- Landis, John 1
- language 1, 2, 3, 4
- Laplace, Pierre-Simon 1
- Lawrence, D.H.: ‘The Rocking-Horse
- Winner’ 1
- learning
- God and 1
- role of experience in 1
- see also education
- Leonardo da Vinci 1
- Leviticus, book of 1
- Lewis, David: ‘Mad Pain and Martian Pain’ 1
- life support 1
- lifeboat metaphor 1
- living wills 1, 2
- Locke, John 1
- An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 1, 2
- logic 1, 2
- Lomborg, Bjorn: The Skeptical Environmentalist 1
- LSD 1
- luck, moral 1