Description: Chapter Header
89 |
Operations Center 2, CIA Headquarters
Langley, Virginia
S ecurity video from across the compound appeared on the displays at the front of the operations center, causing a smile to spread on Leroux’s face.
“He did it.” He turned to Tong. “What kind of access do we have?”
Tong examined her terminal. “Full access to the cameras, but no access to the sensors. They seem to be isolated.”
Leroux frowned. “We can’t override anything?”
“Only the cameras. We have full control, so we can show them whatever we want them to see, jam them, whatever.”
“At least that’s something.”
Tong agreed. “Unfortunately, that means motion sensors, door sensors, anything like that will still be functioning.”
“Well, we have to assume those are at a minimum on the inside. See if you can find the professors on one of those cameras.”
“Got them.” She highlighted the feed.
“At least we know they’re still alive.” He smiled. “There’s Dylan with them.” He pointed at another feed showing two guards outside a door in a hallway. “That must be our two guards assigned to them. Show me the courtyard.” Tong complied. “Does anybody see anyone?”
A round of no’s was the response. He activated his comm. “Zero-One, Control, we can confirm that the courtyard appears empty, over.”