Il_9780757397950_0033_001 Understand that rejection is just part of life, but those who learn to deal with rejection effectively are always the ones who ultimately become successful and accomplish their goals.

Il_9780757397950_0033_001 Realize that rejection is really just a myth. It’s simply a concept that I hold in my head—nothing more.

Il_9780757397950_0033_001 Recognize that feedback only becomes rejection if my mind wanders and I tell myself something extra like, “I knew I was no good!” Only then can I make rejection negative. In other words, I must first allow myself to feel rejected in order to feel lousy.

Il_9780757397950_0033_001 I will remember SW-SW-SW-SW whenever I ask anyone for anything: “Some will, some won’t, so what?—someone’s waiting.”

Il_9780757397950_0033_001 Realize that every rejection I face can move me closer to a “yes.”

Il_9780757397950_0033_001 When someone says “no,” I will just say “Next!” and keep on moving toward my dream.