Description: Chapter Header
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Acton/Palmer Residence
St. Paul, Maryland
A cton entered the code on the keypad to disable the alarm as the home phone rang. He rushed down the hallway and into the kitchen, grabbing the phone on the third ring, his eyes narrowing at the call display. He hit talk just before it went to voicemail.
“Hey, Dad, sorry about not calling you sooner. We just got in the door and we lost our cellphones with everything that’s been going on. What’s up?”
“We lost your mother.”
Acton’s eyes instantly burned, tears welling as he stumbled backward toward the living room, reaching behind him for his chair. “Wh-what?” He could barely get the words out as his heart went into overdrive. The back of his legs hit the couch and he fell into it as Laura entered the room.
“She couldn’t get out of bed all day, then she started having trouble breathing. I called an ambulance, but she…she died when I went to let them in. I’m so sorry.”
His mind was still struggling to process the words as the tears streamed. Laura rushed to his side, putting an arm over his shoulders, concern on her face as he leaned into her. “What-what happens now?”
His father’s words were echoes underwater, something about an autopsy, more details he couldn’t process, more apologies.
And that was when he finally realized this was the first time in his life he had heard his father cry.
And it crushed him even more.
He had lost his mother, but his father had just lost his wife, the woman he had loved since he was a teenager, who had been by his side for over fifty years, who had been with him almost every moment of his life since his retirement.
“It’s not your fault,” he managed. “We’re going to leave now. We’ll be there as soon as we can be.”
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too.”
He hung up the phone and hugged Laura, sobbing, thanking God he lived so close to his parents, and was healthy enough to help his grieving father, who would forever feel the loss of the woman he loved more than anything in the world.
Acton stared through blurred eyes at a photo of his parents sitting on the mantle, and his shoulders shook even harder as he realized he would never again see his mother’s smile, hear her laugh, or her caring voice as they spoke.
I love you, Mom.
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