Evolving DOD Web Sites for Operation Iraqi Freedom


THIS IS THE official DOD casualty total, which can be easily found on the regular DOD Web site. It includes both hostile and non-hostile deaths but provides wounded statistics only for those wounded in combat (hostile wounds).



Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) U.S. Casualty Status*
Fatalities as of: December 26, 2007, 10 a.m. EST


**These columns indicate the number of service members who were Wounded in Action (WIA) and Returned to Duty (RTD) within 72 hours and WIA and Not Returned to Duty within 72 hours. To determine the total WIA figure, add the columns “WIA RTD” and “WIA Not RTD” together. These figures are updated on Tuesday unless there is a preceding holiday.




THIS WAS DOD’S hard-to-find full tally before DOD changed the format. As of January 6, 2007, it listed the “Total Number of ‘non-mortal casualties,’” including hostile and non-hostile deaths; combat woundings; and non-hostile wounds, injuries, and diseases that were serious enough to require medical transport. As of January 6, 2007, the number of non-mortal casualties was 47,657 for Iraq. The chart no longer exists in this format.

Global War on Terrorism—Operation Iraqi Freedom
By Casualty Category Within Serivce (March 19, 2003, Through January 6, 2007)


*Includes died of wounds where wounding occurred in theater and death occurred elsewhere.

**Pending means final category to be determined at a later date.

***Navy totals include Coast Guard.

****Reported by Deployment Health Support Directorate (through December 4, 2006).




THIS IS DOD’S current list of casualties, in the new format. It lists hostile and non-hostile deaths, hostile woundings, and non-hostile medical air transports. To find the total non-mortal casualties (previously listed as “Total Number of Non-Mortal Casualties”), you must add the “Wounded—No Medical Air Transport Required” plus “Total Hostile and Non-Hostile Medical Transports.” As of December 8, 2007, this number was 58,846 for Iraq (available at http://siadapp.dmdc.osd.mil/personnel/CASUALTY/OIF-Total.pdf). Similar charts were altered for Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan).

Global War on Terrorism—Operation Iraqi Freedom
By Casualty Category Within Serivce (March 19, 2003, Through December 8, 2007)


*Includes died of wounds where wounding occurred in theater and death occurred elsewhere.

**Pending means final category to be determined at a later date.

***Navy totals include Coast Guard.

****Reported by Force Health Protection and Readiness.