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of Brennan, C., by Jobs, S.

Simpson, M., books on

abortion consideration for Brennan-Jobs

abusive childhood, of Brennan, C.

action paintings, of Pollard

adoption, of Brennan-Jobs, Brennan, C., consideration of

adoption, of Jobs, S.

biological father’s meeting with

biological parents’ marriage

feelings of loss from

grade-school bullying for

Jobs, C., recounting of

lawsuit on, by Simpson, J.

meeting with Simpson, J.

“All Along the Watchtower” by Dylan

All One Farm

Apple name from

Brennan, C., and

Jobs, S., at

meditation at

Mucusless Diet at

pickling and canning at

spiritual and nonspiritual people at

Allen, Woody

Anywhere But Here (Simpson, Mona)


All One Farm name and

Brennan, C., employment at

Brennan, C., on

event, Brennan-Jobs attendance at

going public

Jobs, S., removal from

Jobs, S., value change at

Kottke on history of

The Lisa Computer


Art Center College of Design

art films

astrological charts


Atkinson, Bill

awkwardness, of Jobs, S.

Baez, Joan

Be Here Now (Ram Dass)

Beat Poets

birth control

Black, Jim (“Trout”)

at Duveneck Ranch

Black Panthers

blue box technology

description of

Bodhian, Steve

body chemistry, Jobs, S., on

Brennan, Chrisann. See also pregnancy, of Brennan, C.

abandonment, by Jobs, S.

abusive childhood of

All One Farm and

on Apple

Apple employment by

art award

Art Center application by

art films

Calhoun relationship with

California College of Arts and Crafts attendance by

color-based therapy system and

on computers

creativity of

death of Jobs, S., affect on

dream state of

employment of

family background of

father description by

first meeting with Jobs, S.

food interest timeline by

graduation trip

Haiku Zendo, Zen Buddhist community and

“Hampstead” award for

Holler as art teacher of

illustrations for Taipan

Karmapa meeting with

Kottke, Jobs, S., house with

letters, of Jobs, S., to

libel on

low profile of


meeting parents of Jobs, S.

on men

mural design and painting by

Redse relationship with

Reed College visit

relationship with infant daughter, Lisa

reporter interviews with

San Francisco Art Institute attendance by

Simpson, M., relationship with

sister, Kathy

skating outings

summer cabin with Jobs, S.

at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Time magazine article and

unkindness of Jobs, S., toward

welfare receipt by

writing of

Brennan, James Richard

Brennan, C., view of

as Brennan, C.’s father

on Brennan, C.’s, creativity

Brennan-Jobs, Lisa Nichole

abortion consideration for

adoption consideration for

Apple event attendance by

Brennan, C., relationship with infant

child support, by Jobs, S.

Claire name consideration for

competitive nature of

Friedlands, at birth of

Jobs, P., rejection of

Jobs, S., relationship with

as Jobs, S.’s, daughter

Kottke on

The Lisa Computer

as magical child

The Nueva School attendance by

paternity denial by Jobs, S.

Simpson, M., relationship with

therapy for

Waldorf school attendance by

Brilliant, Girija

Brilliant, Larry

Bruce, Lenny

Buddhism. See also Haiku Zendo Zen Buddhist community


Calhoun, Gregor (“Greg”)

Brennan, C., relationship with

graphic facilitation of

India trip

Karmapa meeting with

California College of Arts and Crafts

Canfil, Art

Carlisle, Tom

Carné, Marcel

Carnegie, Andrew

Chabay, Ilan

Chaplin, Charlie

child support, for Brennan-Jobs

Children of Paradise film

Chino, Harriet

Chino, Kobun. See also Haiku Zendo Zen Buddhist community

Brennan, C., relationship with

death of

Jobs, S., influence by

at Jobs, S.’s, Woodside house

marijuana and

power abuse of

pregnancy advice of

unaccountability of

on women

City Arts and Lectures, NPR


finishing project of

Cohen, Leonard

Cold War mentality

college, Jobs, S., class auditing

color-based therapy system

competitive nature

of Brennan-Jobs

of Jobs, S.

computers. See also Apple

Brennan, C., on

casing prototype

The Lisa Computer

Count Basie

Creative Visualization (Gawain)



of Brennan, C.

at Homestead High School

cruelty, of Jobs, S.

Dalai Lama

Darkness on the Edge of Town by Springsteen

Day for Night film, by Truffaut


of Chino, K.

Jobs, S., prediction of

of Jobs, S.

of Jobs, S., Brennan, C. effect on

deception, by Jobs, S.

Dial-A-Joke machine

The Diary (Nin)


Don’t Look Back documentary

Dorsey, Tommy

Draper, John (“Captain Crunch”)

dream state

of Brennan, C.

of Jobs, S.

drug use



Dune (Herbert)

Duveneck, Frank

Duveneck, Josephine

Duveneck Ranch

Black at

Dylan, Bob


Don’t Look Back documentary on

films about

Handbook of Becoming

Jobs, S., reworking of songs by

Eastern teaching

Eckstein, Steve

Ehret, Arnold

Elder, Muldoon

emotional blocks, Ehret’s diet for release of

empathy, of Jobs, S.

employment, of Brennan, C.

at Apple

cleaning house

at Duveneck

freelance work

mural design and painting


encounter groups

The Enigma of Kasper Hauser film


Jobs, S., and

of Shakespeare

Erhard, Werner


The Family of Man (Steichen)

Faust particle

feminist movement

Fenwick, William

Fernandez, Bill

food interest timeline, by Brennan, C.

Friedland, Abha

at All One Farm

Brennan-Jobs, birth and

Friedland, Robert (“Sita Ram”)

Brennan, C., India trip and

Brennan-Jobs birth and

Jobs, S., and

prison stay of

Future Shock (Toffler)

Gawain, Shakti

genius, of Jobs, S.

Goenka, S. N.

Goodell, Jeff

Goodman, Benny

graduation trip, of Brennan, C.

graphic facilitation

graphic recording

Grey Bridge

Gurdjieff, G. I.

Guthrie, Woody

Haiku Zendo Zen Buddhist community. See also Chino, Kobun

Jobs, S., at

meditation retreats of

Hair musical

“Hampstead” film

Brennan, C., award for

Handbook of Becoming Bob Dylan (Dylan)

Herbert, Frank

Herzfeld, Andy

Hidden Villa Ranch. See Duveneck Ranch

Hill, Napoleon


Holler, Gordon

art events of

as Brennan, C., art teacher

on simultaneity

Holt, Rod

Homestead High School

creativity at

Jobs, S., friendships at

Human Potential Movement

humanity, loss of

The Hunger Project

Hungry Ghosts retreat

I Ching

imaginal disks


Brennan, C., and Calhoun trip to

Brilliant, G., study on women of

experience impact on Jobs, S.

Friedland, R., in

Jobs, S., travel to

parasitic illness of Jobs, S.

Yamuna River

indifference, of Jobs, S.


of Brennan, C.

of Kottke

of Wozniak

Izu, Mark

Janov, Arthur

Japanese Buddhism

Jobs, Clara

on adoption of Jobs, S.

as Jobs, S.’s, mother

physical description of

Jobs, Patty

as Jobs, S.’s, sister

Jobs, Paul

automobile resale by

Brennan-Jobs rejection by

as Jobs, S.’s, father

organization of

second income of

Jobs, Reed, as Jobs, S.’s, son

Jobs, Steve. See also personality, of Jobs, S.

abandonment, of Brennan, C.

adoption of

All One Farm at

Atari employment

blue box technology and

Brennan, C., Kottke house with

child support for Brennan-Jobs by

on childhood trauma

Chino, K., influence on

Cold War outlook by

college class auditing by

color-based therapy system and

computer casing prototype and

death of

death prediction by

deception by

development through arts

dream state of

Eastern teaching role of

enlightenment and

Friedland, R., and

genius of

at Haiku Zendo

high school friendships of

impulses of

India experience impact on

letters to Brennan, C.

loss and worry of

on loss of humanity

LSD experience of

as “Oaf Toabar”

parasitic illness from India

parents’ freedom for

parents meeting with Brennan, C.

on past life

paternity denial of Brennan-Jobs

physical appearance of

play with words

poetry of

Powell relationship and marriage to

on power abuse

power of

primal therapy and

reality distortion field of

Redse as girlfriend of

relationship with Brennan-Jobs

removal from Apple

reworking of Dylan’s songs

Simpson, M., as biological sister to

skating outings and

summer cabin with Brennan, C.

television watching by

Time “Machine of the Year” article

Time “Top 10 Worst Bosses” article on

unkindness toward Brennan C., of

value change at Apple

The Wheatfield Group and

on women

Woodside house of

Johnson, Richard

Jules and Jim film

Karmapa lineage

Kottke, Daniel

on Apple history

Apple stock

Brennan, C., Jobs, S., house with

on Brennan-Jobs

on Brennan-Jobs child support

interviews of

on Jobs, S.’s, values at Apple



The Lady from Shanghai film

lawsuit on adoption, of Jobs, S.

Lennon, John

Life on Two Levels (Duveneck, Josephine)

The Lisa Computer

LSD experience

Brennan, C., description of personal

Jobs, S., experience of

at Santa Cruz boardwalk

trauma release from

“Mama, Please Stay Out” (Jobs, S.)


Chino, K., use of

Markkula, Mike

Martinengo, Bob

McClure, Joyce

McKenna, Regis


at All One Farm

of Brennan, C.

retreats of Haiku Zendo



Meetings with Remarkable Men film

men, Brennan, C., on

mental illness, of Rickey, V.

Miracle of Love (Ram Dass)

Modern Times film

mood swings, of Jobs, S.

Moritz, Michael

“Morning Has Broken” by Stevens

movies, reel-to-reel

Mucusless Diet, at All One Farm

Mucusless Diet Healing System (Ehret)

natural law

Neem Karoli Baba

The New Varsity


Nin, Anaïs

1960s and 1970s

encounter groups during

LSD use during

movements of

“North Country Girl” by Dylan

The Nueva School

“Oaf Toabar”

One Thousand and One Arabian Nights film

organization, of Jobs, S.

Page, Homer

Pan’s restaurant

Patchen, Kenneth

paternity denial, for Brennan-Jobs

Peet’s Coffee

personality, of Jobs, S.


competitive nature


deception and lying




mood swings


problem solver

romantic nature



unconscionable behavior


value of beauty

youthful sensitivity

Pirates of Silicon Valley film

poetry, of Jobs, S.

Pollack, Jackson

Powell, Laurene

power, of Jobs, S.

power abuse

of Chino, K., and Jobs, S.

pregnancy, of Brennan, C.

abortion consideration

adoption consideration by


child’s sex and

Chino, K., advice for

Jobs, S., silent abandonment of

The Primal Scream (Janov)

primal therapy

Brennan C., and

Jobs, S.’s, interest in

Lennon and

prison stay, of Friedland, R.

problem solver, Jobs, S., as

Ram Dass

Be Here Now

Miracle of Love

Raskin, Jeff

reality distortion field, of Jobs., S.

Redding, Otis

Redse, Tina

Brennan, C., relationship with

insights on Jobs, S.

as Jobs, S.’s, girlfriend

Reed College

Brennan, C., visit to

A Regular Guy (Simpson, Mona)

Rickey, Branch

Rickey, Virginia Lavern

as Brennan, C.’s, mother

mental illness of

molestation of

reading by

Robinson, Jackie

Rolling Stone

romantic nature, of Jobs, S.

Roshi, Suzuki

“Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands” by Dylan

San Francisco Art Institute

Santa Cruz boardwalk, LSD experience at

Schylur, Laura

graduation trip

Scott, Mike, on Brennan-Jobs child support

Sculley, John

self-entitlement, of Jobs, S.

sensitivity, of Jobs, S.

Shakespeare, William

shyness, of Jobs, S.

Simpson, Joanne

adoption lawsuit by

adoptive family profile for

Jobs, S., meeting with

as Jobs, S.’s, biological mother

physical description of

Simpson, Mona

books on abandonment by

Brennan, C., relationship with

Brennan-Jobs relationship with

as Jobs, S.’s biological sister

simultaneity, Holler on

Sita Ram. See Friedland, Robert

“Sitting on the Dock of the Bay” by Redding

Springsteen, Bruce

Steichen, Edward

Stevens, Cat

Tagore, Rabindranath

Taipan (Canfil)


kundalini and

Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Tatono, Alfonso

Taylor, Fin

therapy, of Brennan-Jobs

Think and Grow Rich (Hill)

Thomas, Dylan

Thompson, Hunter

Time magazine

Brennan, C., and

on Jobs, S., as “Machine of the Year”

“Top 10 Worst Bosses” article by

Toffler, Alvin

trauma, childhood

Jobs, S., on

release of

Truffaut, François

unconscionable behavior, of Jobs, S.

Under Milk Wood (Thomas)

unkindness, of Jobs, S.


of beauty, to Jobs, S.

change at Apple, of Jobs, S.

vispassana meditation

Waldorf school

Brennan-Jobs attendance at

lessons from

Watts, Alan

welfare assistance

Welles, Orson

The Wheatfield Group

WHO. See World Health Organization

Wilder, Bert

Wilder, Betty


Brilliant, G., study on Indian

Chino, K., on

Dalai Lama on

feminist movement

Jobs, S., on

Woodside house, of Jobs, S.

Chino, K., at

World Health Organization (WHO)

Wozniak, Steve (“Woz”)

blue box technology and

City Arts and Lectures interview by

Dial-A-Joke machine

writing, of Brennan, C.

Yamuna River, India


Zen Buddhist community, of Haiku Zendo

Zen meditation