
Mercury Retrograde in Your 9th House

This is the part of your chart connected to your ‘cosmic path’ through life and also adventure, study, travel and education. When Mercury ‘goes backwards’ here you can expect to be doing some rethinking and reconsidering about one of these subjects. Perhaps it’s time to take another look at the philosophies you live your life by. Are there some more things to learn? There could also be confusion in one of these areas.

Take extra care if you’re travelling or studying. Travelling now could lead you on some wild and wacky adventures which weren’t included in your original itinerary. Don’t put valuable items in your luggage as they’re more likely than usual to get lost in transit (temporarily, hopefully).

If you’re studying, take care with your work because sometimes what’s done under Mercury retrograde has to be done again. If you’re editing written work, reviewing a course or retaking a self-improvement course, you’ve chosen the ideal moment for it. If you’re wondering whether or not to throw yourself headlong into a Big Life Adventure, let the cycle unfold without making any major decisions – unless you’re turned on by uncertainty and possible changes of plan!

In a nutshell

The 9th House governs travel, study and the great cosmic quest to understand life. This is the ‘adventure zone’ in your chart – where you go off on quests to discover the world and the cosmos. It’s also the ‘study zone’ and where people see the proverbial ‘bigger picture’. When Mercury retrogrades here, it’s likely time to rethink at least some of this.

Five things to do

The upside

This is a great time to revise any written work and to explore books that make you think differently about the world. If you want to get published yourself, allocate some time to edit your work if you can.

This part of your chart is also about travel and this can be a good time to go somewhere far away that you’ve been to before.

If you’re dealing with a legal matter, it can come back up now, for further review.

Watch out for…

Although it can be fun to revisit a previous adventure spot, long-distance travel can also go wrong when Mercury is retrograde in your 9th House. You might get to your destination without too many problems and then find out your luggage hasn’t joined you. Be prepared for delays, cancellations and traffic holdups.

Any legal issues you’re involved in could become complicated now. The best approach is to take things carefully – one step at a time. Make sure you understand everything clearly and that everyone concerned can clearly understand what you say.

It can be harder than usual to keep the bigger picture in mind. You might need to take some time to visualize where you want to be. Perhaps your faith in yourself has been shaken. If you consider your past and your successes, you’ll find it much easier to recover your optimism.

Cosmic extras

Top three affirmations: These affirmations are designed to help you make the most of Mercury retrograde in your 9th House. Choose one and repeat it all day, then choose another and repeat that, then choose the third and go with that. Repeat often.

I know that I am blessed.

Life is an adventure.

The world is my oyster.

Essential oil: Sandalwood

Goddess: Fortuna, goddess of chance

Archangel: Raguel, angel of peace

After the retrograde

Mercury going forwards again in your 9th House means life should be a little easier to follow or make sense of again (until the next retrograde period, anyway). As Mercury was retrograde in your 9th House of travel, study, adventure and life philosophies, chances are you’ve been feeling like your study or travel plans have been on an endless repeat cycle and going nowhere fast. Your life and plans will soon start to advance in the right direction now and, as that happens, you might even see how the delays of the past few weeks were actually to your benefit. As Mercury changes direction, there could be one last dose of Mercury madness and then you can expect study and travel plans to start to fall into place.
