Spring Fling
Jon transported home spattered with pigment but exhilarated. His mother intercepted him on his way up the stairs.
“Ronny and Kira are almost ready, Jon. Hurry!”
With a grimace, he bolted upstairs and into the shower. Rivulets of red circled the drain. He shampooed his hair twice just to make sure the color was gone. As he dressed, Jon was surprised at how relaxed he was. Although he hadn’t planned on going to Dragon Isle today, the activity had lifted his mood. He glanced at the full-length mirror before he left the room, checking to make sure he’d removed any tags. Ophelia winked at him in his reflected image. Jon wavered for a moment. Finally, he threaded the ring on a chain, and wore Ophelia underneath his pleated shirt. If Mr. and Mrs. Tanner took a dim view of men’s jewelry, he’d rather err on the safe side.
Dr. Hansen was standing ready with the camera when Jon entered the kitchen. Mrs. Hansen sighed with pleasure.
“There’s my boy!”
Jon’s father snapped several photos before he could object.
“I wonder what’s taking Fred and Casey so long,” Jon said finally, glancing at the clock. “I hope the limo wasn’t late picking them up.”
Ronny appeared in the kitchen doorway, clad in a short red dress that flattered her long legs. Her hair and makeup were strikingly simple.
“You look fantastic,” Jon said. “Fred is going to flip.”
“You clean up real well too, kid.”
Mrs. Hansen ushered Ronny into the living room for photos, while Jon went to check on Kira. As she emerged from the guest room, Jon’s heart skipped a beat. Kira’s full-length glamorous pearl gray gown left the tops of her lovely shoulders bare. Her dark hair was pulled back from her face, which was so beautiful he could not tear his eyes away. A whisper of a smile lifted the corners of her mouth as she gazed at him in return. Before he realized what he was doing, Jon took her hand and brought it to his lips.
“You’re magnificent,” he said.
Kira’s smile grew wider. When the doorbell rang, Jon released her hand and went to answer the door. Fred and Casey tumbled into the house, with corsage boxes at the ready. Casey was more than presentable in his tuxedo, which had no hint of a company logo. Fred’s powder blue tux fit him well. His faced registered delight at Ronny’s dress.
“Ronny, you look so… superfluous.”
She gave him a crooked grin in response. “Thanks, Fred. Coming from you, that’s a compliment.”
After Fred and Casey pressed flowers on their dates, Dr. Hansen took more photos with his digital camera. When the couples filed out of the house a few minutes later, he slipped the camera in Jon’s pocket. “Have someone take pictures of Brett and you together. Your mother and I want to see them.”
Jon flinched. “Oops, I almost forgot Brett’s corsage!”
He hastened to retrieve the box from the refrigerator, and with one last wave to his parents, Jon left the house to join his friends. The eight-passenger stretch limo had two seats facing forward, occupied by Casey and Kira. The next two seats were situated to the side, which Fred had snagged for himself and Ronny. That left Jon riding backward alongside the seat reserved for Brett. The bar refrigerator was well stocked with cans of soda and bottled water. A bottle of sparkling white grape juice jutted from the built in champagne bucket, and there were some peanuts, pretzels, and mints in the mini-pantry.
“Never been in a limo before today,” Fred said. “I could get used to this.”
“Me too,” Ronny said. “This is like a rolling hotel.”
“My dad was the main speaker at a medical conference in Phoenix once,” Jon said. “They sent a limo to pick us up at the airport. Even though I was eight years old at the time, I never forgot it. I thought it would be kind of cool to rent one for tonight.”
As the limo headed up the hill, Fred played host by pouring out beverages. Jon kept biting the inside of his cheek. Now he was about to meet Brett’s parents for the first time, he’d grown apprehensive. He stuck a finger between his neck and his collar in a fruitless attempt to loosen it. Finally the limo stopped in front of Brett’s gorgeous Mediterranean house, which glistened like a tiara in the dusk.
“I’ll be back,” Jon said. “I hope.”
“Good luck,” Casey replied.
Gripping the corsage box in his hand, he stepped from the limo and headed up the walkway. As he rang the doorbell, Jon wished the palms of his hands weren’t so moist. When the door opened, he recognized Marina Tanner from her photo on Sela’s lunchbox. She appeared glamorous and unreal, as if she’d just stepped off the cover of a glossy fashion magazine.
“Oh, how adorable!” she exclaimed. “You must be Jon. Brett’s told me so much about you. She said you were a talented artist, but I had no idea you’d be so handsome.”
At that, his face burned with embarrassment. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Tanner.”
“Oh, call me Marina. I wish my husband was here, but he had to pop out for a few minutes. Don’t worry, though. Jerry will be home later. He says he can’t wait to shake your hand.”
Mercifully, Brett came into view just then. Since the house was built on a hill, the entrance and living areas were on the second floor. She ascended the stairs from the first floor, wearing a floor-length, dark pink strapless gown with silvery beading on the bodice. Brett’s hair was loose around her shoulders, which were dusted with a shimmery powder.
Jon took a half step back. “Brett, you’re dazzling.”
“Charming isn’t she?” Marina said, with obvious pride.
Nervous, Jon fumbled with the corsage box. Finally he managed to slip the corsage onto Brett’s wrist. In turn, she pinned a dark pink boutonnière on his lapel. Jon remembered the camera in his pocket and brought it out.
“Would you mind taking a picture or two, Marina?”
Marina giggled and beckoned them over to a picture window with a 180-degree ocean view. Jon hesitated to put his arm around Brett in front of her mother, but Marina insisted. When Marina finished taking pictures, she handed Jon’s camera back to him and took a few pictures with her own digital camera.
“I never had the chance to go to a high school dance,” Marina said, wistfully. “You’re so fortunate.”
At last, Jon escorted Brett toward the limo. A sense of affection and pride washed over him. “You look absolutely magical, Brett Tanner. Thank you for being my date tonight.”
Brett squeezed his hand. “You’re welcome, Jon Hansen. Let’s have a good time.”
The Cyclops contingent burst into the Executive Council chamber, unannounced. Although their numbers were few, the physical size of the men made the group resemble a mob.
“How dare you barge in here!” Treefoul exclaimed.
“Don’t come any closer,” warned the Council Scribe.
The biggest man shook his meaty fist at the startled wizards. “My name is Pewl, and I speak for the Cyclops. We demand to be healed!”
Chairman Lux gaped. “To what are you referring?”
“A female wizard cured one of our children of his skin affliction.”
“That’s absurd,” Chairman Lux said.
Pewl brought Sprout forward. “How do you explain this?”
He gave the child a slight shove, sending him into the center of the chamber. The Council wizards gasped at the sight of the young boy’s pink, perfect skin.
“How remarkable,” Wizard Cecil murmured. “I’ve never seen a Cyclops before who looked normal. Er… I mean, without the unsightly skin condition, that is.”
“No one hires us because of it,” Pewl said with a scowl. “Since Warlord Mandral was deposed, Cyclops can’t find any kind of work. If the female wizard healed him, she can heal the rest of us.”
“There are no female wizards,” Treefoul said.
“And even among real wizards, the ability to heal is very rare indeed,” Wizard Glee said.
“There is only one wizard in my recollection who could perform such magic,” Wizard Cecil said. “Greggoran of the Dragon Clan. He hasn’t been seen in turns.”
“Dorsit claims Greggoran was there when Efysian fell,” Treefoul said. “Perhaps it was him, in some other guise. I wouldn’t put it past the Dragon Clan to stir up trouble.”
“Child, are you sure it was a female?” Chairman Lux asked Sprout. “Might it have been a Dragon Clan wizard?”
“She didn’t have a clan ring,” Sprout said.
“That settles it,” Wizard Glee said. “Even if a wizard had transformed himself, his clan ring would be visible.”
“What was her name, child?” the scribe asked. “What did she look like?”
Sprout averted his eyes. “Er… I don’t remember.”
“Well, where did she come from?” Chairman Lux pressed.
The boy shrugged as he studied the intricate woodwork on the floor.
“Obviously this is the work of a sprite or nymph,” Treefoul said.
Chairman Lux sat back, bemused. “If the child can’t tell us who healed him, Pewl, there is little we can do to help.”
The Cyclops seemed to swell even larger with indignation, but Treefoul rose.
“With one matter, at least, I may be of assistance. I know someone who will hire any Cyclops willing to work. Chairman, I beg for a recess.”
As Treefoul approached Sprout, the Cyclops exchanged skeptical glances with one another. A faint smile lifted the corners of the Fox Clan wizard’s thin lips.
“What a remarkable boy.” He draped a protective arm around the child’s shoulders. “As for the rest of you, if you want a job, come with me.”
The long limo ride to the Hotel del Pacifica was a festive one. After Jon and his friends ate dinner at the hotel restaurant, they trooped into the ballroom for the Spring Fling. The theme was A Night at Monte Carlo, complete with casino gaming tables. Casey got on a hot streak at blackjack, while Fred and Ronny dominated the craps table. Jon wasn’t much of a gambler, so he gave his chips to Casey and led Brett onto the dance floor.
“You’re glowing,” he said. “Did I mention how gorgeous you are?”
“It’s the dress,” Brett replied. “Mom knows the designer.”
“It’s not just the dress.”
At the band’s next break, a group of committee members beckoned to Brett from the corner. “Oh, I’ve got to go meet with the committee about prizes. Why don’t you ask Kira to dance? I think Casey’s been busy counting cards all night.”
She darted off. Jon headed toward the blackjack table, where Kira was watching Casey play. Before he lost his nerve, he gave Kira’s hand a squeeze.
“Come dance with me.”
Kira’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “I don’t know how.”
“I’ll show you.” Jon leaned over Casey’s shoulder. “I’m stealing Kira for awhile.”
“Hit me,” Casey said to the dealer.
Most couples were either at the gaming tables or on the dance floor. Jon found an open section of the ballroom, behind a pillar.
“If the song has a fast beat, you kind of jump around and generally make a fool of yourself.” Jon wiggled his hips to make Kira laugh. “But if it’s a slow dance, it goes something like this...”
He put one hand around her waist and demonstrated a basic box step. By the time the band took the stage to play the next set, Kira had the hang of it. She wrinkled her nose.
“That’s all there is to Yrth dancing?”
“There are other dances, but the box step is a good place to start.”
A slow melody began to flow across the ballroom and Jon bowed. “May I have this dance?”
After a bit of awkward jockeying they managed to get through the song without too many missteps. When the band launched into another slow number, Kira melted against him. Jon was startled to realize he’d grown several inches taller than her since they’d first met. A smile lit his lips as he wondered if she still viewed him as the same scared kid. Kira used to intimidate me. It’s funny how things change. When he glanced down, they locked eyes. A surge of unfamiliar emotions made him tense up. To his relief, Casey appeared just as the song ended.
“Hey. You two look great together.”
“It’s all Kira. She’s very graceful.” The walls seemed to press in on Jon. “It’s awfully hot in here. I think I’m going to step outside for a few minutes. Thanks for the dance, Kira.”
As if his hair were on fire, he made a bee line for the exit. Fred caught his arm as he passed.
“Dude, you okay?”
“Yeah… I just need some air.”
After he burst from the ballroom, he headed toward the beach. He unfastened his bow tie, stuffed it into his pocket, and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. As Jon gripped the handrail separating the sidewalk from the sand, he tried to sort through his feelings. The rustling of skirts broke into his reverie. Brett stood next to him and touched his sleeve.
“Fred told me you left the ballroom. Is everything okay?”
Jon’s heart lifted at the sight of her beautiful green eyes.
“I’m great, now that you’re here.”
He pulled Brett into an embrace and kissed her.
When Jon and Brett returned to the ballroom, they discovered Casey had cashed in his chips for several prizes. He’d won dinner for two at a restaurant, plus three football jerseys and a signed football from the local pro team. Casey gifted the football to a drooling Fred and handed out the jerseys to the girls. Since the Spring Fling crowd had begun to thin, Jon and his friends collected their party favors and called it a night.
In the limo, Fred kept a running commentary the whole time. His jokes helped cover the fact Kira, Jon, and even Casey were quiet. The limo dropped Casey off first and then Fred. At the Hansen’s house, Jon emerged to hold the door for Ronny and Kira.
“After I see Brett home, I’ll be back.”
“If you don’t mind, I’m going to transport to Dragon Isle as soon as I change,” Ronny said.
“Perhaps Ronny can transport me back to Castle Ytherium?” Kira suggested.
Although Jon was tempted by her suggestion, he brushed it aside in favor of a gentlemanly response.
“It’s no trouble at all for me to escort you home, Kira. Besides which, your father is expecting it.”
He watched to make sure Ronny and Kira were in the house safely and then returned to the limo for the short drive to Brett’s place.
“I can’t believe after the work and planning and everything, Spring Fling is finally over,” Brett said.
“Your mom and dad are probably waiting up to hear about it.”
“That sounds so weird. I now have a dad who cares when I get home. It’s nice.”
Brett leaned in for a sweet vanilla-scented kiss, and Jon was happy to oblige. When the limo reached her house minutes later, he slipped on his jacket and made sure his shirt was tucked in.
“You nervous about meeting my dad?” she asked.
“Of course.”
“You’ll survive.”
He escorted Brett up the walkway. The front door opened as they approached, and out stepped a handsome man Jon took to be Jerry Tanner. His blond hair was closely cropped, his swooping eyebrows framed intense green eyes, and his cheekbones were broad and well defined. Now I see his resemblance to Brett. Jon gave him a personable grin and extended his right hand. “Hello, Mr. Tanner, I’m very pleased to meet you. I’m Jon Hansen.”
Mr. Tanner grasped his hand and suddenly everything around them froze in time, including Brett.
“Hello, Jon. My friends call me Jerry. You can call me Guinn.”
Jon recognized the voice even before Guinn said his name. He tried to pull his hand away, but discovered he couldn’t move. The blood rushed in his ears as his heart rate increased with fear. Terror swirled around him like a tornado, and he was standing in the eye. Guinn of the Fox Clan had somehow arranged a private conversation for two.
“Jon, you’re a talented kid. Despite our little fracas in the woods, I’ve got nothing against you personally.” Guinn spoke as if he had all the time in the world. “But you’re going to have to choose sides. You can continue training under that old man you call a grandfather, or you can ally with the Fox Clan and be a winner. Which is it going to be?”
“I’m a Dragon Clan wizard, sir. The Dragon Clan will always be victorious, if I have anything to do with it.”
When Guinn gave him a smile, Jon noticed he had Brett’s dimples.
“I thought that might be your answer. You give my very best to your father… if you can.”
Guinn winked just before releasing his grip on Jon’s hand. Instantly, the time bubble burst and everything returned to normal speed. Smiling with happiness, Brett was oblivious to what had just unfolded.
“Good night, Jon. I really had fun tonight,” she said.
Dumbfounded, Jon stared as Brett followed Guinn inside the house and shut the door. My girlfriend’s father is a murderous wizard, and I’ve made a mortal enemy of him.
As the limo pulled away from the curb, the driver glanced over his shoulder. He chuckled at Jon’s expression. “The dad was a tough customer, huh? That’s too bad. She’s really cute.”
“Yeah,” Jon managed.
“Well, maybe he’ll come around once he gets to know you.”
Jon’s hand still felt peculiar from contact with Guinn’s grip. As he flexed his fingers, he berated himself for having worn Ophelia on a chain around his neck. Dorsit had advised him to wear his clan ring on his finger at all times. If he had, she would have given him a warning.
The memory of Moala’s screams resurfaced. Shuddering in disgust, Jon wiped his palm on his tuxedo pants. If he’d been on Yden, he likely would have ended up like the hapless merchant. Just thinking about it made him feel ill.
“Hey, is the a/c on?” he asked the driver.
“Yeah, but I’ll turn the temp down a notch.”
Jon shed his jacket, pulled his shirt free from his pants, and unbuttoned his shirt completely. He retrieved a bottle of water from the limo bar, and passed the cold, wet plastic over his face, neck, and chest. He drained the bottle and reached for another. By the time the limo pulled up in front of his house, however, sweat had soaked through the back of his shirt. Gritting his teeth against the sudden pain knifing his gut, Jon signed something for the limo driver.
“You don’t look so good, kid,” he said. “Hope you don’t have food poisoning.”
“Yeah, me too. Thanks for everything.”
The limo driver jumped into his vehicle and took off, but Jon was oblivious. He focused his attention on remaining vertical, but halfway to the house, his world jerked sideways. A buzzing noise filled his ears and an enormous fist squeezed his insides. Jon staggered forward, tripping up the steps. His tuxedo jacket slipped from his hand as soon as he made it past the front door.
Little dots clouded his vision and he lurched into the entryway table. An expensive porcelain vase tumbled to the ground, shattering into fragments. He found himself flat on his back, staring up at the lighting fixture overhead. He knew without looking a curse marked his palm.
I’m going to die, exactly like Moala.
His father appeared from the kitchen, shock registering on his face. “Jon, have you been drinking?”
Unable to speak, Jon forced the clenched fingers on his right hand to open. The black spreading spot revealed, he succumbed to darkness at last.