
Mercury Retrograde in Your 10th House

This part of your chart is connected to your career and social standing. When Mercury is retrograde here you can expect to be doing some rethinking and reconsidering regarding your public face and your career and professional standing – and there could also be some confusion. Take extra care around the office (or wherever you work) and be sure that silly mistakes don’t mar your performance. That’s the possible downside of this cycle – little errors. The upside is that you’re able to rethink your ambitions now. Are you happy with your job direction or is it time to start looking around for something new, with more benefits that suit you?

For some there are career advancement delays. Some of you’ll be able to renegotiate your work terms and conditions, such as arranging to work from home on occasion. For others there will be long overdue rewards for a job well done, be they financial, a welcome pat on the back, or even a tempting job offer from elsewhere.

In a nutshell

This House covers ambitions and career – how you make your mark. Your 10th House talks about what you came into this world to achieve and how you’re going to attempt to pull that off. This should show how you’ll make your mark and where you’ll stand in society – your status. Do you feel as if you were brought to this Earth to achieve great things? Questions about these parts of life will come up.

Five things to do

The upside

This is a good time to update your resume and network in your field. It’s also a great time to rethink your career path and work on redefining your reputation. Although this isn’t necessarily a good time to change jobs (unless you left the last one under Mercury retrograde), you can start to plan where you want your career to go in the long term.

If you had a job offer that fell through or had your eye on a job that didn’t materialize, this is the time when it can come back into view.

This cycle can cause professional mayhem but used well, it can be a time to redefine your job description and even rewrite it.

Watch out for…

There may be issues with your career at this time; for example, a promotion could be delayed, or there could be misunderstandings with your boss that are highly frustrating. It’s best to be patient and take a cautious approach. Similarly, be as clear as possible if your job involves working with the public. This isn’t a good time to apply for a new job.

If you’re self-employed, take care with new contracts and clients. You might need to reconsider how you market yourself and the clients you want to work with.

Cosmic extras

Top three affirmations: These affirmations are designed to help you make the most of Mercury retrograde in your 10th House. Choose one and repeat it all day, then choose another and repeat that, then choose the third and go with that. Repeat often.

I am going places.

It’s wonderful to be so successful.

I love seeing my plans work out.

Essential oil: Laurel

Goddess: Juno, goddess of commitment

Archangel: Azrael, angel of transition

After the retrograde

Mercury going forwards again in your 10th House means you can expect fewer career misunderstandings. As Mercury has been retrograde in your 10th House of career, the focus was your professional life. If you’ve been going round the houses at work, making silly mistakes, enduring upsets with colleagues or co-workers and generally wishing you could get away from it all to a place where you don’t need to go to the office, that was Mercury retrograde. As this cycle ends, expect (or at least allow for) one more round of discombobulation, and then it will be easier to think straight. If you’ve been rethinking your career strategy over the past few weeks, it’s almost time to implement your new plans.
