Daisy pushed her laptop across the loggia table and stood up, stretching her arms above her head. ‘My time here is done – winner’s name entered and final report sent. Wonder if I’ll ever report on the Festival again?’
‘Why not?’ Poppy asked. ‘Lots of freelance opportunities around, I would have thought.’
‘Depends on the kind of stuff I write – not sure that lifestyle automatically includes entertainment – and also where I end up spending most time I suppose,’ Daisy added thoughtfully, looking at Poppy.
‘Hey, I’ve just remembered you never did tell me what you wanted to talk about yesterday.’
‘Nat and me.’
‘Ahh. Thought it might be. Finally decided he’s the one, have you?’
‘Given the short time we’ve known each other I’m a bit frightened of saying yes, but I think so. I’m still going to give freelancing a try and want to rent the cottage as a base but Nat wants me to go to America with him when he goes. D’you think I should?’ Daisy looked anxiously at her sister.
‘Definitely. Grab the opportunity – and Nat – with both hands,’ Poppy replied. ‘Men like him are few and far between. He’s almost as nice as my Dan.’
‘That good eh?’
‘Listen, any man who can make my little sister as happy as you’ve been recently, gets my vote. You never looked as happy as you do now when you were with Ben.’
‘The thing is, and I haven’t actually mentioned this to him yet. How d’you feel about Nat moving into the cottage with me? He needs a base somewhere in Europe and the lease of his flat is up soon. He’ll need to find somewhere to stay before going to the States.’
‘Not a problem,’ Poppy said. ‘You’re both welcome to live here.’
‘Great,’ Daisy said. ‘Oh I forgot to show you these earlier. Look, Marcus e-mailed me some pictures of Nat and me at the party. The rest have gone direct to Anna and Leo.’
‘That’s a good one of you and Nat,’ Poppy said. ‘And this one of you guzzling champagne.’
‘I am so not guzzling,’ Daisy protested. ‘When I saw Marcus earlier he tried pumping me for information about Anna. Don’t worry, I didn’t tell him anything,’ this as Poppy looked at her. ‘But the rumours about Teddy Wickham being Philippe Cambone’s son are gaining strength. Be interesting to hear if he goes to the memorial service tomorrow. Right, as I’m on kitchen duty tonight, I’d better make a start. Tom eating with us and staying up to watch the fireworks?’
‘Yes. Fête day tomorrow so no school,’ Poppy glanced at Daisy. ‘You sure about staying on for a few days to help me move back into the villa before Dan gets home?’
‘So long as we make time to go shopping. Seen some shoes and a bag I covet in one of the shops on the Croisette. Feel the need to treat myself before I start counting the pennies.’
‘You’ll need more than pennies if you plan to buy stuff from any boutique on the Croisette,’ Poppy said.
The cottage door buzzer went. ‘That’ll be Nat,’ Daisy said. ‘I’ll let him in and he can give me a hand with the lasagne, while I tell him the good news about the cottage.’
Later, after Tom had disappeared indoors to watch a DVD, the three of them sat companionably outside drinking a bottle of wine.
‘I can’t believe how quickly the last twelve days have gone,’ Poppy said. ‘I’m glad I was persuaded to rent the villa for the Festival. It’s been fun having Anna around. You too,’ she said glancing across at Daisy. ‘Thanks for your help with everything.
‘I’m really looking forward to you both moving in here,’ Poppy continued. ‘It’s going to be great having you around more – in between the two of you jetting off to the States for Nat’s work of course. Any idea when you’ll go for the first time?’
Nat shook his head. ‘No. Could be in a few weeks or a couple of months. My agent just says be ready – and keep working on the next idea.’
‘I hope it’s not too soon actually,’ Daisy said. ‘I want to enjoy us being together – and not being tied to office hours for a bit.’
As Poppy stood up to clear the table, Anna and Leo appeared at the cottage gate.
‘Hi,’ Anna said. ‘Can we join you? We want to share our news and celebrate. Helen won best actress tonight and,’ she smiled at Leo, ‘We’ve set the date for our wedding.’
‘Congratulations on both counts,’ Poppy said. ‘Think this calls for champagne. I’ll get a bottle.’
‘We’ve brought one over,’ Leo said, holding it out. ‘Just need glasses.’
‘Poppy, before I forget, is it possible for us to stay an extra night?’ Anna asked. ‘I have to see a notaire before I leave and it will probably be Tuesday before I can get an appointment.’
‘Sure. Dan isn’t due home until the end of the week. And my parents who were in Monaco for the Grand Prix have decided to stay there for a few more days before coming over here.’
‘Have you spoken to Helen since she won best actress?’ Daisy asked Anna, as Poppy went to get the glasses.
‘No. Rick says she’s in a daze. She’s been whisked off to some large yacht for an interview and intends to party the night away afterwards. I’ll catch up with her tomorrow.’
‘So your return to Cannes after all those years has turned out to be a successful one work-wise?’
Anna nodded. ‘Yes. The Festival has been great for business. On a personal note, it’s a bit mixed,’ she grimaced before turning to Nat. ‘How is Cindy today? No ill effects from the scare she gave us all yesterday?’
‘She’s fine. Still refusing to take off her necklace though.’
Anna smiled. ‘I expect you’ve all heard the rumours about Teddy Wickham being Philippe Cambone’s son?’ Well, they’re true – and I am his mother, which as you’ll realize makes me Cindy’s grandmother.’ Anna paused reflectively before continuing.
‘Learning of Cindy’s existence is one of the two good personal things that has come out of Cannes for me,’ Anna said quietly. ‘Meeting Teddy Wickham, my son with Philippe, is the other.’ She took a glass of champagne from Leo. ‘Things are still up in the air but at least certain things are out in the open now. Although it’s going to take weeks, if not months, to finally sort things out.’ She sighed as she watched the fizzing bubbles in her glass.
‘Unfortunately Teddy’s not as ecstatic as I am at the news of our relationship but I’m happy finally knowing who he is, what he’s doing. Just knowing my son is alive and well after all the years of silence is, I have to tell you, an indescribable joy.’ Anna smiled looking across at Leo.
The whoosh of a firework made them all jump and look skywards in time to see red, silver and gold star-bursts explode into the heavens. The display was beginning.
‘Right folks, raise your glasses to Helen, star of Future Promises,’ Leo said. ‘And please make a note against September twelfth in your diaries – we expect to see you all in church.’