It’s time to have another think about your friends and social networks, as well as your hopes and dreams. The upside is that you’re able to acquire new insights into who your friends really are. Are they a good influence? The downside is that some of your friendships will suffer unless you can stay in good humour.
Accept that some of your hopes and dreams are changing; do you just need a new approach to make them come true or is it time to reconsider their validity?
Paradoxically, the 11th House encompasses the things you do to fit in with your tribe, but also your need to stand out and proclaim your unique individuality.
One of the best ways to think of this cycle is to imagine someone hanging upside down – they see the world from another angle. This is what you can do whenever a problem crops up between now and the end of the cycle, whether it’s connected to a person or to something you’re trying to ‘make happen’. Look at any dramas from another angle.
This House is all about your friends and the social circles to which you belong. It’s about the people you associate and hang out with and the people who feel like kindred spirits. It’s about being part of a team and how well you can fit in to that role. It’s about your peers and what kind of friend you are. This part of the chart is also about your hopes and dreams. All this is up for review under this cycle.
You can indeed catch up with old friends at this time and you may bump into each other unexpectedly. If there’s an old friend you wish you hadn’t grown apart from, getting back in touch now can work well for you.
Mercury retrograde in the 11th House also helps you to discover who your real friends are. Therefore, this might be the time to get rid of any connections that no longer serve you.
Similarly, it’s a good time for gaining insights into why you’ve joined the groups you’ve been involved in and what you’ve learned from them.
Naturally, there may be misunderstandings with friends: gatherings may be postponed or cancelled, and friends may be uncommunicative or give off mixed signals. But make sure you have the right end of the stick before you stomp off in a temper. It’s best not to place too much value on gossip and rumour.
It might all become too much and you’ll decide to withdraw from the social scene for a while. It will do you no harm at all to recharge your batteries and take some time to discover who you are away from others.
This isn’t a good time to buy a computer or other electronic devices, and you may find your mobile keeps disappearing every five minutes.
Top three affirmations: These affirmations are designed to help you make the most of Mercury retrograde in your 11th House. Repeat them often.
I am connected to all life everywhere.
I love my friends and my friends love me.
My dreams are now manifesting,
under grace in perfect ways.
Essential oil: Frankincense
Goddess: Isis, the great goddess
Archangel: Uriel, the illuminating angel
Hallelujah! Mercury going forwards again means life will be less confusing. Because it’s been retrograde in your 11th House of friends, it’s likely impacted your social life. If you’ve been having hassles with your mates over the past few weeks, or it’s felt like people are trying to misunderstand you, that’s why. As Mercury changes direction, expect one more awkward friendship ‘moment’. If and when it comes, try to stay cool because after that, life really will flow more easily.