
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Abplanalp, Bob

Abrams, Creighton

Agnew, Spiro T.

Akins, Jim

Albert, Carl

Allende, Salvador


bombing and

campaign funds and

Anderson, Jack

Annenberg, Walter

Antippas, Andrew

antiwar protests

Cambodia and

Nixon talks with

Apollo program

Arab-Israeli conflict


Armstrong, Anne

Armstrong, Scott

Armstrong, Willis C.

Arroyo Márquez, Nicolás

Assad, Bashar

Assad, Hafiz


Baker, Howard


Barker, Bernard “Macho”

Bayh, Birch

Bay of Pigs invasion

Beam, Jacob

Beecher, William

Begin, Menachem

Bennett, Donald

Bernstein, Carl

Black, Hugo

black-bag jobs

Black Panthers (Thai regiment)


Blind Ambition (Dean)

Blood, Archer

Bolz, Charles

Bork, Robert

Breakfast Plan

Brennan, Peter J.

Brezhnev, Leonid

summit of 1972 and

summit of 1973 and

summit of 1974 and

Yom Kippur War and

Brookings Institution

Brown, Dean

Brown, Frederick Z.

Buchanan, Pat

Buchanan, Wiley

Buchwald, Art

Buffum, William

Bui Diem

Bull, Steve

Bundy, McGeorge

Bunker, Ellsworth

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

Bureau of the Budget

Burger, Warren

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

Bush v. Gore

Butterfield, Alexander

Buzhardt, J. Fred

Byrd, Robert

Byrne, William Matthew, Jr.


Calley, William L.


bombing of

Congress and

fall of

funding and

invasion of

records falsified

campaign contributions

ambassadorships and

Checkers speech and


slush funds and

Camp David

tape system in

Carlucci, Frank

Carswell, G. Harrold

Carter, Jimmy

Casey, William

Castro, Fidel

Caulfield, Jack

Ceauşescu, Nicolae

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

budget of

Cambodia and

Chile and

Diem and

FBI investigation and

India-Pakistan war and

Iran and

Laos and

Nixon reshapes

NSC and

secret cash and

surveillance and

Thailand and

U-2 and

Vietnam and

Watergate burglars and

Central Office for South Vietnam (COSVN)

Chambers, Whittaker

Chang Wenjin

Chapin, Dwight L.

Cheek, James R.

Cheney, Dick

Chennault, Anna

Chen Yi

Chiang Kai-shek



India and

Kissinger and

Nixon visit to

Shanghai communiqué and

Soviets and

Vietnam and

Chisholm, Shirley

Church, Frank

Churchill, Winston

Clifford, Clark

Clinton, Bill

Clinton, Hillary Rodham

Colby, William

Cold War

Colson, Charles W. “Chuck”

FBI and

Hunt and

indictment of

Nixon and

Senate Watergate Committee and

Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP)

indictments and

Senate Watergate Committee and

Watergate break-in and


Conein, Lucien

Congressional Record

Connally, John

Corporate Security Consultants International

Costa Rica

Cox, Archibald

Cromwell, Oliver


missile crisis

Cuban Americans

Dash, Sam

Davydov, Boris N.

Dean, John Wesley, III

appointed legal counsel to Nixon

CREEP covert ops plans and

criminal lawyer and

decides to testify and resign

Ellsberg psychiatrist break-in and

FBI investigation and

federal prosecutors and proffer by

Gray and

guilty plea of

Hunt’s safe and

Huston Plan and

impeachment and

IRS and

Nixon on

Nixon conversation of September 15, 1972, with

Nixon conversation of February 27, 1973, with

Nixon conversation of March 17, 1973, with

Nixon conversation of March 21, 1973, with (“cancer on presidency”)

Nixon conversation of April 15, 1973, with

Nixon conversation of April 16, 1973, with

Nixon tapes and

Senate Watergate Committee and

Watergate break-in and trials and

Watergate report for Nixon and

Deep Throat. See also Felt, Mark

DEFCON alert

Defense Department (Pentagon)

Defense Intelligence Agency

de Gaulle, Charles

DeLoach, Cartha “Deke”

Democratic National Committee (DNC). See also Watergate break-in

Democratic National Convention

of 1968

of 1972

Democratic Party

Democrats for Nixon

de Roulet, Vincent

Diem, Ambassador. See Bui Diem

Diem, President. See Ngo Dinh Diem

Dirksen, Everett

Disraeli, Benjamin

Doar, John

Dobrynin, Anatoly

Doyle, James

Duck Hook plan

Dulles, John Forster

Eagleburger, Larry

Eagleton, Thomas

Eastland, James

East Pakistan

Eastwood, Clint

EC-121 (NSA spy plane)


Nixon trip to

Yom Kippur War and

Ehrlichman, John D.

elections and

Ellsberg and


indictment of

Joint Chiefs and

Plumbers and

Senate Watergate Committee and

Vietnam and

Watergate and

wiretaps and

Eisenhower, David

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

death of

Nixon as vice president and

Eisenhower, Julie Nixon


of 1946

of 1950

of 1952

of 1960

of 1962

of 1964

of 1968

of 1970

of 1972

Ellsberg, Daniel

emergency detention

Emerson, Gloria

Environmental Protection Agency

Ervin, Sam, Jr.

Espionage Act (1917)

executive privilege

Faisal, king of Iraq

Faisal, king of Saudi Arabia

Farkas, Ruth

Farland, Joseph

Farmer, James

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

death of Hoover and

Gray nomination and

LBJ and

Watergate and

Federalist Papers

Felt, Mark

Fielding, Lewis

Foa, Sylvana

Ford, Gerald

Foreign Affairs


Franco, Francisco

Frost, David

Fulbright, J. William

Gandhi, Indira

Garment, Leonard

Garthoff, Ray

Gayler, Noel

Gelb, Leslie

Gemstone plan

Gillespie, Charles Anthony, Jr.

Gladstone, William

Gonzales, Virgilio

Goodby, James E.

Graham, Billy

Gray, L. Patrick

Great Society

Greek junta

Green, Marshall

Gromyko, Andrei


Habib, Philip

Haig, Alexander M.

Ellsberg and

Kissinger and

SALT and

Southeast Asia and

Watergate and

Yom Kippur War and

Haiphong harbor

Haldeman, Harry Robbins “H. R.”

antiwar protests and

Asian trip and

Cabinet and

Cambodia and

campaign contributions and

China and

CIA and


Deep Throat and


diary of

domestic spying and

elections and

FBI and


India-Pakistan war and

indictment of

IRS and

Joint Chiefs and

Kissinger and

Laos and

Nixon inner circle and

nuclear weapons and

Pentagon Papers and

Senate Watergate hearings and

Soviet summits and

Vietnam and

Watergate and

White House tapes and

Halperin, Morton

Hanoi, bombing of

Harlan, John Marshall

Harlow, Bryce N.

Hart, Samuel F.

Haynsworth, Clement

Health, Education, and Welfare Department

Hecksher, Henry

Helms, Richard

heroin trafficking

Hill, Robert C.

Himma, Einar


Hiss, Alger

Hmong tribe

Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh Trail

Holdridge, John

Hoover, J. Edgar

death of

HUAC and

Horan, Hume

Houghton, Arthur A., III

Howland, Richard C.

Hughes, Howard

Humphrey, Hubert H.

Hunt, E. Howard

Diem cable forgeries and

Ellsberg and

Watergate and

White House safe and

Hussein, king of Jordan

Huston, Tom Charles

Huston Plan

Hutschnecker, Arnold

Hyland, William


India-Pakistan war


Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT)




Nixon trip to

Yom Kippur War and


Jaeger, George



Jaworski, Leon

Johnson, Lyndon B.

elections of 1968 and

Presidential Library

Vietnam and

Joint Chiefs of Staff

NSC and

Vietnam and


Justice Department

Kalmbach, Herbert

Karamessines, Thomas

Kemper, Ronnie

Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted”

Kennedy, John F.

assassination of

Presidential Library

Vietnam and

Kennedy, Richard Thomas

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kent State killings

Kerry, John


Khan, Sultan

Khan, Yahya

Khrushchev, Nikita

Killgore, Andrew

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Kissinger, Henry

appointed national security adviser

appointed secretary of state

Arab-Israeli conflict and

Asian tour and

Cambodia and

Chile and

China and


Haig and

India-Pakistan war and

Iran and

Joint Chiefs and

Kent State and

Laos and

leaks and wiretapping and

Nixon inner circle and

North Korea and

Pentagon Papers and

SALT and

Soviets and

Taiwan and

Vietnam and

Vietnam peace accords and

Watergate and

White House tapes and

Yom Kippur War and

Kleindienst, Richard

Knight, Hal

Korean War

Kosygin, Alexei

Kreisky, Bruno

Krogh, Egil, Jr. “Bud”

Laird, Melvin

Lake, Tony

Lam Son 719 attack

Lange, Howard H.

Lano, Angelo J.


LaRue, Frederick C.

Lawrence of Arabia


Le Duan

Le Duc Tho

Lenin, V. I.

Liddy, G. Gordon

indictment of

Lincoln, Abraham

Linebacker campaign

Lodge, Henry Cabot

Lon Nol

Lord, Winston

Lowenstein, Jim

MacArthur, Douglas

Madison, James

Magruder, Jeb Stuart

Mao Tse-tung

Marbury v. Madison

Marcos, Ferdinand

Mardian, Robert

Marshall, Thurgood

Martinez, Eugenio

McCain, John S., III

McCain, John S., Jr.

McCord, James

indictment of

letter to Sirica

McGovern, George

McNamara, Robert Strange

Meir, Golda

Menu attacks

Merry, E. Wayne

Midway, USS

Miller, David D., Jr.

Miller, Ed

Miller, William Green


Mitchell, John Newton

antiwar protests and

Carswell and

elections of 1972 and

Hoover and

indictment of

Joint Chiefs and

Nixon inner circle and

Vietnam and

Watergate and

wiretaps and

Mitchell, Martha

Montgomery, James Marvin

Moorer, Thomas H.

Moose, Dick

Morris, Roger

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

Muskie, Edmund

My Lai massacre

Naftali, Timothy

National Environmental Policy Act

National Security Agency (NSA)

National Security Council (NSC)


Negroponte, John

New York Post

New York Times

Ngo Dinh Diem

Nguyen Cao Ky

Nguyen Duy Hinh

Nguyen Van Thieu

elections and

peace accords blocked by


Nitze, Paul

Nixon, Donald

Nixon, Julie (daughter)

Nixon, Richard M.

abuse of power by

addresses, on Cambodia

addresses, on Checkers

addresses, on Soviet summit

addresses, on State of the Union (1974)

addresses, on Vietnam, 1969

addresses, on Watergate

addresses, to GOP leaders

addresses, to NATO

addresses, to news executives

addresses, to POWs

Agnew and

ambassadors and

anticommunism and

antiwar protests and

Apollo 11 and

Arab-Israeli conflict and

balance of power and

blacks and

Bobby Kennedy and

brother Don and

Cabinet and

California gubernatorial election and

Cambodia and

campaign contributions and

Caulfield hired by

Cheney and

Chile and

China and

China visit and Mao summit

CIA and

Colson and

Congress and

Cox appointment and

Cox firing and Saturday Night Massacre


crime and

daughters and

Dean and

death and grave of

death of Hoover and

declassified documents on

Deep Throat known to

DEFCON alert and

diary of

Diem assassination and

domestic policy and

domestic spying and

drinking and

early life and rise of

Ehrlichman and

elections of 1960

elections of 1968

elections of 1972

Ellsberg and

FBI and

FBI and, Gray nomination

final year of presidency

Ford pardon and

foreign policy and

Frost interviews of

Greek junta and

Haig and

Haldeman and

health problems of

Helms on

heroin task force and

Hiss and

Ho Chi Minh and

Hoover and

Hughes and

Huston Plan and

“I am not a crook” statement

impeachment and

inaugurals and

India-Pakistan war and

inner circle of

insomnia and

IRS and

Italy and

ITT and

Jaworski as special prosecutor and

JFK and

Joint Chiefs’ spying and

Kent State and

Key Biscayne and

King on

Kissinger and

Kleindienst and

Laird and

Laos and

LBJ and

leaks and

legacy of

marriage of

memoirs of

mental state of

midterm elections of 1970 and

military records falsified by

Mitchell and

mother and

My Lai and

national security and

national security team and

Nixon Doctrine and

North Korea and

North Vietnam bombing and

NSA watch list and

NSC and

nuclear arms and

O’Brien and

Pakistan and

personality and paranoia of

Plumbers and

pomp and

postpresidency and

POWs and

Presidential Library

Presley and

press and

press conferences and

Rebozo and

resignation of

Richardson and

Rogers and

Rumsfeld and

SALT talks and

San Clemente and

Saxbe appointed attorney general by

secret statutes and

Senate Foreign Relations Committee and

Senate Watergate hearings and

Six Crises and

Soviets and

Soviet summits and

Supreme Court appointments and

Supreme Court decision on tapes and

Taiwan and

Thai generals and

Thurgood Marshall and

trip to Asia and Eastern Europe

trip to Belgium

trip to China

trip to Europe

trip to France

trip to Indonesia

trip to Iran

trip to Ireland

trip to Middle East

trip to Pakistan

trip to Spain

vice presidency of

Vietnam and

Vietnam and, LBJ sabotaged by

Vietnam funding and

Vietnamization and

Vietnam Peace Accords of 1973 and

Vietnam peace talks and

Walters memcons and

War Powers Resolution and

warrantless wiretapping and

Watergate break-in and arrests and

Watergate investigation and

as Watergate unindicted coconspirator

Watergate white paper and

White House Correspondents’ Dinner and

White House tapes and

White House tapes subpoena fight

Yom Kippur War and

Nixon, Thelma Ryan “Pat” (wife)

Nixon, Tricia (daughter)

North Atlantic Council

North Korea

North Vietnam

bombing of

Cambodia and

China and

Laos and

LBJ bombing halt and

Paris Peace Accords

peace talks and

nuclear weapons

Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy (Kissinger)

Oakley, Robert

Obama, Barack

O’Brien, Lawrence

Odle, Robert C., Jr.

oil embargo

Olympics (Munich, 1972)

Operation Sandwedge


war vs. India


Pappas, Thomas

Parkinson, Kenneth

Pelletier, Joan

Pentagon Papers

Petersen, Henry


Phillips, David Atlee


Podgorny, Nikolai V.

Powell, Lewis


Pratt, Mark

Presley, Elvis

Price, Ray

Proxmire, William

Rabin, Yitzhak

Radford, Charles

RAND Corporation

Ransom, David M.

Reagan, Ronald

Rebozo, C. G. “Bebe”

Rehnquist, William

Republican National Committee

Republican National Convention

of 1952

of 1964

of 1972

Republican Party

Richardson, Elliot

Rockefeller, Nelson

Rodman, Peter

Rogers, Kenneth

Rogers, William

Nixon’s relationship with

resignation of


Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Rose, Horace Chapman “Chappie”

Rostow, Walt W.

Ruckelshaus, William

Rumsfeld, Donald

Rush, Kenneth

Rushing, Charles E.

Rusk, Dean

Russell, Richard

Sadat, Anwar

SALT talks

Sanchez, Manolo

Sanders, Don

Saturday Night Massacre

Saudi Arabia

Saunders, Hal

Sawyer, Diane

Saxbe, William B.

Scalia, Antonin

Schatzkin, Lynn

Schlesinger, James

Schmidt, Helmut

Schneider, René

Scott, Hugh

Scott, Win

Scowcroft, Brent

Secret Service

Sedov, Boris

September 11, 2001, attacks

Sequoia (presidential yacht)

Shaffer, Charles N., Jr.

Shanghai communiqué

Sheehan, Neil

Shelton, Turner B.

Shultz, George P.

Sinatra, Frank

Sirica, John

McCord letter to

White House tapes and

Six Crises (Nixon)

Smirnov, Leonid V.

Smith, Gerald

Smith, Michael B.

Smith, Sandy

Snowden, Edward

Somoza, Anastasio

Sonnenfeldt, Helmut

South Vietnam. See also Vietnam War

CIA and

Diem coup and

elections in

fall of

Laos and

LBJ and

Nixon meets leaders of

peace blocked by

South Vietnamese Army (ARVN)

Souvanna Phouma

Soviet Union

Arab-Israeli conflict and

China and



India and

madman tactic and

Nixon on

nuclear arms and

SALT and

summit of 1972 (Moscow)

summit of 1973 (U.S.)

summit of 1974 (Moscow)

Vietnam and

Yom Kippur War and


Spínola, António de

Stalin, Joseph

Stans, Maurice

State Department

St. Clair, James D.

Stearman, William Lloyd

Stein, John

Stennis, John

Stone, W. Clement

Strachan, Gordon

Sturgis, Frank


Suddarth, Roscoe S.


Sullivan, William H.

Swank, Emory C.

Symington, Stuart



Talenti, Pier

Talmadge, Herman

Tasca, Henry

Tchepone attacks




Toon, Malcolm

Toufanian, Hassan

Townhouse Operation

Tran Kim Phuong

Treasury Department

Truman, Harry S.

U-2 spy planes

Ulasewicz, Tony

Unger, Leonard

United Nations

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

U.S. Congress

Camp David tapes and

Ford as vice president and

Nixon elected to

Nixon’s contempt for

war powers and

Watergate and

U.S. Constitution

executive privilege and

impeachment and

special prosecutor and

war powers

U.S. House of Representatives

Judiciary Committee

Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

U.S. Navy

U.S. Senate

Armed Services Committee

Foreign Relations Committee

impeachment and

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities (Watergate Committee)

U.S. Senate Special Select Committee on Emergency Powers and War Powers

U.S. Supreme Court

Nixon’s nominations to

Pentagon Papers and

warrantless wiretaps and

White House tapes and

United States v. Agnew

United States v. Mitchell

United States v. Nixon

Valenzuela, Camilo

Veliotes, Nicholas A.

Verification Panel

Vesco, Robert

Viaux, Roberto

Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW)

Vietnam War. See also antiwar protests, Cambodia; Laos; North Vietnam; South Vietnam


China and

Christmas Bombing and

CIA and

Congress and

cost of

Diem and

early efforts to end

fall of Saigon and

heroin trade and

Ho Chi Minh and

Ho Chi Minh Trail and

Joint Chiefs and

LBJ and

My Lai massacre and

Nixon addresses on

NSC and

Paris Peace Accords

Paris peace talks

Pentagon Papers and

Philippines and

POWs and

public opinion and

secret Cambodia bombing and

secret spending on

Soviets and

Thai junta and

Vietnamization and

war powers and

Vogt, John

Wallace, George C.

Walsh, Jack

Walters, Vernon

War Powers Act (1973)

warrantless wiretapping

Warren, Earl

Washington, George

Washington March of 1969

Washington Post

Washington Special Actions Group

Washington Star

Watergate break-in (June 17, 1972). See also U.S. Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities; White House tapes; and specific individuals

defendants sentenced

hush money and

indictments and

McCord letter to Sirica on

planned and approved


Watergate federal grand jury

Nixon’s inner circle indicted by

Watergate special prosecutor

articles of impeachment and

Cox appointed

Cox fired

Jaworski appointed

Watts, William

Wayne, John

Weather Underground

Welander, Robert

Weyand, Frederick C.

Wheeler, Earle

White, Alfred Joseph

White, Bob

White, Theodore

White House Correspondents’ Dinner

White House tapes

June 20, 1972 (eighteen-and-a-half-minute gap)

June 23, 1972 (“smoking gun”)

March 21, 1973 (“cancer on presidency”)

April 15, 1973

Blue Book of expurgated

final release of

first installed

impeachment and

recording ended

Senate Watergate Hearings discover

subpoena of

Supreme Court and

Wicker, Tom

Will, George

Wilson, Woodrow

Wong, Al

Woods, Rose Mary

Woodward, Bob

World War I

World War II

World War III, threat of

Wright, Charles Alan

Yeagley, J. Walter

Yeats, William B.

Ye Jianying

Yom Kippur War

Young, David R.

Zablocki, Clement

Zhou En-lai

Ziegler, Ron