Glossary & Pronunciation Guide


Aeltin – el-tin _____ foppish, somewhat incompetent Falcon Clan wizard

Andresan - an-dree-san _____ the name of a stunning waterfall

Benn – ben _____ young orphan liberated from Warlord Mandral’s castle

Cressidia - kress-id-ee-ah _____ a wood sprite who serves Quixoran

Cygard - sigh-gard _____ a Cyclops who works as a guard

Dorsit – door-sit _____ handsome and creative Leopard Clan wizard

Efysian – eff-e-see-in _____ sinister Wolf Clan wizard

Gnoam – nome _____ former warlord turned Governor

Greggoran - gregg-or-an _____ powerful Dragon Clan wizard, healer, and Jon’s father

Guinn – gwin _____Fox Clan wizard

Haud yer wheesht! _____Shut up! (Scottish phrase)

Ignato – igg-not-toe_____ warlord of Ignation Territory

Igneous – ig-nee-us_____ Warlord Ignato’s castle

Reye – ray _____ handsome guard in President Szul’s elite Special Guards

Johde – jo-dee _____ orphan liberated from Warlord Mandral’s castle

Kira -kir-ah _____ extremely beautiful daughter of President Szul, and Jon’s friend

Kysandra - kiss-an-drah _____ Kira’s elder sister

Lialia – lee-all-ee-ah_____ glamorous water nymph and former Keeper of Efysian’s lair

Lomm – lahm _____ bloodthirsty warlord of recent history

Lunegra – loon-eh-grah _____ largest of Yden’s two moons

Lunendra - loon-in-drah _____ smaller of Yden’s two moons

Lux – lucks _____chairman of Executive Council for Wizards’ Consortium

Mandral – man-drall _____ former ruthless warlord of Mandral Territory

Markellus – mar-kell-us _____ Max Lee’s father, a Unicorn Clan wizard

Marla – marl-lah _____ Lady Marla, leader of the Andresen Waterfalls nymphs

Moala - mo-all-ah _____ a merchant who deals in illegal artifacts

Newtic – new-tick _____ small, furry rodent that pops when touched

Phineas – finn-ee-us _____ young Owl Clan wizard

Puleden - pull-eh-den _____ beast of burden with a tail like an elephant’s trunk

Quixoran - kicks-or-an _____ powerful patriarch of the Dragon Clan, sculptor

Rampen Szul – ramp-in zool _____ President of the United Territories, and Kira’s father

Resa Ardeo – ray-sa ar-dee-oh _____ a reveal spell

Resa Crovenious – ray-sa crow-vin-ee-us _____ a repair spell

Sela – see-lah _____ Jon Hansen’s precocious little sister

Solegra – sol-eh-grah _____ the larger of Yden’s two suns

Solendra - sol-en-drah _____ the smaller of Yden’s two suns

Spyrrow - spy-row _____ a magical spy bird that can transmit images to a spyball

Teryn – terr-in _____ the name of Kira’s mother

Thynerr – thigh-ner _____ a mountain range in Ignation Territory

Treefoul – tree-fowl _____ the patriarch of the Fox Clan

Tumborian – tum-bor-ee-an _____ a songbird with lush, beautiful plumage

Vanyean –van-yee-an _____ a type of tree that grows to epic proportions on Yden

Vynn – vin _____ information desk clerk at Castle Ytherium

Wyckcrest – wick-crest _____ a village outside of Castle Ytherium

Wynk – wink _____ captain of the cygards

Yden – ee-den _____ a magical planet in an alternate dimension

Yedor – ee-door _____ Ami Yedor, President Szul’s scribe

Ylan – ee-lann (local pronunciation is lann) _____ charming seaside village on Ylan Bay, the body of water where Dragon Isle is located

Yrth – earth _____ third planet from the sun

Ytherium – eth-ee-r-ee-um _____ Castle Ytherium, the seat of the United Territories government and the Wizards’ Consortium