filled with joy as every single man and woman in the room leaped to their feet, their solidarity with the cause unwaveringly displayed.
It’s time to change the world!