There are three things I never wanted to do in this life and one of them was to write a book. Nonetheless I have and without the following people, I truly could never have done it. The fact that “I” could write this book suggests anyone can do anything.
To my agent, Christine Tomasino: intelligent, funny, savvy, tireless, committed, detailed, hugely insightful, friend—a torchbearer for something bigger than words—she only stepped in when she was needed and she was needed a lot.
To St. Martin’s Press: George Witte, Matt Baldacci, and Sally Richardson for seeing the potential and caring about this story for all the right reasons. To Brenda Copeland: my editor at St. Martin’s Press; happy-go-lucky, intuitive, hilarious, genius—she got the questions right and very often went very far beyond the pale to care, meet, and to work with my content. To Laura Chasen—Brenda’s assistant behind the scenes; David Stanford Burr, production editor and copy editor; James Iacobelli, cover designer; Eric Rayman, attorney; Stephanie Hargadon, publicist. I bow to all your talents with my sincerest gratitude for your expert assistance.
To Norman Seeff for granting permission for the use of your photograph of Steve for the cover.
To Ciba Shanãe, and all others who have generously shared their research and teachings with me.
To Eric Case, who just kept giving me computers as I burned through them writing drafts for over five years.
To the Suppes women: Deborah, Trisha, Anney, Christine, and Joanne, who I never had the privilege of meeting. You were pivotal in supporting, advancing, and preserving everything that was important in the development and completion of this book.
To Margo McAuliff and Rhadiante; you gave me a home to live in while I found my feet for both my health and my book.
To Jay Schaefer, Terri Beuthin, and Alan Briskin, Ph.D., for your kind and gifted assistance in the earlier edits.
To Damon Miller, M.D., for helping me keep body and soul together.
To Ruben Fuentez and Ann O’Hearn—you know what you did.
—Thank you!