Chapter Twenty-Five

“You’re making a mistake, babe. Charles won’t appreciate your meddling in his life.”

Elizabeth’s soft, dark eyes begged her husband to understand. “I have to try. Chuck is miserable. Since I can’t talk any sense into him, maybe I can reach her.”

“You’ve got to be kidding. Sweetheart, you’ll be lucky if she doesn’t slam the door in your face.”

Her eyes filled with tears, but she lifted her chin. “Honey, I can’t stand to see him like this. He’s in so much pain.”

Bernard took his wife into his arms. “I suppose it’s worth a try. Do you want me to come with you?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “No, but I’m glad of the offer. Wish me luck?”

“You have that, and my love,” he said, placing a tender kiss on her soft lips.




Diane’s limbs were barely able to support her. She breathed a sigh of relief as she eased behind the wheel of her car. She still held the list of vitamins and eating instructions that the doctor had given her. It took all her energy to tuck it inside her purse. She had none left over to start the car.

She was in a daze. She couldn’t believe it! She was pregnant! She and Charles were going to have a baby of their own. She wanted to laugh; no, she wanted to cry. She had done both in the doctor’s office.

She had been too upset by their estrangement to pay attention to the changes in her body. It was the continued bouts of nausea that had forced her to take notice. She had to be certain, so she had made an appointment to see her doctor.

Well, it looked as if she and Charles had gotten one thing right. They had once been so confident in their love that they had decided to start their family without delay. They had created a precious new life. For the first time since the separation, Diane realized that she was happy. She refused to let thoughts of Charles diminish her joy. It was pointless to wonder what he would say or how he might feel about the news. She could not very well rush home and tell him. They no longer shared a home... they no longer shared anything.

As she moved to turn the key in the ignition, she paused. The sweetest memory flickered through her mind. Their last night in Saint Thomas had been magical. They had made exquisitely tender love. It had been thrilling, as all their loving had been on their honeymoon. It had also been so romantic. They’d been surrounded by the beauty of the island. Charles had taken his time in his efforts to pleasure her... they had found release together as one. The experience was unforgettable. Even later, when she lay against him while his arms kept her close, Charles had whispered how much he’d hoped he’d made her pregnant just before he’d gone to sleep. Could that have been the night they had made their baby?

Tears ran down Diane’s face, even though she tried to hold them back. There was no stopping the flood of emotions. Her sobs didn’t slow, and she was powerless to stop them.

“Oh, Chucky...” she sobbed, heartbroken. Eventually the storm of agony eased and she composed herself enough to put the car into gear. It was rush hour and the expressways were maddening. When she finally stopped in the circular drive, she was exhausted. Unfortunately, the long, emotionally draining day was far from over. Elizabeth’s van was parked in the driveway.

“What now?” Diane said wearily, uncertain how much more she could take. Why was Elizabeth here? Had she come to gloat over her victory? Taking a few minutes to repair her make-up as best she could Diane closed her compact with a snap, unable to do much about her swollen eyelids.

Sheldon opened the door before she could place her key in the lock. “Good evening, Mrs. Randol. I trust you had a pleasant day?”

“Good evening.” Diane forced a smile, handing him her briefcase and purse. “We have guests?”

“Mrs. Bennett is in the kitchen with Mrs. Sheldon.” Diane nodded smoothing the skirt of her coral silk suit as she slowly followed the central hall to the rear of the house.

Elizabeth, very much at home, was leaning against the gleaming counter, chatting to the elderly cook and housekeeper. Why shouldn’t she feel welcome? This was her family’s home. Diane was the one who felt like the outsider. Was she wrong to remain, hoping against hope that her husband would change his mind and return?

“Hello, Mrs. Sheldon, Elizabeth.”

“Good evening, Mrs. Randol.” Mrs. Sheldon reached for the kettle. “Would you care for a cup of tea?”

“Nothing for me, thank you.” Her gaze swung to her husband’s sister. As usual, Elizabeth was fashionable in a gray silk pant suit and white silk blouse. A rope of creamy pearls circled her graceful neck and diamonds adorned her earlobes. “Eliz, I wasn’t expecting you.”

“It’s good to see you.”

“I bet.” Diane didn’t try to conceal the sarcasm. Abruptly deciding she just was not up to a confrontation, Diane said, “Excuse me,” and turned on her heels. Let Charles’s sister find her kicks somewhere else. Diane was tired of being her punching bag.

Hurrying after her, Eliz called, “Diane, wait. I’d hoped we could talk.”

“Whatever for?” Diane asked, genuinely perplexed. They were in the foyer between the family room and the living room.

“Please. Can we sit down?”

Diane nodded, then reluctantly led the way into the elegantly furnished living room, the only room in the house that reflected her taste. “Have a seat.”

Elizabeth looked around in surprise. “You’ve redecorated.”

“We...” she started, then closed her mouth. There was no longer two of them. She was alone now. Diane dropped gracefully into the nearest armchair. “Have a seat.”

“It’s lovely,” Elizabeth said, sitting on the sofa across from Diane. “Isn’t it wonderful about Heather and Quinn? Have you seen the babies?”

Diane smiled for the first time. “Yes, they’re beautiful.” Then she said, “Look, we both know you aren’t here to explore the old homestead or talk about mutual friends. Why did you come, Eliz?”


“I don’t see the point in pretending.” Diane crossed her arms beneath her breasts and her legs at the knees, and one foot swung agitatedly. “You don’t like me, and furthermore, you decided before you even met me that I was wrong for your brother. You have never made a secret of it. So I really cannot imagine what you and I might have to discuss. Or is that why you’re here, to tell me how pleased you are that Charles and I have separated? Or are you here because you want me out of your childhood home?”

Elizabeth didn’t flinch at the unadorned truth. “No matter what you think about me, please believe that above all else, I love my brother. His happiness means the world to me.” Diane didn’t feel up to a debate. Nor did she feel the need to defend herself. She was tired. Once she had longed for this woman’s acceptance and possible friendship, but not any longer. All she wanted now was to be left alone. She had so much to think about. She needed to decide what to do, now that she knew she carried their child.

“Would you please come to the point of this visit?” Elizabeth shifted and her eyes flashed indignantly, but her reason for being had nothing to do with her own comfort. “I’m here because of Chuck.”

Diane waited for the accusations and condemnations to rain down on her head. Surely that was her purpose in coming. Charles had evidently told her why they had broken up. Diane lifted her chin, refusing to appear as if she had some reason to be ashamed of the way she treated her husband. She had showered him with love. It was true that she had lied, but her reasons for doing so had nothing to do with her feelings for him. Why couldn’t he see that?

“Chuck’s very upset, Diane. I’ve never seen him so unhappy.”1 Elizabeth waited for a reaction. When none was forthcoming, she said impatiently, “Please, Diane, won’t you call him? Maybe if the two of you could talk, you might be able to work it out.”

Unable to remain seated a second longer, Diane went over to the picture window. She stared out at the perfectly groomed lawn. The sun would be setting soon. The empty hours of the night stretched ahead.

“It’s worth a try. Don’t you want to settle your differences?”

Diane turned and said, “Since you know the circumstances of our separation, then you know what you asked is impossible.”

“Is that what you think? That Chuck has discussed your problems with me?” She shook her head vehemently. “I’m the last person my brother would confide in, especially after my gloom-and-doom prediction concerning your marriage. Knowing him, I doubt he would talk to anyone in the family or even his friends about what’s gone wrong between you two. He’s probably keeping it all locked inside.”

“You don’t know?”

“No. All I know is that my brother is in a bad way. Please, please, won’t you consider taking him back? Even if you aren’t willing to share your bed with him, can’t you at least share the house with him? How are you two ever going to solve anything with him living in a hotel and you here?”

Diane tried but failed to slow the tears. They were in her throat when she said bitterly, “You have it all wrong. I didn’t put him out of his home. He’s the one who left me.”

“You’re kidding!”

“I wish I were.”

“It makes no sense! My brother is crazy in love with you, Diane. That hasn’t stopped because of a disagreement.”

“Love isn’t always enough.” Diane mopped her tears with the back of her hands. “He can’t forgive the lies... the secrets I kept about my past. To be perfectly honest, I don’t even blame him.”

Hearing the anguish in the other’s voice, Elizabeth whispered “I’m sorry. I thought…” Her voice trailed away. Thoughtful for a while, she eventually said, “If you two could just get together and talk about it... try to work it out.”

Diane hugged herself, trying to contain the pain, the despair, filling her heart and tearing her apart. “If only it were that simple. Charles made his decision. I just have to learn to live with it... somehow.” Feeling like she was about to collapse, Diane welcomed the support of the same armchair she’d found confining only moments ago.

Losing patience, Elizabeth said, “I don’t understand you. Why aren’t you putting up a fight? Why are you just giving up? Don’t tell me you don’t love my brother. Your feelings are as plain as the nose on your face.”

Diane couldn’t believe her ears. “Who do you think you are, coming in here, telling me what to do? I’ve had about as much as I can take of you, lady. You never gave me a chance. You didn’t even try to get to know me. Shall we cut the crap? I’ve as much use for you as you have for me.”

“Go, girl!” Elizabeth laughed. “I deserve that, and worse. Diane, I’m sorry I’ve been so dense. Stubbornness is apparently a family trait. I’m just realizing how foolish I’ve been by not trusting my brother’s judgment. Chuck made himself quite clear when he married you. He loves you.” She hesitated before saying, “I was wrong not to welcome you into the family. I’m apologizing for it. Can you forgive me, Diane?”

“I don’t believe this!” Diane said, shaking her head.

“I don’t believe it, either, but I’m woman enough to admit when I’ve made a mistake.”

“Eliz, you don’t even know what really happened between us.”

“We all make mistakes. If Chuck wasn’t being so pigheaded at the moment, neither of you would be so miserable. You two love each other. You should be together.”

“You’re wrong, Eliz, none of this is his fault.” Not so very long ago, Diane had desperately wanted his family to accept her. It should be laughable, only she wasn’t the least bit amused. Here Elizabeth was, finally welcoming her into the same family her husband was throwing her out of. How long did she have before he started divorce proceedings?

“I love my big brother with all my heart, but he’s not sporting a halo.”

Diane studied her, really studied her dark eyes. What she saw there made her ask, “You mean it, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do. I thought you were trying to take advantage of my brother. I was wrong, I can see that now.” Elizabeth said softly, “I hope you and I can start over.”

“Do you always change your mind so unexpectedly?”

She giggled. “Occasionally. We’re sisters now, and sisters stick together.”

Suddenly, Diane wanted to share her news, share it with someone who would be as thrilled as she was. Elizabeth was his sister. The situation being what it was, Diane could not take the risk of him finding out about her pregnancy. He had to be told eventually, but not yet. She still hadn’t had time to adjust to the news herself.

“I appreciate your wanting to help. Charles was correct about me all along. Because I didn’t trust him, I ended up hurting him... badly.”

“So you’re just going to give up?”

“This is not a contest, Eliz. This is my life we’re discussing.” Diane started crying. The tears came quickly.

Her sister-in-law didn’t hesitate to offer a comforting shoulder. “There... don’t cry. It’s going to be wonderful again. You’ll see.”

Diane cried her anguish out, letting all the fear pour out. She was babbling by the time she said, “I never meant to hurt h-him. I just didn’t want anyone to know about my m-m-mother.”

“Diane, you don’t have to tell me,” Elizabeth said, handing her a tissue.

“I know. You might as well know the worst,” Diane said, then recounted that horrible day at school. When she ended, Elizabeth’s shock was written all over her face.

“Oh, Diane. I’m so sorry. It must have been horrible for you, feeling as if you had to keep all this hidden.”

“I grew up pretending that Lillie was like my classmates’ mothers... always pretending. You were right. We made a terrible mistake by rushing into marriage. Probably all the moonlight and sea air,” Diane ended unhappily.

“You’re not responsible for who your parents were... none of us is,” Elizabeth said, clasping her hands with Diane. “I can’t believe my brother has turned into a snob. He has always been so opened-minded.”

“He’s not a snob!” Diane was quick to defend him. “He was furious, but not because of my mother. He can’t forgive me for not having faith in him... not telling him the truth.”

“What now?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

“Maybe I can talk some sense into him?”

“I can’t let you do that,” Diane said quickly, amazed that Eliz was taking the secret that had tormented Diane’s life in stride. No one she cared about had reacted as she’d expected... not Heather, not Elizabeth, and especially not Charles. How could she have been so wrong? How could she have misjudged them so?

“I’m not asking permission.”

“No! It will only make things worse.”

Not wanting to upset Diane more, Elizabeth finally nodded her agreement. “I know I have no right to ask, but I’d really like it if we could be friends.”

Diane smiled. “Yes, let’s try.”

The two hugged.

“We’ll work on the sister part, okay?”

“Agreed.” Diane nodded.

“I’m hungry. Let’s raid the refrigerator,” Elizabeth giggled, pulling Diane along with her.

During dinner, Diane was unable to contain her joyful news. Her eyes sparkled with excitement when she told Elizabeth about her pregnancy.

Elizabeth squealed with pleasure, giving Diane a hug. “Congratulations! Chuck will be ecstatic!”

Having lost her smile, Diane said apprehensively, “Maybe... but I don’t plan on telling him. That is, not until he has made a decision about our marriage. If he wants a divorce, I’m not going to try and fight it.”

Horrified by the possibility, Elizabeth was about to argue the point when Diane interrupted. “I don’t want him back because of the baby. If you were in my situation, would you want that?”

“No, I wouldn’t want that, either.”

“Promise me you won’t tell him about the baby,” she insisted.

“Of course I won’t tell. That’s something that should come from you.” Determined to help, Elizabeth said, “Thanks for sharing the news with me. I just wish that somehow the two of you could make things right between you. You both love each other too much to be apart like this. Think about it. How long will you be able to keep your pregnancy a secret?”

“I’m not going to hide it from him. Oh, Eliz, I was so excited today when I left the doctor’s office. I wanted so badly to share the news with Charles. I can’t. I don’t even know where he’s staying. He could have moved in with one of his old girlfriends, for all I know.”

“He’s downtown, at the Omni.”

Diane blinked in surprise. “You shouldn’t be telling me this. If he wanted to be with me, he’d be here at home, where he belongs, not living it up in some hotel. Damn him!”

“Nothing can convince me that he doesn’t wants you. There is only one sure way of find out, my dear.”

“Forget it! I already know how he feels.”

“Prove it.” When Diane would have interrupted, her sister-in-law said, “Go to him... talk to him. Tell him how you feel. This time, make him understand why you did what you did.”

Diane dropped her gaze to her lap, where she’d been twisting the linen napkin. She carefully smoothed it out as if the task was extremely important. Finally, she said, “I don’t think I can.”

“Forgive me for being stupid, but aren’t you the same woman who boarded a ship for the Caribbean determined to go after the one man you loved? You’re going to tell me a few months later that you’re ready to give up on that love while you’re nurturing his child in your body? Please! Girl, you’re still wearing his ring on your finger. You took a big risk once... you can do it again.”

“What if he can’t forgive me?”

“Then try again and again. Personally, I don’t think he’s going to be able to get around his feelings for you,” His sister ended with a confident grin.

“I hope you’re right.”

“Are you going to try?”
