Christopher R. Lovell
Department of Dermatology, Royal United Hospital and Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, UK
Both intrinsic ageing and UV exposure result in alterations in dermal connective tissue which affect the appearance of the skin in old age [1, 2]. The relative contributions of each vary in the individual from body site to body site and in the population at large according to environmental factors, particularly cumulative photodamage and cigarette smoking. The skin becomes increasingly thin and atrophic in elderly people. Changes in both the epidermis and the dermis result in age-related skin fragility characterized by translucent, lax and wrinkled skin with a tendency to easy bruising and stellate scars. The term ‘dermatoporosis’ has been coined to describe these changes [3]. The relative contribution of intrinsic ageing and environmental factors to the changes in dermal connective tissue which manifest as skin ageing determine the clinical appearance. Much of what is perceived as aged skin is due to photodamage with the development of actinic elastosis, lax skin and wrinkles. Recent research has helped to elucidate the pathomechanisms underlying these changes. There is reduced collagen biosynthesis and increased production of matrix metalloproteinases, which both inhibit collagen fibril synthesis and promote fragmentation of collagen fibrils, leading to a reduction in healthy collagen but accumulation of damaged collagen. The topic is discussed in detail in Chapter 155. Some specific clinical manifestations associated with aged and photoaged skin are described later.
Wrinkles are a characteristic of ageing skin. They may be defined as creases or furrows in the skin surface.
Wrinkles are particularly prominent in hypertrophic skin photo-damage (see Chapter 155). Cigarette smoking is also a potent independent cause of wrinkling. The so-called ‘cigarette face’ is characterized by pale grey wrinkled skin with rather gaunt features, so that heavy smokers can often be recognized from their facial appearance alone. Heavy smokers are five times more likely to be wrinkled than non-smokers of the same age, and cigarette smoking probably has at least as much effect on facial wrinkles as sun exposure [1].
They are particularly prominent in hypertrophic skin photodamage (see Chapter 155). Cigarette smoking is also a potent independent cause of wrinkling. The so-called ‘cigarette face’ is characterized by pale grey wrinkled skin with rather gaunt features, so that heavy smokers can often be recognized from their facial appearance alone. Heavy smokers are five times more likely to be wrinkled than non-smokers of the same age, and cigarette smoking probably has at least as much effect on facial wrinkles as sun exposure [1].
Wrinkles can be classified into three morphological types [2] as follows.
Actinic elastosis is another component of hypertrophic skin photodamage. It is characterized clinically by yellowish discoloration and thickening of the skin (Figure 96.1), and histologically by a reduction in collagen and an accumulation of amorphous masses of degenerate elastic fibres in the papillary and upper reticular dermis (Figure 96.2) [1].
Actinic elastosis usually results from prolonged exposure to sunlight [1], but it can also follow infrared (IR) radiation [2].
It is related to the cumulative lifetime exposure to UV radiation rather than to episodes of intense UV exposure: it is more common in outdoor workers and in those living in sunny climates. There is, however, considerable variation in susceptibility between individuals.
It does not usually present until the fourth decade or later but cumulative sun exposure is more important than chronological age alone.
Fair-skinned people are the worst affected, although the condition can occur in black people [3].
Severe elastosis may occur in photosensitized skin, for example in porphyria cutanea tarda.
See Chapter 155.
Cumulative UV exposure is the main exacerbating factor, although other factors, such as IR irradiation, may play a part [2].
The characteristic changes develop gradually over the course of years.
The light-exposed areas are affected, particularly the forehead, bald scalp and the back of the neck. Mild degrees of elastosis may not be apparent until the skin is pinched up, when it may assume a wrinkled appearance. Elastosis is usually more advanced in the tissue than the clinical appearance would suggest.
The affected skin is diffusely thickened and yellowish (see Figures 96.1 and 155.2b), and on the neck it may be divided by well-defined furrows into an irregular rhomboidal pattern (cutis rhomboidalis nuchae) (see Figure 96.3). There may also be more sharply marginated, thickened plaques on the face or neck. These are usually, but not always, symmetrical. Recent studies suggest that the elastotic skin itself is protected from epithelial neoplasia [4].
Actinic elastosis may also be complicated by actinic granuloma (see later).
Actinic comedonal plaque (synonyms Favre–Racouchot syndrome, nodular actinic elastosis with cysts and comedones). Actinic elastosis may form into confluent plaques studded with comedones. This is most commonly seen in periorbital skin (see Figure 96.296.3). It is usually symmetrical, but unilateral and circumscribed forms have been reported [5]. Rarely, a variant has been described with vesicular changes within zones of severe actinic elastosis [6]. Occasionally, similar plaques may form elsewhere than on facial skin, such as the forearm [7].
Elastotic nodules of the ear. In this variant of actinic elastosis, single or multiple firm papules occur on the anterior crus of the antihelix, usually in middle-aged or elderly males. Their significance is that they sometimes have a pearly edge, clinically suggesting basal cell carcinoma (BCC), but histology reveals large aggregates of amorphous elastotic material, sometimes with degradation of underlying cartilage [8–10].
Plane xanthoma, pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) and colloid milium may sometimes cause confusion, but the combination of the clinical and histological features is distinctive.
Of cosmetic significance.
The process may be halted but not reversed by stringent photoprotection. Stopping smoking may be presumed to slow down progression [11].
Skin biopsy if there is doubt about diagnosis. Histological changes may be more florid than the clinical appearance.
Management (see also Chapter 155)
Sunscreens protect against the development of photodamage both in humans and animals [12]. In hairless mice exposed to UVB radiation, synthesis of subepidermal collagen has been demonstrated in animals protected with a sunscreen [13]. Topical application of αhydroxy acids (‘fruit acids’), i.e. lactic, glycolic and citric acids, has been shown to lead to a modest improvement in photodamaged skin [14]. More impressive results have been obtained with topically applied tretinoin cream [15]. A double-blind study demonstrated a decrease in papillary dermal collagen type I in photodamaged skin, and subsequent treatment with 0.1% tretinoin cream for 10–12 months resulted in an 80% increase in dermal collagen [16]. Several studies have shown clinical and histological improvement after prolonged use [17]. Tretinoin may also repair skin changes due to intrinsic ageing [18]. Retinoids reduce matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) expression in vitro, partially restoring levels of fibrillin 1 and collagens I and VII in the papillary dermis [19]. Similar results have been obtained in double-blind trials of topical isotretinoin [20] and tazarotene cream [21]. Antioxidants play a part in the prevention of photoageing [22] and may have a therapeutic role in established photodamage [23]. Non-ablative lasers, including the 1320 nm Nd : YAG and 1540 nm erbium glass lasers, are claimed to wound the upper dermis without epidermal damage [24]. Restoration of fibrillin I in the microfibrillar network of the papillary dermis may prove a useful ‘biomarker’ for the efficacy of topical products used in actinic elastosis [25, 26].
Collagenous and elastotic marginal plaques of the hands is an acquired dermatosis affecting dermal connective tissue in which papules and plaques form on the dominant hand along the radial aspect of the index finger, the first web space and the ulnar aspect of the thumb (Figure 96.4a) [1, 2]. Histologically, there is hyperkeratosis, with sawtoothing of the rete ridges. The dermal collagen fibres are thickened and arranged haphazardly; there are basophilic elastotic masses, often containing calcium, in the upper reticular dermis (Figure 96.4b) [3]. Cases are sporadic, unlike the clinically similar disorders acrokeratoelastoidosis and focal acral hyperkeratosis (see p. 96.2872) [4].
Chronic friction and photodamage have been proposed as aetiological factors; the condition has been reported in manual workers and entirely from geographical areas with high solar irradiation. It is regarded as a variant of actinic elastosis [5] although actinic damage is not always observed clinically [6]; furthermore the papillary dermis is relatively spared by the elastotic process and the basophilic areas containing calcium differ from the changes normally seen in actinic elastosis.
Colloid degeneration of the skin is defined histologically by the presence of colloid in dermal papillae and presents as yellowish, translucent papules, nodules or plaques on light-exposed skin. There are several clinical variants of which the commonest is adult colloid milium, which manifests as multiple milia-like papules on light-exposed skin, particularly on the face.
Colloid degeneration of the skin is a rare but probably underdiagnosed dermatosis which requires biopsy for definitive diagnosis [1]. It is defined histologically by the presence of colloid in dermal papillae and presents as yellowish translucent papules, nodules or plaques on light-exposed skin. There are several clinical variants of which the commonest is adult colloid milium, which manifests as multiple milia-like papules on light-exposed skin, particularly on the face. The differential diagnosis is presented in Table 96.1.
Table 96.1 Differential diagnosis of colloid milium.
Deposition disorder | Clinical findings | Pathological characteristics | Staining pattern |
Adult colloid milium | Multiple symmetrical yellow to flesh-coloured facial papules; associated with sun exposure | Homogeneous eosinophilic colloid masses in papillary dermis from degenerating elastic fibres, often with subepidermal Grenz zone | PAS + Congo red ±Cotton dye –Cytokeratin – |
Juvenile colloid milium | Multiple translucent yellowish papules on cheeks, nose, perioral skin; onset before puberty; familial; associated with ligneous conjunctivitis | Secondary to UV-induced degeneration of keratinocytes | PAS + Congo red ± Cotton dye – Cytokeratin + |
Nodular colloid degeneration | Flesh-coloured nodule on face, scalp or chest; usually solitary | May be associated with myeloma; lacks plasma cells | PAS + Congo red ± Cotton dye – |
Acrokeratoelastoidosis of Costa | Multiple tiny skin-coloured umbilicated papules at sides of hands and feet; familial; commonest in black skin | Fragmentation and degeneration of elastic fibres | Congo red – Cotton dye – |
Collagenous and elastotic marginal plaques of the hands | Skin-coloured papules and plaques along radial border of index finger and ulnar border of thumb | Fragmentation and degeneration of elastic fibres | Congo red – Cotton dye – |
Nodular amyloid | Single flesh-coloured nodule | Deposition of monoclonal immunoglobulin light-chain fragments from localized plasma cell infiltrate | Congo red + Cotton dye + |
Adapted from Mehregan and Hooten 2011 [1].
PAS, periodic acid–Schiff.
Rare but usually affects fair-skinned, outdoor workers living in sunny climates [1, 2].
The exact cause of adult colloid milium is uncertain but sunlight exposure is strongly implicated and actinic elastosis is usually evident as well [3]. Occupational exposure to mineral oils has also been implicated [4, 5]: an outbreak among refinery workers in the tropics was attributed to trauma and prolonged contact with photodynamic phenols in oxide fuel (gas oil) [4]. Cases have also been reported in association with ochronosis after the long-term application of strong hydroquinone bleaching creams [6].
The earliest histological change is the appearance of colloid globules at the tips of the dermal papillae. Homogeneous fissured masses of amorphous colloid occupy the upper dermis, each surrounded by bands of collagen. There is characteristically a subepidermal uninvolved Grenz zone. The colloid is usually eosinophilic but may be basophilic. Within it, small blood vessels and the nuclei of fibroblasts are well preserved. In the larger, plaque-like lesions, the colloid change occurs diffusely throughout the dermis. The source of the colloid material is uncertain. It could be a protein synthesized by fibroblasts or it could be derived from degraded elastic fibres [2, 7].
UV exposure.
Small dermal papules 1–5 mm in diameter, yellowish brown and sometimes translucent, develop slowly and more or less symmetrically in irregular groups in areas exposed to sunlight (Figures 96.5 and 96.6) [1]. They feel soft and may release their gelatinous contents when punctured. The most frequently involved sites are the face, especially around the orbits, the dorsa of the hands, the back and sides of the neck and the ears. There are usually other signs of actinic damage. The changes induced by prolonged light exposure are associated to varying degrees. Although colloid milium may become more severe and more extensive over the years, most cases reach their maximum development within 3 years and then remain unchanged.
The rare juvenile form manifests before puberty and is often familial [8, 9]. It is thought to derive from degeneration of keratinocytes rather than elastic fibres [10].
Nodular colloid degeneration presents usually as a single nodule up to 5 cm in diameter though multiple nodules may occur. It may be associated with myeloma [11] (see Table 96.1).
No completely satisfactory intervention has been found for this condition. Good results have been claimed for dermabrasion [12] and for the long-pulsed Er : YAG laser [13].
Atrophy of the skin is a term which is applied to the clinical changes produced by a decrease in the dermal connective tissue. It is characterized by thinning and loss of elasticity. The skin usually appears smooth and finely wrinkled, and it feels soft and dry. Veins or other subcutaneous structures may be unduly conspicuous. There is often associated loss of hair follicles, and telangiectasia may also be present, due to the loss of connective tissue support of the capillaries. There may or may not be an associated atrophy of the epidermis.
Atrophy of the skin occurs in varying degree in a large number of skin conditions, including naevi, and the underlying histological changes are also variable, because the several components of the connective tissue may be involved to a different degree. Atrophy that includes subcutaneous tissue or even deeper structures is referred to as panatrophy. Box 96.1 lists the main acquired disorders in which cutaneous atrophy is prominent.
Both systemic and topical glucocorticoid therapy can produce cutaneous atrophy by a dose-related pharmacological effect [1]. The effect is more severe with the more potent steroids (as assessed by the vasoconstrictor assay test) but both fluorinated and non-fluorinated topical steroids can cause atrophy. The effect is most marked when potent steroids are applied topically under an occlusive dressing. The skin becomes thin, fragile and transparent, and striae may develop (see later) (Figure 96.7).
Severe dermal atrophy can follow injection of intralesional steroids, such as triamcinolone acetonide (particularly if the higher concentration of 40 mg/mL is used, instead of the more usual 10 mg/mL, which is less likely to cause atrophy) (Figure 96.8). Inhaled corticosteroids also induce dermal thinning in adults and in children [2]. See Chapters 18 and 19, respectively, for more general discussions of topical and systemic glucocorticosteroids.
Steroids are known to inhibit the formation of glycosaminoglycans. Hyaluronate and the major cell surface hyaluronate receptor CD44 are depleted in atrophic skin [3]. Topical corticosteroids rapidly suppress hyaluran synthase 2 in the dermis; this precedes alteration of dermal collagen [4]. The fibroblasts become shrunken, although their numbers do not decrease, but the number of mast cells is markedly reduced. Topical steroids also inhibit the activity of enzymes involved in collagen biosynthesis [5], and they have been shown to depress synthesis of types I and III collagen in vivo [6, 7, 8]. Type III collagen synthesis is preferentially reduced in fibroblast cultures [7]. They can also depress collagenase production and collagen breakdown [9], and the rate of collagen turnover is probably decreased. Even a weak steroid, such as hydrocortisone, can suppress the stimulatory effect of cyclic nucleotides on collagenase production. Studies of the effect of topical steroids on collagen and elastic fibres in vivo have given conflicting results [10–12]. Capillaroscopic studies have shown that steroid-induced vasoconstriction involves the superficial capillary network, and prolonged superficial ischaemia could also play a role in producing atrophy [5].
The earliest histological change is marked thinning of the epidermis, with flattening of the rete ridges and decreased corneocyte size [13]. This is followed a few weeks later by thinning of the dermis, which can be measured by skinfold calipers, ultrasonography or a radiographic technique [14–16].
The epidermal thinning probably results from a reduction of mitotic activity in the germinal layer [17], but the mechanism by which dermal thinning is produced is uncertain.
Loss of dermal ground substance leads to a reorganization of the dermal architecture. The spaces between the collagen and elastic fibres become smaller, so that the dermis becomes more compact but thinner [10].
Collagen microfibrils may form globular microfibrillar bodies, although the changes are not specific for steroid atrophy [18]. These ultrastructural changes can develop in the early stages before there is clinical or histological evidence of atrophy. Digestion of collagen fibrils in the endocytic vesicles of fibroblasts may be involved in the production of steroid-induced atrophy [9].
Systemic, topical, intralesional or inhaled corticosteroids are implicated.
A careful history should be taken, including enquiry about the use of corticosteroid inhalers (Figure 96.9).
The skin becomes thin and fragile with easy bruising. Changes are generalized in patients on systemic corticosteroids, although the changes are more marked at sites of photodamage and trauma. Thinning due to topical corticosteroids may be localized to the site(s) of application. Severe dermal atrophy can follow injection of intralesional steroids.
Other causes of cutaneous atrophy.
Corticosteroid-induced skin thinning leads to delayed wound healing and easy bruising, often after trivial trauma. Measurement of bone density is advisable in at-risk patients, although extensive skin thinning is not necessarily associated with steroid-induced osteopenia [7].
Consider measuring blood glucose and bone density, if systemic steroid toxicity is suspected.
It has been suggested that local and oral vitamin C therapy might help restore the normal skin thickness [19]. Concurrent application of retinoic acid may partially prevent the epidermal atrophy due to steroids [20]. Intralesional saline injections can restore surface contour [21]. Hyaluronate fragments are reported to induce skin thickening in corticosteroid-induced atrophy [22].
Prevention is clearly the best approach, including the use of steroid-sparing systemic drugs and topical agents such as calcineurin inhibitors to treat skin disease. In the future, more selective corticosteroid receptor agonists, with potentially less atrophogenic effect may be developed [23].
Striae are visible linear scars which form in areas of dermal damage produced by stretching of the skin. They are characterized histologically by thinning of the overlying epidermis, with fine dermal collagen bundles arranged in straight lines parallel to the surface.
The factors which govern the development of striae are poorly understood. Many authors have suggested that striae develop as a result of stress rupture of the connective tissue framework [1], but others disagree. It has been suggested that they develop more easily in skin which has a critical proportion of rigid cross-linked collagen, as occurs in early adult life [2]. They are common during adolescence [3], and they seem to be associated with rapid increase in size of a particular region. They are very common over the abdomen and breasts in pregnancy, and they may develop on the shoulders in young male weight lifters when their muscle mass rapidly increases [4]. They are a feature of Cushing disease, and they may be induced by local or systemic corticosteroid therapy [2, 5]. The effects of glucocorticoids on the dermal connective tissue are outlined above. Together with other steroid effects, striae have been reported in HIV-positive patients receiving the protease inhibitor, indinavir [6].
Striae are very common, and occur in most adult women, as they readily develop at puberty or during pregnancy.
Adolescent striae may first develop soon after the appearance of pubic hair.
Abdominal striae gravidarum are extremely common in pregnancy.
Striae are often associated with growth spurts in adolescent males (Figure 96.10).
Most striae occur in otherwise healthy individuals, although they are a feature of Cushing syndrome and Marfan syndrome.
Striae are associated with growth spurts, e.g. body building or pregnancy, more rarely they may reflect structural abnormalities of connective tissue such as Marfan syndrome or the effect of glucocorticoids.
In the early stages, inflammatory changes may be conspicuous; the dermis is oedematous and perivascular lymphocytic cuffing is present. In the later stages, the epidermis is thin with flattening of the dermal papillae [7, 8]. The dermal collagen is layered in thin eosinophilic bundles, orientated in straight lines parallel to the surface in the direction of the presumed stress. Scanning electron microscopy shows amorphous sheet-like structures [9]. With Luna stain, the elastic fibres are numerous, close together, fine and straight, and in the same direction as the collagen bundles [10]. On scanning electron microscopy in collagen-free preparations there is an abundance of thin, curled and branched elastic fibres.
The importance of genetic factors in determining susceptibility of connective tissue is emphasized by their presence as one of the (minor) diagnostic criteria for Marfan syndrome [11], and congenital arachnodactyly, associated with mutations of the fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 genes, respectively. Striae may occur in the absence of other phenotypic features of Marfan syndrome [12], and their presence may be predictors for aortic dissection [13]. They are commonly absent in pregnancy in Ehlers–Danlos syndrome.
Recent genome-wide association analysis of apparently otherwise normal individuals with striae has revealed associations with genes affecting expression of matrix proteins such as collagen, elastin and fibronectin [14].
The commonest sites for obesity-related striae are the outer aspect of the thighs and the lumbosacral region in boys (Figure 96.11), and the thighs, buttocks and breasts in girls, but there is considerable variation, and other sites, including the outer aspect of the upper arm, are sometimes affected. Pubertal growth striae are concentrated symmetrically over and on either side of the spine (see Figure 96.10).
Early lesions may be raised and irritable, but they soon become flat, smooth and livid red or bluish in colour. Their surface may be finely wrinkled. They are commonly irregularly linear, several centimetres long and 1–10 mm wide. After some years, they fade and become inconspicuous. They are then generally paler than the surrounding skin.
The striae in Cushing syndrome or those induced by steroid therapy may be larger and more widely distributed, and involve other regions, including sometimes the face. In pregnancy, the striae appear first and are most conspicuous on the abdominal wall, and later on the breasts, but may involve most or all of the pubertal sites [15]. The striae induced by topical corticosteroid therapy occur particularly in the flexures, but may appear in other sites if occlusive plastic films increase absorption (see Figure 96.6) [16, 17].
The diagnosis of striae is usually simple. The possibility of Cushing syndrome must be considered, although this is rarely the cause. Lay people may mistake adolescent growth striae for signs of physical abuse. In linear focal elastosis the lesions are yellow and palpable.
Usually striae are no more than a cosmetic problem, but occasionally, if extensive, they may ulcerate or tear easily if traumatized.
Striae gravidarum generally improve after delivery and adolescent striae have an excellent prognosis. Even corticosteroid-induced striae may disappear or become less conspicuous when treatment is stopped.
Exclude Cushing syndrome if suspected.
In the case of common adolescent striae, the patient may be reassured that in time they will become less conspicuous. Numerous unproven remedies are available from cosmetic companies and there is no well substantiated evidence that topical therapies prevent or accelerate healing of striae [18, 19].
Some cases appear to respond to treatment with topical tretinoin cream (0.05% daily), although weekly superficial dermabrasion is claimed to be better tolerated [20]. The erythema of ‘younger’ striae is claimed to respond to the 585 nm pulsed dye and Nd : YAG lasers [21, 22]. Fractional photothermolysis has been used in chronic striae [23]. The application of silicone gel may be beneficial [24].
There is no proven treatment.
Poikiloderma is a descriptive term, comprising atrophy, macular or reticulate pigmentation and telangiectasia. There may be associated areas of scaling, hypopigmentation and petechiae and signs of inflammation such as lichenoid papules. Congenital poikiloderma is a feature of several inherited disorders, including Kindler syndrome (see Chapter 71), dyskeratosis congenita, Rothmund–Thomson and Weary syndromes (see Chapter 77) and erythrokeratoderma variabilis (see Chapter 65).
Poikiloderma may occur as a pattern of cutaneous response to injury by cold, heat or ionizing radiation [1]. So-called poikiloderma of Civatte (see Chapter 88) is a similar reaction mediated by photosensitizing chemicals in cosmetics. Some inflammatory dermatoses, such as lichen planus, may also give rise to poikilodermatous changes.
Poikiloderma is a feature of some systemic autoimmune diseases, and is a marker of disease severity in dermatomyositis [2]. It is also seen in lupus erythematosus and rarely in systemic sclerosis. Poikiloderma atrophicans vasculare is an early presenting feature of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (mycosis fungoides), typically stage IA–IIA; it predominantly affects males. It usually responds well to phototherapy and has a good prognosis [3] (Figure 96.12).
Scars resulting from the destruction of connective tissue by trauma or by inflammatory changes.
The distribution and character of the atrophic lesions may be so distinctive as to betray their origin, and is sometimes of considerable importance in diagnosis. Viral infections, such as varicella, can leave widespread small circular atrophic scars [1]. The scars left by tertiary syphilis, certain tuberculides and some deep mycoses, especially sporotrichosis, are usually completely atrophic. Onchocerciasis may result in extensive areas of dermal atrophy [2] (Figure 96.13). Areas of cutaneous lupus erythematosus may also leave atrophy without clinical evidence of sclerosis. Lupus vulgaris, the chronic follicular pyodermas and some cases of lupus erythematosus leave a combination of atrophy and sclerosis, in which the latter predominates. Lesions that have been treated by intralesional steroid injections may also leave atrophic scars.
Exposure to ionizing radiation gives rise to a very striking combination of atrophy, pigmentation and telangiectasia (poikiloderma).
The wide atrophic scars which follow injuries in Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (see Chapter 73) emphasize the importance of constitutional factors in determining the pattern of dermal response to a known external injury.
Stellate pseudoscars are white, irregular or ‘star-shaped’ atrophic scars (Figure 96.14). They are common on light-exposed skin, particularly on the extensor aspects of the forearms, often in association with purpura. These are seen in 20% of patients aged 70–90 years, and a much less common presenile form occasionally occurs before the age of 50 years. These pseudoscars are secondary to mild trauma, and are probably always preceded by haemorrhage into the dermis [3, 4].
Stellate scars following trivial trauma can also occur in other conditions which cause fragile skin, for example porphyria cutanea tarda and prolonged use of potent topical steroids.
Brown pseudoscars may also develop over the shins of diabetic patients with no history of trauma (diabetic dermopathy) (Figure 96.15) (see also Chapter 64). Histology reveals that the pigmentation is due to dermal deposition of haemosiderin and melanin [5].
This rare congenital condition, which was first described in 1985 [6], presents at birth with signs suggestive of congenital viral infection, including erythema, blistering, erosions and crusting often involving more than 75% of the skin surface. The skin heals over the course of a few months with soft reticulate scarring, which on the limbs tends to follow the long axis of the limbs (Figure 96.16). A recent review of 28 known cases [7] confirmed that it occurred predominantly in preterm infants (79%) and that there was often a history of maternal chorioamnionitis (43%). Neurodevelopmental problems were common. Histological examination in the early stages shows epidermal necrosis and subepidermal blistering but no evidence of viral infection or vasculitis. This is succeeded by scar formation with loss of appendageal structures, especially eccrine glands. The differential diagnosis includes Goltz syndrome, Rothmund–Thomson syndrome and aplasia cutis [7, 8]. An infant was treated successfully using a silicone sheet dressing [9].
This is a very rarely reported condition in which spontaneous scars develop on the cheeks (Figure 96.17) in young adults [1, 2] or children [3]. It may, however, be much commoner than the lack of reports suggests. The shallow atrophic lesions have sharp margins and may be linear, rectangular or varioliform. They may be preceded by slight erythema and scaling. Histology shows mild loss of collagen or elastic fibres; there may be thickening of the stratum corneum [4]. Familial cases are recorded [1, 5]; inheritance is probably autosomal dominant [6]. The differential diagnosis includes atrophoderma vermiculatum (see Chapter 87), chickenpox scars and artefact.
This is a late skin manifestation of Lyme borreliosis (see Chapter 27). It is characterized by the insidious onset of painless, dull-red nodules or plaques on the extremities, which slowly extend centrifugally for several months or years, leaving central areas of atrophy.
The condition is due to infection with a spirochaete, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, which is transmitted by ticks [1].
The disease occurs mainly in northern or central Europe, Italy and the Iberian Peninsula. Occasional cases occur in other parts of Europe and Africa, but it is very rare in the UK, America, Australia and Asia [2]. These geographical variations are related to different strains of the organism [3, 5].
Mostly between the ages of 30 and 60 years.
During the early stages, there is non-specific dermal oedema with perivascular inflammatory infiltration. Subsequently, the epidermis becomes atrophic and the epidermal appendages are destroyed. Beneath a subepidermal zone of degenerate connective tissue lies a dense, band-like infiltrate, predominantly consisting of lymphocytes, histiocytes and plasma cells. Ultimately, the infiltrate is reduced to narrow bands between collagen fibres. In some patients, scleroderma-like changes may develop [7, 8]. More typically, the dermis shows signs of atrophy; the swelling and homogenization of collagen and elastic fibres is followed by their disappearance [9]. Borrelia afzelii has been cultured from the atrophic skin [7] but culture is usually negative. Borrelia afzelii can be identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The organism may be resistant to attack by the complement system and may lurk in immunologically protected areas such as fibroblasts and endothelial cells. Expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interferon-γ (IFN-γ), is increased [10].
Borrelia afzelii is the predominant species associated with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans [11]. This species is transmitted by ticks in Western Europe, but is rare in the USA, where Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto predominates [12].
It is transmitted by bites from ticks, notably Ixodes spp., which favour scrubland [12].
Most cases occur in country-dwellers. There is usually a history of a tick bite. The onset is usually insidious, and constitutional symptoms are exceptional [13].
Dull-red or bluish-red nodules or plaques, more or less infiltrated, develop on the feet or legs, and less often on the forearms and hands. The lesions themselves are typically painless, but there may be associated acral pain or paraesthesiae. Erythema chronicum migrans (see Chapter 27) may have been present at the same site some years earlier. Extension to the trunk and the greater part of the body, including the face, is sometimes seen. Single or multiple lesions may be present. They slowly extend centrifugally, the active inflammatory stage persisting for months, years or even decades. Marginal extension may continue once the central areas have already entered the atrophic phase, in which the skin is smooth, hairless and tissue-paper-like, dull red, pigmented or poikilodermatous (Figure 96.18).
Subcutaneous nodules may develop around the knees or elbows, and fibrous bands along the ulnar margin of the forearms. Gaiter-like sclerosis of the lower third of the legs, often accompanied by ulceration, is a further complication. Morphoea of the trunk and lichen sclerosus (both genital and extragenital) have also been reported in association [2, 14]. Conversely, Borrelia antibodies have been found in some patients with morphoea [14, 15], although this does not appear to be a common finding [16].
In some cases, involvement of the joint capsule or bone results in limitation of movement of the joints of the hands and feet, or of the shoulders.
Occasional patients develop erythematous plaques, clinically and histologically suggestive of mycosis fungoides [17].
The early cutaneous phase of Lyme borreliosis, erythema chronicum migrans, may be confused with other annular erythemas, although a history is often obtained of a recent tick bite at the site. When it occurs on the lower legs, it may mimic venous insufficiency [18], with thick cyanotic itchy skin.
Very rarely, squamous carcinoma has developed in the atrophic skin, and lymphoma has also been reported in non-affected skin [19–21]. Other late manifestations of Lyme borreliosis (lymphocytoma, neurological, etc.) have been fully reviewed by Steere [1].
The bacteria can be eradicated with systemic antibiotics but some systemic features, such as neuroborreliosis, may persist.
In the atrophic stage, diagnosis is usually readily made, and can be confirmed histologically.
Immunoblotting, using B. afzelii flagellar antigen (41 kDa) is confirmatory [5]. Serology is used to confirm the diagnosis of Lyme disease, but false-negative and false-positive results are common. In chronic atrophic acrodermatitis, however, the antibody titre is very high. Serology may be positive on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) but negative on immunoblotting, particularly in patients with neurological disease [22]. A high titre of antibodies may reflect occult central nervous system involvement, when the antibodies can also be demonstrated in colony-stimulating factor [23].
Oral antibiotics should be given for 1 month, for example doxycycline or amoxicillin in standard doses [1]. Improvement occurs gradually and may not become apparent until several weeks after the course of treatment. There may be no improvement if treatment is delayed until atrophy has already developed. If the antibody titre is high or there are clinical features of systemic disease (e.g. neuroborreliosis), intravenous benzylpenicillin, ceftriaxone or cefotaxime should be given for 3 weeks [23]. There may be a case to be made for introducing public health measures such as chemoprophylaxis programmes or eventually a vaccine in endemic areas [24].
Elevated immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM antibodies may persist after treatment; this does not reflect treatment failure [25].
This distinctive abnormality manifests as dimple-like depressions at the follicular orifices and is usually associated with one of a small number of genetic syndromes but may be sporadic. It may be manifest at birth but may not become apparent until late in childhood. It usually involves the backs of the hands (Figure 96.19) and the feet, and sometimes the elbow region. It may be associated with the following conditions [1]:
It may also occur as an isolated defect of limited extent.
Histology shows widened follicular ostia with thickening of the connective tissue sheath of the follicle.
It appears to be associated with a variety of genetic defects.
Follicular depressions on the backs of the hands (see Figure 96.19), feet and occasionally elbows.
No proven treatment.
It is probable that this and atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini are atrophic variants of morphoea [2].
Cases are sporadic and worldwide.
Most cases are described in childhood and adolescence.
Leuconychia has been associated [3].
Histologically, the epidermis is normal apart from hyperpigmentation in the basal layer. There is a perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate in the dermis [4]. The collagen bundles are normal or thickened; there is diminished periadnexal and subcutaneous fat [5].
The condition may reflect mosaicism following a postzygotic mutational event [4, 6].
Lesions are usually asymptomatic and insidious in onset.
Linear atrophic hyperpigmented plaques in the distribution of Blaschko's lines, sometimes having a zosteriform appearance [5].
Atrophic variants of morphoea strongly resemble this syndrome, and may be identical.
Laboratory investigations are normal [5]. Skin biopsy is helpful if there is clinical doubt.
One case of successful treatment with methotrexate is reported [7].
This condition is probably an atrophic variant of morphoea (see Chapter 57) in which one or more patches of skin become bluish and sharply depressed, with no surrounding erythema [11–13].
Cases are mostly sporadic and rare.
Most cases present in childhood or adolescence.
There is a probable association with morphoea. Familial cases have been reported [14], together with an association with phenylketonuria [15].
The cause is unknown, although, as in morphoea, Borrelia burgdorferi has been implicated [16].
The histological changes are often slight [13]. There may be increased pigmentation of the basal layer. During the earlier stages, the collagen in the lower dermis may be oedematous, and elastic tissue clumped and scanty. There may be a dermal perivascular infiltrate consisting of macrophages and T lymphocytes. Immunofluorescence studies may show IgM and C3 staining in the dermal blood vessels [17]. Later, the oedema subsides and there is some reduction in the total thickness of the dermis. Collagen bundles appear homogeneous and clumped in the reticular dermis. Eventually there may also be some epidermal atrophy.
In common with morphoea, Borrelia burgdorferi has been implicated [16].
No genetic factor has been reliably incriminated, although familial cases have been reported [14], and morphoea and atrophoderma of Pasini have occurred in siblings with phenylketonuria [15].
The lesions are generally asymptomatic.
The lesions, which may be single or multiple, range in size from 2 cm to many centimetres in diameter, and are round or oval in shape, but may become confluent to form irregular patches (Figure 96.20). They are smooth, slate-coloured or violet-brown, and are slightly depressed below the level of the entirely normal surrounding skin. The back is almost always involved, the chest and abdomen frequently, and the proximal parts of the limbs occasionally.
Atrophic morphoea and linear atrophoderma may represent the same condition. Clinical differentiation from morphoea, possibly an academic exercise, is based on the ivory-white indurated plaque with an oedematous lilac ring so characteristic of the latter. Histologically, sclerosis may be prominent in morphoea and is usually absent in atrophoderma.
An overlap with juvenile idiopathic arthritis has been described [20].
The patches extend very slowly, increase in number for 10 years or more, and then usually persist unchanged. The eventual development of sclerodermatous changes within the patches has been observed, as has the presence in the same patient of lesions typical of atrophoderma and of morphoea.
Serological tests for Borrelia burgdorferi are typically negative [13] although there are case reports of an association (e.g. see [16]).
No treatment is of proven efficacy, but psoralen and UVA (PUVA) has helped some patients. Hydroxychloroquine has been used [21]. A case apparently associated with Borrelia burgdorferi responded to doxycycline [16].
This condition presents with the sudden spontaneous onset of one or more painful haematomas in the fingers (Figure 96.21).
Usually middle age.
Female predominance.
The cause is unknown but has been hypothesized to be due to a localized acquired fragility of vascular connective tissue.
There is no evidence of vasculitis or amyloid on skin biopsy.
Sudden onset of often painful haematoma.
Sudden bruising of the volar aspect of a finger may occur spontaneously or after minor trauma; the bruising resolves within days and the patient is asymptomatic between flares [1, 2, 3, 4]. The wrist may sometimes be involved [5]. There is no evidence of ischaemia [6].
It may be mistaken for easy bruising due to steroid atrophy. The absence of ischaemic features and rapid improvement exclude occlusive vascular disease.
There are no co-morbidities.
It may recur at intervals for several years. Although troublesome, it is a benign condition.
Although subtle angiographic abnormalities have been described [7], investigation of the patient for significant vascular disease is unnecessary [8].
Local panatrophy is a rare disorder involving partial or total loss of subcutaneous fat and atrophy of overlying skin, sometimes associated with atrophy or impaired growth of muscle or bone. A primary neurogenic disturbance has been postulated but not proved. The syndrome may represent the end result of more than one pathological process, but many cases may be due to a variant of morphoea. They are discussed further in Chapter 57.
The atrophic areas exhibit a reduced sympathetic response and aberrant production of non-esterified fatty acids after stimulation with norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and it has been suggested that there may be a primary abnormality of the sympathetic nervous system [1].
Two groups of cases can be differentiated.
Clinical features of these two groups are as follows.
Panatrophy of Gower [3, 4]. Sharply defined areas of atrophy, irregular in size, shape and distribution, develop over a period of a few weeks, without preceding inflammatory stages. In each affected area, the subcutaneous tissue disappears and the overlying skin appears atrophic but is otherwise normal. There may be a single area of atrophy or two or more. In size they range from 2 to 20 cm across, and in shape they are very variable but are sometimes triangular or quadrangular. Most lesions have occurred on the back, buttocks, thighs or upper arms, but some have involved the forearms or lower legs. The atrophy reaches its maximum extent within a few months and then remains unchanged indefinitely.
Sclerotic panatrophy. Atrophy of the subcutis, and sometimes of underlying muscle and bone, may follow clinically and histologically typical morphoea, especially when the process begins in childhood and involves a limb (see Chapter 57).
Sclerotic panatrophy may also occur in the absence of morphoea. The sclerosis involves subcutaneous tissue and muscle, and dense sclerotic scar-like linear bands develop along a limb, or encircle the trunk in a metameric distribution, or encircle a limb. These lesions have also usually occurred in childhood. They cease to progress after a few months and, although new areas may be involved, most lesions have been solitary.
It is probable that Gower's panatrophy and linear morphoea are at the ends of a continuous disease spectrum. The histology of linear morphoea reveals thickened bundles of collagen, which appear to be intact on B-scan ultrasound imaging [5].
In the differential diagnosis of panatrophy, the various forms of panniculitis must be excluded. The preceding inflammatory changes are the single most distinctive feature, but they are not always easy to distinguish.
Facial defects can be corrected by autologous fat grafting [6].
Facial hemiatrophy (see also Chapter 57)
Facial hemiatrophy is an atrophic dysplasia of the superficial facial tissues, but the underlying muscles, cartilage and bone may also be affected [1].
This rare disease usually starts within the first two decades of life.
The sexes are equally affected.
Some cases have been associated with syringomyelia, epilepsy or cerebrovascular disease, but in 90% of cases no such association is demonstrable.
The cause is unknown, but it may be a disorder of the sympathetic nervous system in some cases.
There is no evidence that it is usually genetically determined, but it appears to be hereditary in a few pedigrees.
Occasionally, there may be premonitory muscle spasms or neuralgia [2] but often it is asymptomatic.
The first manifestation is usually increased or decreased pigmentation in irregular patches on the cheeks, forehead or lower jaw. Progressive atrophy gradually develops in the affected sites, involving skin, subcutis, muscle and bone, and may extend in area — and sometimes in depth — for months or years with temporary remissions. The skin becomes dry, thin and atrophic, but may be scar-like and adherent in some areas. When the atrophy is fully developed, the contrast between the sunken, haggard, pigmented affected half of the face and the unaffected half is dramatic. The hair may be lost in the fronto-parietal region on the affected side but is often normal; occasionally, localized canities is an early change. A variety of neurological signs have been reported, of which Horner syndrome is the most frequent. Heterochromia of the iris has developed at the same time as the facial atrophy in about 5% of cases, and retinal changes may also be present [3], including central retinal artery occlusion [4]. There can be ipsilateral cerebral atrophy [5].
The degree of bone atrophy as established radiologically is usually much less than the clinical appearance suggests, and is severe only in some cases of early onset. In such cases, the cerebral cortex may also be affected, and contralateral epilepsy may result.
When the cutaneous involvement is early and conspicuous, the diagnosis presents few difficulties. Hypoplasia following radiotherapy given in infancy, perhaps in treatment of a naevus in the region of the temporo-mandibular joint, could cause confusion. If the skin changes are slight, or of later onset, physiological asymmetry, unilateral mandibular agenesis, hemihypertrophy and atrophy secondary to facial paralysis must be excluded. Hemihypertrophy is always congenital. When the limbs are involved, infantile hemiplegia and lipodystrophy must also be considered.
Lupus panniculitis results in subcutaneous atrophy which can be hemifacial. Atrophic morphoea of the ‘coup de sabre’ paramedian form may be associated with some degree of facial hemiatrophy, especially if it begins early in life. However, it is generally a more superficial process than progressive facial hemiatrophy. The skin in scleroderma is bound down and adherent, and loss of hair and pigmentary changes are conspicuous. In progressive facial hemiatrophy, the skin may remain mobile and grossly normal. The two processes have been confused frequently in the literature, and may coexist [6].
There may be associated segmental vitiligo [7]. Spontaneous fracture of the jaw has also been reported [8].
The atrophy may remain limited both in extent and depth. It may be confined to the distribution of one division of the trigeminal nerve or involve the whole of the side of the face, sharply demarcated at the midline. Rarely, it may be bilateral, and very rarely may involve half the body, usually on the same side as the face but exceptionally the opposite side — crossed hemiatrophy. The atrophy may, in such cases, begin on the trunk or a limb and only later involve the face.
Plastic surgery using large buried pediculated flaps of dermis and fat, or silicone implants, offers some cosmetic benefit [9–11]. Autologous fat grafts have a variable ‘take’ although they remain the treatment of choice [12]; supplementation with stromal vascular fraction-supplemented cell therapy may improve the long-term result [13].
The capacity of the skin to adapt to local or general changes in body size and contour, and to allow for movement of head and limbs and a wide range of facial expression, depends upon its tension, elasticity and tensile strength. These properties may be congenitally defective or modified by ageing or disease [1–3]. Acquired disorders of elastic tissue have been reviewed in detail by Lewis et al. [4, 5].
Elastic fibres are abundant in the skin, arteries, lungs and ligaments. They provide tissues with resilience and elasticity, enabling the skin to resume its original shape after deforming forces have ceased to act. There is wide individual variation, but a tendency for elastic fibres to become less plentiful with age. Cutaneous elasticity is also reduced in a variety of skin disorders including cutis laxa. Additionally, elastic fibres provide adhesion for cells and play a role in regulating growth factors (e.g. transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)) [2].
The tensile strength of the skin is the degree to which it can be elongated before it tears. It is greatest in infancy and decreases with age, but is also abnormally low in diseases associated with qualitatively or quantitatively abnormal collagen such as Ehlers–Danlos syndrome and Cushing syndrome [3].
Increased laxity of the skin due to ageing (accelerated by dermal photodegradation) is extremely common, but cutaneous laxity can occasionally result from marked weight loss (especially after gross obesity) or can follow recovery from severe oedema. Less commonly, the skin may become lax due to localized or generalized defects in elastic tissue resulting from other causes, and these may be grouped as follows:
It is probable that many of the above conditions are variations of the same disease, and there is considerable overlap. They share a similar pathological process, namely elastophagocytosis (the phagocytosis of elastic fibres by histiocytes and/or multinucleate giant cells) [1].
Cutis laxa presents clinically as lax skin which hangs in folds, together with loss of dermal elastic tissue histologically. Congenital forms are discussed in Chapter 72.
Cutis laxa may be acquired following inflammatory skin disease [1] or following exposure in utero to drugs such as penicillamine [2]. An immunological pathogenesis has been suggested in many cases.
Cutis laxa has been reported in association with urticarial eruptions, nephrotic syndrome [3], complement deficiency, sarcoidosis, syphilis, primary amyloidosis and multiple myeloma [4, 5], drug hypersensitivity and the Klippel–Trenaunay syndrome [6]. Focal elastolysis can also occur in association with lupus erythematosus [7], severe rheumatoid arthritis [8] and coeliac disease [9]. d-penicillamine disrupts elastic fibre formation and may cause cutis laxa, elastosis perforans serpiginosa and pseudoxanthoma-like changes [10, 11]. Congenital cutis laxa may also occur in offspring of mothers taking penicillamine [2].
Immunological or chemical disruption of dermal elastic fibres.
In acquired cutis laxa, dermal elastic tissue is markedly reduced, although collagen is normal. Fibroblasts express increased elastolytic activity (cathepsin G). Levels of serum α1-antitrypsin and elastase inhibition are decreased [12].
There may be an underlying genetic susceptibility, for example defects in the interaction of elastin and fibulin 5 results in elastic fibres that are more susceptible to degradation by matrix metalloproteinases [13].
Cutis laxa may rarely develop at any age following episodes of urticaria or angio-oedema, extensive inflammatory skin disease (such as systemic lupus erythematosus or erythema multiforme) or febrile illness (Figure 96.22). It may also follow hypersensitivity reactions such as penicillin allergy [14].
There may be widespread massive folds of lax skin, or the changes may be mild and confined to a limited area, in which case it cannot be distinguished from anetoderma. Purpura may follow slight trauma and fibrotic nodules may form over bony prominences. Organs other than the skin may also be involved. Emphysema, gastric fibromas and tracheobronchomegaly have been reported [15].
Post-inflammatory elastolysis and cutis laxa (Marshall syndrome) (Figure 96.23a–c) was originally described as a distinctive syndrome in African children but subsequently reported worldwide, Clinical features are intermediate between anetoderma and cutis laxa [16, 17, 18]. It is preceded by an inflammatory process, often with a neutrophilic component (e.g. Sweet syndrome [19, 20]) or an insect bite. The preceding inflammatory lesions may be urticaria-like or multiple red papules, which slowly enlarge to form rings 2–10 cm in diameter [17]. It has been associated with α1-antitryspin deficiency, which may enable matrix metalloproteinases to destroy dermal elastin, and screening for this enzyme deficiency is recommended [20].
The history should enable the condition to be distinguished from congenital cutis laxa. In Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, the skin is hyperextensible but not lax, and it recoils quickly. In PXE, the skin may be lax, but it is yellowish and the face is usually spared. It is distinguished histologically by the presence of calcification. There may be circumscribed folds of lax skin in neurofibromatosis, and loose folded skin may also occur in leprechaunism, Patterson syndrome and trisomy 18, but these conditions are distinguished by their associated features.
In severe actinic damage, there may be marked skin laxity due to damage to elastic fibres. There is doubtless considerable overlap with other elastolytic conditions described later.
The diagnosis, which is suggested by finding loose skin that recoils only slowly after stretching, may be confirmed by histological confirmation of a reduction in elastic fibres. Investigations for emphysema may be indicated, with referral to a pulmonary physician if necessary. Underlying inflammatory disease may require investigation.
Plastic surgery (‘face-lift’) may substantially reduce the cosmetic disability [18].
The term anetoderma (anetos: slack) refers to a circumscribed area of slack skin associated with a loss of dermal substance on palpation and a loss of elastic tissue on histological examination. ‘Primary’ anetoderma implies that there is no associated localized underlying cutaneous disease, whereas ‘secondary’ anetoderma can be attributed to some associated condition.
Previously, cases of ‘primary’ anetoderma were divided into the Jadassohn–Pellizzari type, in which the lesions are preceded by erythema or urticaria, and the Schweninger–Buzzi type, in which there are no preceding inflammatory lesions. This is now of historical interest only, because in the same patient some lesions may be preceded by inflammation and others may not, and the prognosis and histology are identical in the two types [1, 2, 3].
Mainly 20–40 years, but is occasionally reported in infants and older patients.
Mainly in women [2].
Primary anetoderma is strongly associated with antiphospholipid syndrome [4, 5, 6] with or without features of systemic lupus. In older reports, this may have led to a misdiagnosis of syphilis in many cases, although there is a definite association with the disease and its treatment [7]. Secondary anetoderma has been reported in association with tuberculosis and leprosy [8], urticaria pigmentosa [9], pityriasis versicolor [10], granuloma annulare [11, 12], Stevens–Johnson syndrome [13], B- and T-cell lymphoma [14–16] and other conditions.
Some reported associations may be coincidental, but it is probable that many inflammatory diseases may occasionally be complicated by anetoderma.
Localized anetoderma may occur in premature infants, possibly due to the application of transcutaneous oxygen monitoring devices [17, 18]. Localized anetoderma-like changes on histology have been reported in association with pilomatricoma [19], dermatofibroma [20], juvenile xanthogranuloma [21] and hamartomatous congenital naevi [22]. Lesions resembling anetoderma occur in post-inflammatory elastolysis and cutis laxa (Marshall syndrome) (Figure 96.23b). Penicillamine-induced anetoderma has also been reported [23].
Recently, it has become apparent that ‘primary’ anetoderma is strongly associated with antiphospholipid antibodies, with or without a prothrombotic state (Figure 96.24) [4, 5]. It is probable that these antibodies underly the association historically noted with syphilis, and more recently with borreliosis [27] and systemic lupus.
In a few cases, there appears to be an underlying structural defect of connective tissue. Familial cases are reported [24–26] and there is an association with inherited bony or ocular abnormalities. The Blegvad–Haxthausen syndrome comprises anetoderma, blue sclerae and osteogenesis imperfecta (OI).
The histology of anetoderma suggests that the basic abnormality is focal elastolysis [1, 28, 29]. This may be secondary to the release of elastase from inflammatory cells which are probably always present in the early stages. Metalloproteinases are increased in lesional skin [30].
Complement activation may be involved, as C3 is deposited on the remaining elastic fibres [31]. It has been suggested that decay-accelerating factor (DAF) and vitronectin (an inhibitor of the membrane–attack complex) may protect elastic fibres against this type of damage [32]. Abnormalities in the protective system could play a role in primary anetoderma.
This is seen in association with another identifiable disease, and has occurred in association with systemic [33] or chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus [34], not always in relation to the lesions. Anetoderma is also associated with lupus profundus [35, 36].
Some cases of primary anetoderma have direct immunofluorescence findings similar to those of either chronic cutaneous or systemic lupus erythematosus, even though there may be no other features of lupus erythematosus [38, 39]. Biopsy shows a focal loss of elastic tissue, and a perivascular infiltrate with prominent plasma cells [1, 2]. Generalized elastolysis (cutis laxa) has also occurred [37].
Antibodies have not been demonstrated against elastic fibres [39].
During the early stages, the dermis is oedematous, and a lymphocytic infiltrate (predominantly helper T cells) surrounds the blood vessels and appendages [1, 29]. Plasma cells and histiocytes, with some granuloma formation, may also be seen. Later, the oedema and perivascular infiltrate subside and elastic fibres become scanty. The persistence of fine, irregular or twisted elastic fibres is common. The dermal collagen may also be diminished, but the fragmentation and disappearance of elastic tissue is the essential change, beginning superficially in the subpapillary zone and extending downwards. Electron microscopy shows phagocytosis of elastic fibres by macrophages [40–42].
Serological evidence of Borrelia burgdorferi infection has been observed in some cases [27].
Familial cases are reported [24–26].
It is perhaps more frequent in central Europe than elsewhere, which suggests a possible relationship to chronic atrophic acrodermatitis (due to Borrelia spp.) in some cases [27].
There may be a history of a previous inflammatory, perhaps urticated, lesion at the site. Often lesions are asymptomatic.
In primary anetoderma crops of round or oval pink macules 0.5–1.0 cm in diameter develop on the trunk, thighs and upper arms, less commonly on the neck and face and rarely elsewhere. The scalp, palms and soles are usually spared. Each macule extends for a week or two to reach a size of 2–3 cm. Sometimes, there are larger plaques of erythema, and nodules have also been reported as a primary lesion [43]. Slowly, each lesion fades and flattens from the centre outwards to leave a macule of wrinkled atrophic skin, which yields on pressure, admitting the finger through the surrounding ring of normal skin (Figure 96.25). The colour varies from skin colour to grey, white or blue. The number of lesions varies widely, from less than five to 100 or more.
In some cases, the lesions are initially urticarial weals which, after a succession of exacerbations and remissions, perhaps continuing for many weeks, are succeeded by atrophy. They may become confluent, to cover large areas, especially at the roots of the limbs and on the neck.
The atrophic areas in secondary anetoderma do not always develop at the sites of the known inflammatory lesions. They are soft, round or oval areas which occur mainly on the trunk.
‘Confetti-like macular atrophy’ [44] may be a variant of anetoderma, although the lesions are not depressed or herniated. Hypopigmented shiny atrophic patches occur on the upper limbs and trunk. Histology shows an atrophic epidermis with disorganized, hyalinized coarse collagen bundles in mid-dermis, with elastic fibre loss and fragmentation in the upper dermis.
Extragenital lichen sclerosus (see Chapter 57) presenting as white spots around the base of the neck and shoulders should not be confused with anetoderma. Histological examination establishes the diagnosis if there is doubt.
Focal dermal hypoplasia and atrophic scars must also be considered.
Aquired cutis laxa (see earlier) and anetoderma are closely related, and may represent different forms of the same condition.
The diagnosis of ‘primary’ anetoderma can be established only by excluding the presence of any of the diseases known to be associated with ‘secondary’ atrophy, e.g. perifollicular elastolysis (see later).
The lesions remain unchanged throughout life, and new lesions often continue to develop for many years. If the lesions coalesce they form large atrophic areas, which are indistinguishable from acquired cutis laxa [2].
In patients with primary anetoderma it is important to test for antiphospholipid syndrome and treat appropriately, e.g. with aspirin or warfarin.
No specific treatment exists. In the case of secondary anetoderma, treatment should be directed against underlying disease or infections.
Penicillin and the antifibrinolytic drug ε-aminocaproic acid have been advocated [45], but Venencie et al. [2] studied 16 patients and found no treatment was beneficial once the atrophy had developed. Colchicine may prevent some atrophic changes [46]. Ablative (e.g. carbon dioxide) lasers may reduce scarring [13].
Idiopathic loss of the elastic fibres in the mid-dermis leads to widespread wrinkling of the crinkle type in otherwise healthy young or middle-aged women (Figure 96.26) [1, 2]. The exact relationship between this condition and other elastolytic disorders such as acquired cutis laxa and anetoderma is uncertain. Localized areas may clinically resemble PXE, although they are histologically distinct [3, 4].
Sporadic cases.
Young to middle age.
Mostly female.
Cases have been associated with a prothrombotic state [5], suggesting a similarity to anetoderma.
It has been reported to follow granuloma annulare [6] and other inflammatory conditions.
Ultrastructural studies of mid-dermal elastolysis demonstrate elastic fibres engulfed by macrophages [7]. In the perifollicular variant histology shows a non-inflammatory perifollicular loss of elastin fibres [8]. Immunological studies of affected skin show a non-specific profile of immune activation [9]. Cultured fibroblasts from lesional dermis exhibit increased elastolytic activity and reduced elastin mRNA compared with normal skin [10]. Maghraoui et al. [11] have distinguished post-inflammatory elastolysis, with or without features of cutis laxa, from non-inflammatory elastolysis.
The histology of idiopathic mid-dermal elastolysis is similar to that of PECL (see earlier). Those lesions are preceded by inflammatory lesions, but the lesions of idiopathic mid-dermal elastolysis may also occasionally be preceded by erythema, urticaria or a burning sensation, and the two conditions are similar, if not identical.
Elastase-producing strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis have been implicated in the perifollicular variant [12].
UV light may trigger elastophagocytosis [13]. The condition has also been reported in a patient receiving haemodialysis [14] and near the site of insertion of a pacemaker [15].
Inflammatory triggers may include UV radiation, insect bites, varicose veins, borreliosis and acute neutrophilic dermatosis [16, 17].
The condition is typically asymptomatic.
Millimetre to centimetre large, well-circumscribed or net-like areas of crinkly skin (cigarette paper-like fine wrinkling).
Three variants have been described [18] as follows:
In addition to these, a linear lumbar variant has also been described [19].
Selective loss of elastic tissue in the papillary dermis was originally described in an otherwise healthy 86-year-old woman, who presented with numerous yellowish papules on the neck and upper trunk, and associated coarse wrinkles [20]. Since, there have been several other reports, mostly in women aged 60–70 years [21, 22, 23]. This condition may be a unique variant or related to acquired PXE [23].
The histology of idiopathic mid-dermal elastolysis is similar to that of PECL, which occurs in young African girls (see earlier). Those lesions are preceded by inflammatory lesions, but the lesions of idiopathic mid-dermal elastolysis may also occasionally be preceded by erythema, urticaria or a burning sensation, and the two conditions are similar, if not identical.
No definite treatment exists but topical retinoic acid (0.01% gel) produced some cosmetic improvement in one patient [9]. Reduction of degradation by metalloproteinases would be desirable, as in other elastophagocytic disorders [24].
Laxity of the eyelid skin due to a defect in the elastic tissue.
Rare, mostly sporadic.
Usually around the time of puberty.
Most cases are reported in white people.
Some cases may be a localized form of post-inflammatory elastolysis or follow angio-oedema [1].
Presumably inflammatory stimulus to elastophagocytosis.
In the early stages, there may be a mild dermal lymphocytic infiltrate, and in the later stages the elastic fibres in the lids fragment and decrease [2]. Normal elastin gene expression suggests other factors may be involved in elastic fibre loss [3]. IgA deposition may be detected on fibres, implying an immunopathogenic mechanism may be relevant [4]. Disintegration of collagen fibres has also been observed in one case [5].
None known.
Some pedigrees show autosomal dominance, although most cases are sporadic.
There may be a history of previous transient episodes of painless eyelid swelling lasting for 2–3 days.
Blepharochalasis is an uncommon condition that usually develops insidiously. Attacks of painless swelling of the eyelids are followed by laxity, atrophy, wrinkling and pigmentation, predominantly of the upper eyelids (Figure 96.27). There may be multiple telangiectases. These changes produce an appearance of tiredness, debauchery or premature ageing.
Reduplication of the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid is associated with blepharochalasis in about 10% of cases, and this may make the eyelids appear thick.
Ascher syndrome is the association of blepharochalasis with progressive enlargement of the upper lip due to hypertrophy and inflammation of the labial salivary glands [1–3, 6, 7, 9–11, 12, 13, 14]. The lip feels soft and lobulated and there may be excessive salivation. In some cases, the accessory lacrimal glands are also affected, with increased thickness of the eyelids. Goitre (enlargement of the thyroid) has also been reported as part of the syndrome [6].
Actinic granuloma is an uncommon condition affecting actinically damaged skin that results from a low-grade reactive inflammatory process in which degenerate elastic fibres are phagocytosed by multinucleate giant cells and histiocytes. It is the commonest type of annular elastolytic giant cell granuloma, in which abnormal elastic fibres are progressively destroyed by an expanding ring of elastolysis and granulomatous inflammation.
Annular elastolytic giant cell granuloma (AEGCG) is an uncommon granulomatous cutaneous reaction pattern in which damaged dermal elastic fibres are slowly eliminated by a process of phagocytosis by multinucleate giant cells and histiocytes (Figure 96.28) [1]. The commonest form, actinic granuloma, occurs in sun-exposed skin and manifests as one or more slowly enlarging annular plaques with an elevated erythematous margin, leaving behind a central area of atrophy devoid of elastic fibres (Figure 96.29) [2]. Actinic granuloma is associated with diabetes in up to 40% of cases: it has been postulated that hyperglycaemia may alter the immunogenicity of elastic fibres [1, 3]. There are other less common variants of AEGCG including an annular form of sarcoidosis which typically presents around the temples and forehead and was originally described as atypical necrobiosis lipoidica [4, 5]; AEGCG in sun-protected skin [6, 7, 8]; and AEGCG occurring in burn scars [9, 10]. It has also been associated with prolonged doxycycline photosensitivity [11], prolonged sunbed exposure [12] and with the onset and recurrence of acute myeloid leukaemia [13]. The common theme would appear to be damage to elastic fibres provoking a granulomatous inflammatory response.
The condition is more common in sunny countries.
Usually over the age of 30.
Fitzpatrick skin type I are particularly susceptible.
The histological appearances are characteristic [1, 2, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. A biopsy taken radially across the thickened edge of the lesion and stained with elastic van Gieson stain shows three distinct zones in the dermis. In the external ‘normal’ skin, there is actinic elastosis. In the thickened annulus, there is a histiocytic and giant cell inflammatory reaction in relation to elastotic fibres (Figure 96.30a,b), and in the centre, within the annulus, little or no elastic tissue remains. The cellular infiltrate slowly expands outwards, leaving behind a central area from which elastic fibres have been removed by ‘elastoclasis’.
The epidermis may be normal or it may show signs of actinic damage.
Chronic photodamage.
Lesions are typically asymptomatic.
Lesions may be single or multiple. They normally develop in sun-exposed skin such as the dorsa of the hands and forearms, the vee of the neck or the bald scalp (Figure 96.31). Fair-skinned or freckled subjects are particularly susceptible. The lesions start insidiously as small pink papules, which slowly extend centrifugally to form a ring of firm superficial dermal thickening which is smooth and slightly elevated (see Figure 96.29). The ring initially measures a few millimetres across but gradually expands, often attaining a diameter of several centimetres. The centre may become slightly atrophic and variable depigmentation may occur. The lesions are usually asymptomatic but a sunburn reaction may provoke severe erythema and irritation. Hair growth is not affected (see Figure 96.31).
See introduction: some cases of AEGCG may represent an annular form of cutaneous sarcoidosis [19].
Granuloma multiforme is a condition which many would regard as a variant of AECGC (see later).
Diabetes (see earlier).
The condition can improve with adequate sun protection.
Skin biopsy.
No treatment is of proven benefit. Topical steroids are generally unhelpful.
Anecdotal reports of successful treatment include intralesional triamcinolone, and oral hydroxychloroquine, isotretinoin (0.5 mg/kg/day) [20] acitretin 25 mg/day [21], dapsone, methotrexate and ciclosporin and topical tacrolimus [22].
Granuloma multiforme is a dermatosis reported in dark-skinned people mainly from Africa and India [1, 2, 3–8]. It shares many similarities with AEGCG in that it is characterized by annular plaques with giant cell granuloma formation at the periphery and loss of elastic tissue centrally [1]. As with AEGCG, it presents with papules which enlarge to form annular plaques with raised edges which may attain many centimetres in diameter. Histologically, the condition is difficult to distinguish from AEGCG except that focal necrobiosis and dermal mucin may be seen, which is not the case in AEGCG. Many authorities believe that granuloma multiforme should be regarded as a form of AEGCG [1].
Its importance lies in its superficial resemblance to tuberculoid leprosy, which is an important differential diagnosis. Leiker et al. [2, 3, 4] first described granuloma multiforme and distinguished it from tuberculoid leprosy. Leiker called it Mkar disease, after the town where it was first studied. The condition is endemic in certain villages in eastern Nigeria, where the local inhabitants refer to it in the Ibo tongue as ‘Ununo Enyi’ (elephant ringworm) [5, 8]. The disease appears to occur predominantly in females over the age of 40 years [5, 8, 9]. Intense sun exposure over many years in people able to withstand acute photodamage appears to be a common feature. The difference in skin type and other unknown factors may explain the rather minor histopathological differences from AEGCG as seen in fair-skinned individuals.
The upper, uncovered parts of the body are predominantly affected. The initial lesions are small flesh-coloured papules which become aggregated into plaques or form the elevated rims of annular lesions. In larger annular lesions, the central area is often hypopigmented. Pruritus may be prominent. The condition lasts for many months or years, and may persist indefinitely.
Leprosy is endemic in the same regions where granuloma multiforme is found, and can look very similar. However, there is no loss of sensation or sweating, or other evidence of neural involvement in granuloma multiforme.
No treatment is known to be effective.
Granulomatous slack skin is characterized by the slow development of pendulous folds of lax erythematous skin, which on histological examination contain a dense granulomatous dermal infiltrate, with destruction of dermal elastic tissue. It is now considered to be a type of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (mycosis fungoides) (see Chapter 140) [1, 2].
Transepithelial elimination (TEE) of altered elastic fibres can occasionally occur in generalized hereditary forms of PXE (see Chapter 72), but it can also occur as a localized acquired defect in patients who do not have the other features of PXE [1]. These localized lesions usually occur in the periumbilical area in obese, multiparous black or Asian women, and it is possible that this represents a response to repeated cutaneous stretching (e.g. ascites or previous abdominal surgery) [2, 4]. Similar lesions on the breast have been reported in patients undergoing haemodialysis [2, 5].
Clinically, asymptomatic yellow macules and papules coalesce into well-demarcated hyperpigmented plaques which slowly enlarge. The surface may be atrophic, grooved, fissured or verrucous, and compression of the edge of the lesion may produce a liquid discharge.
It seems likely that most cases previously described as elastosis perforans serpiginosa in association with PXE were really examples of perforating PXE [6]. The histology of the two conditions is similar, but in perforating PXE there is transepidermal elimination of altered basophilic, calcified, elastic fibres [7], which are short, fragmented, curled and predominantly in the mid-dermis, whereas in elastosis perforans serpiginosa the fibres are abnormally large, non-calcified, eosinophilic and straight. The condition is similar to, or identical with, papillary dermal elastolysis (see earlier) [8].
Spontaneous resolution has been reported [9].
Skin changes which are virtually identical to those of PXE can rarely be produced by penicillamine (e.g. in the treatment of Wilson disease), although the systemic features do not occur [1, 2]. The skin changes can be explained by the known effect of penicillamine in inhibiting collagen and elastin cross-linking, with the production of vastly increased amounts of abnormal elastin in the dermis [3]. Transepidermal extrusion of elastin has been reported in this condition [4].
Lesions clinically resembling PXE are reported in the eosinophilia–myalgia syndrome; dermal calcification is absent on histology [5]. Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome is defined by: (i) incapacitating myalgias; (ii) a blood eosinophil count greater than 1000 cells/μL; and (iii) no evidence of infection (e.g. trichinosis) or neoplastic conditions that could account for these findings, and related to toxic oil syndrome, caused by ingestion of contaminated l-tryptophan or other less well-characterized toxic substances (see Saltpetre disease later).
Yellowish papules and plaques resembling PXE are seen in some patients with amyloidosis; amyloid deposits are seen and, again, dermal calcification is absent [6, 7].
PXE–like lesions are described in several haemoglobinopathies, including congenital anaemia, sickle cell disease and thalassaemia [8]. These patients may develop systemic manifestations such as peripheral vascular occlusive disease and retinal neovascularization and haemorrhage [9].
A condition which resembles the skin changes of PXE clinically, histologically and ultrastructurally has been described in a group of elderly farmers, who decades earlier had spread a fertilizer containing calcium-ammonium nitrate (Norwegian saltpetre). The patients developed cutaneous ulcers at sites of exposure (including antecubital fossae). These quickly healed to leave yellowish-white papules and plaques. None of the patients had a positive family history or other signs of PXE.
Acrokeratoelastoidosis is an uncommon asymptomatic disorder which manifests as multiple tiny crateriform keratotic papules along the margins of the hands and feet, particularly in people of African descent (Figure 96.32a–c). The name derives from the histological appearances which include not only epidermal acanthosis and hyperkeratosis but also fragmentation of underlying dermal elastic fibres [1]. The mechanisms involved are not understood.
It is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion but does not usually present until after puberty; sporadic cases also occur [2]. As elastorrhexis cannot always be demonstrated, alternative names for clinically indistinguishable cases have been proposed: these include focal acral hyperkeratosis and marginal papular acrokeratoderma [3, 4]. There is still controversy as to whether these should be regarded as separate entities.
This condition is characterized by asymptomatic yellow linear bands arranged horizontally on the lower back [1, 2, 3, 4]. It less commonly occurs on the legs and shoulders.
This condition may represent a keloidal reaction to striae distensae.
Case reports are mostly sporadic. It may be commoner than reports suggest.
Initially reported in elderly males [1], although subsequently reported patients are chiefly adolescents [5, 6, 7].
Predominantly male.
White people, Asiatic and Afro-Caribbean [5].
The lesions may be associated with a growth spurt, similar to adolescent growth striae [6].
Ultrastructural studies reveal active elastogenesis. The middle and lower dermal collagen is separated by bluish grey fine fibrillar material, which is composed of thin wavy elastic fibres and fragmented elastic fibre bundles. Early lesions may, in contrast, show elastolysis, with decreased elastin and microfibrillar proteins [8]. The elastic fibres are near to or even in contact with fibroblasts [9]. Elastogenesis may occur in response to local trauma, UV light or perhaps following the development of striae distensae [10]. However, these mechanisms do not adequately explain the increasing number of cases reported, particularly in the young, and it may be that intrinsic defects of elastic fibre metabolism play a role [4].
None known.
There may be an underlying defect of elastic tissue, as yet unidentified [4]. Familial cases are reported [5, 11].
Insidious onset of asymptomatic lesions chiefly on the lower back.
Superficially, the lesions resemble striae distensae, but they are palpable rather than depressed and yellow rather than purplish or white. Linear focal elastosis has been reported adjacent to striae distensae [10, 12] and in one case following potent topical corticosteroids [13].
Striae (which often coexist).
Of cosmetic importance only.
Associated with striae in many cases.
Unknown. Lesions probably regress with time.
None needed.
Yellowish papules with a peau d'orange appearance appear on the flexures. Clinically and histologically, the lesions resemble elastomas, but this rare condition has only been reported in elderly Japanese men [1, 2].
Elastofibroma occurs predominantly in elderly women. Most cases are reported from Southern Japan. There may be a history of prolonged manual labour. The painless or slightly tender swelling beneath the lower angle of the scapula, from 2 to 10 cm in diameter, is often discovered fortuitously. It may enlarge slowly, displacing neighbouring structures, and it can be clinically confused with a sarcoma. This is a benign lesion, however, despite the fact that it is poorly circumscribed. The growth is composed of mature fibrous tissue, containing fibres which stain as elastic fibres. The lesions may be solitary or multiple.
Histologically, the lesion contains abundant large elastic fibres, some broken into irregular masses, and large amounts of relatively acellular collagen. The elastic f]ibres are composed of true elastin surrounded by a large amount of hydrophilic material forming an orderly array of tubules [4]. It is generally regarded either as a type of reactive hyperplasia, or as a hamartoma, arising either from dermis, subscapular connective tissue or periosteum [6]. It is cured by simple excision [7], although there is a high complication rate after surgery; postoperative suction is recommended [8] and there is a risk of recurrence [8, 9].
Elastoderma is a very rare condition which is due to excessive elastogenesis, as distinct from acquired cutis laxa, where there is a loss of elastic tissue. A young woman developed a localized defect of the skin of one arm, which became pendulous and lax, but lost its elastic recoil. Histological and biochemical investigation showed this was due to accumulation of excessive elastin, with derangement of elastin fibrillogenesis [1].
In further cases, also affecting young women, clinically uninvolved skin showed thin elastic fibres on haematoxylin and eosin staining, without calcification [2]. Transmission electron microscopy showed irregular elastic tissue fibres with electron dense extensions; fibroblasts were abundant, possessing widened rough endoplasmic reticulum [3]. Despite the skin laxity, there is no joint hypermobility [3].
This is a rare variant of connective tissue naevus. Adolescents or young adults present with multiple non-follicular oval white or yellowish papules on the trunk or limbs; dermal elastic fibres are decreased and fragmented on histology. Most case reports are sporadic, with no family history and no extracutaneous manifestations [1–3]. The differential diagnosis includes acne scars, in which the papules are follicular, with decreased elastin but no elastorrhexis; familial cutaneous collagenoma is histologically similar, but cases of papular elastorrhexis are sporadic [4]. Similar lesions are seen in some patients with Buschke–Ollendorff syndrome (see Chapter 15), in which osteopoikilosis is also a feature. To add to the confusion, abortive forms of Buschke–Ollendorff syndrome have been described, lacking osteopoikilosis [5]. A family has been described with this variant [6]. It is possible that papular elastorrhexis is not a separate entity [7]. Intralesional triamcinolone may be beneficial [8], if treatment is necessary.
Fibrous overgrowth of dermal and subcutaneous connective tissue occurs most readily in certain sites and at certain ages, and some of the resulting syndromes are clinically and histologically distinctive and well defined. There are some cases, however, that defy precise classification, and others in which histological criteria may be a poor guide to prognosis. Invasiveness and a high local recurrence rate may or may not be associated with a tendency to metastasize. The borderline between simple overgrowth and a benign tumour may be equally difficult to define.
Abnormal fibrosis is a feature of many debilitating systemic disorders, such as cirrhosis and pulmonary fibrosis. A closer understanding of the myofibroblast and the regulatory pathways of cytokines and growth factors, such as TGF-β, should enable the development of effective and specific antifibrotic drugs [1].
Fibromatosis is a benign fibrous tissue proliferation, which is intermediate between benign fibroma and metastasizing fibrosarcoma. The lesions of fibromatosis tend to infiltrate and recur when removed, but they do not metastasize. The term should not be applied to reactive fibrous proliferation, or to keloid, which is usually secondary to injury. The lesions in fibromatosis may be single or multiple, and the likelihood of recurrence after surgical removal varies with the location of the lesion and the age of the patient. The fibromatoses occur in two major groups:
This is a fibromatous hyperplasia of the palmar aponeurosis, which is characterized by nodular thickening of the fascia with associated flexion contractures of one or more digits (Figure 96.33a,b).
The condition seems to be due to a reactive proliferation of fibroblasts with no inflammatory component; the basic cause is obscure.
The prevalence in the general adult population is around 2–6% [1], but it may approach 20% or more in elderly males [2, 3, 4], in diabetic patients and in patients with AIDS.
Age of onset is generally 30–60 years.
It is generally commoner in men. Some families are described in which there is a predominantly female expression [5].
Relatively uncommon in people of African or Asian descent.
In about 5% of patients, the condition is associated with other fibromatoses such as knuckle pads or keloids. This has been termed the polyfibromatosis syndrome.
It occurs more commonly in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, epilepsy [6] and diabetes [4, 7], but the prevalence is decreased in rheumatoid arthritis [8]. Other conditions which have been less convincingly claimed to be associated include periarthritis of the shoulder, chronic lung disease, gout, trauma and ulnar nerve damage [9].
Phenytoin appears to stimulate fibrosis in the polyfibromatosis syndrome [10] and it may also cause gingival hypertrophy by stimulating fibroblasts and increasing collagen production [6, 10, 11]. There is one case report of a girl aged 14 years who developed Dupuytren contracture while receiving growth hormone therapy for hypopituitarism [12].
High alcohol consumption, smoking and trauma, notably the use of vibrating hand tools, have also been implicated [13].
Free radical production secondary to ischaemia may be involved: the concentration of hypoxanthine substrate capable of releasing free radicals is greatly increased in the affected tissue [14]. Localized ischaemia has been thought to play a part, and in animal studies allopurinol (a competitive inhibitor of xanthine oxidase) has been shown to limit the damage associated with acute ischaemia [15]. High concentrations of free radicals are toxic, but in low concentration they stimulate fibroblast proliferation [14]. The contractures, which are a late complication, appear to follow the conversion of the fibroblasts to contractile myofibroblasts [16].
The presence of CD3 lymphocytes and the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II proteins in the affected tissue imply that palmar fascial fibromatosis is a T-cell mediated autoimmune disorder [17].
Fibroblasts in affected fascia appear to be identical to those in normal palmar fascia but their density is increased and they tend to be clustered around narrowed small vessels [18, 19]. In the early stages, there are nodules in the subcutaneous tissue or within the fascia: they are composed of proliferating fibroblasts with irregular hyperchromatic nuclei but there is no excess of collagen. Later stages are characterized by the presence of myofibroblasts, which have a fibrillary cytoplasmic ultrastructure and seem to have some other properties of smooth muscle. The nuclei are deeply indented, possibly due to the contractile properties of the cell. The cells also have altered surface membrane properties which enable attachment to neighbouring cells and stroma. Myofibroblasts have also been identified in the normal aorta and in granulation tissue, hypertrophic scars, keloids, liver fibrosis, dermatofibromata, etc. [16], in which their contractile properties may be important. The advanced stages of palmar fascial fibromatosis are characterized by dense fibrous connective tissue with a few elongated cells. An increased concentration of type III collagen is present in the nodules [20]. This may be due to decreased degradation resulting from increased levels of tissue metalloproteinase inhibitors in the lesions [21]. Structural abnormalities of glycosaminoglycans, notably dermatan sulphate, may predispose to abnormal fibrillogenesis [22].
Palmar fascial fibromatosis is often familial, and may be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait [23], in which case the onset tends to occur at an earlier age [24]. Genome-wide studies show increased expression levels of metalloproteinases 1, 3 and 16, fibroblast growth factor and several collagen genes [25].
Occupational exposure to hand-transmitted vibration may be an exacerbating factor [13].
Nodules may be painful initially, although the condition typically develops insidiously over several months or years.
The earliest sign is the development of a palmar nodule, usually in the ulnar half of the hand. There are usually no symptoms, but there may be a dull ache or tingling. Insidious progression of the fibrosis over several years causes flexion contractures of the affected fingers. There is often puckering of the overlying skin.
Plantar and penile fibromatosis are closely related conditions (see later).
In most cases, the diagnosis is straightforward. There may be a histological resemblance to fibrosarcoma, but the latter is more pleomorphic, with larger nuclei and more mitoses. Juvenile aponeurotic fibroma may produce palmar or plantar nodules, but palmar fascial fibromatosis does not occur in young children.
The condition tends to progress more slowly in women [9]. Eventually, the function of the hand is impaired due to fixed flexion of one or more digits. If left untreated, there may be some improvement after many years.
The possibility of one or more of the associated disorders, e.g. diabetes, should be considered and investigated if appropriate.
The advice of an orthopaedic or hand surgeon should be sought. Traditionally complete removal of the palmar aponeurosis has been recommended [26], although minimally invasive subtotal fasciectomy and direct closure is more generally favoured [27, 28].
Initial encouraging placebo-contolled trials of collagenase injections [29] have been supported by subsequent experience, and the technique is now more widely practised [30].
Medical treatments are disappointing. Allopurinol may help by decreasing free radical production [31], and it has been suggested that vitamin C might prevent progression of the disease by acting as a free-radical scavenger [2].
Many other non-surgical approaches have been tried, including continuous slow skeletal traction, radiotherapy, dimethyl sulfoxide, vitamin E, steroid injections and interferon, although none has been proven to be clinically useful [32].
High-dose tamoxifen following minimally invasive surgery reduces the risk of recurrent fibrosis in the short term, but the effect is lost on discontinuing the drug [33]. Intriguing results have been reported from the use of relaxin gene therapy on Dupuytren myofibroblasts in vitro, with the potential for use in vivo [34].
This is a rarer condition than palmar fascial fibromatosis, although often associated; a survey from Reykjavik found that 15% of men with the latter had plantar fibromatosis [3]. It most commonly affects the medial half of the mid-foot, presenting as one or more nodules which may become painful and may ulcerate (Figure 96.34). In 25% of cases it is bilateral. The fibromatosis rarely results in contractures but tends to be locally invasive and to recur.
The differential diagnosis includes keloid and fibrosarcoma. Magnetic resonance imaging may confusingly demonstrate the cerebriform pattern typically seen in fibromyxoid sarcoma [4].
In younger patients, aggressive infantile fibromatosis and aponeurotic fibroma must also be considered [5]. Complications are rare, although squamous carcinoma has been reported occurring within a lesion of plantar fibromatosis [6]. Similar nodules have been described symmetrically affecting the anteromedial aspects of the heel pad in children. They are asymptomatic and may resolve spontaneously [7, 8]: surgery is contraindicated.
Conservative management may be best in the early stages [9]. High-energy shockwave therapy reduces pain [10]. Total excision of the lesion and the entire plantar fascia seems to give the best results, with the lowest incidence of recurrence.
Penile fibromatosis is characterized by one or more irregular dense fibrous plaques in the penile shaft. These commonly result in painful erections and curvature of the erect penis.
Penile fibromatosis may occur as an isolated abnormality, or as one component of polyfibromatosis in association with palmoplantar fibromatosis, keloids and knuckle pads. Atheroma predisposes to the condition, and it is now thought that the reported association with the use of α-adrenoreceptor blocking drugs was probably attributable to concomitant atheroma [1, 2]. There may be a genetic factor, but reliable studies of the mode of inheritance are lacking. The condition is rare below the age of 20 years, and the highest incidence is between 40 and 60 years. It is much less common than palmar or plantar fibromatosis.
The thickened plaque shows cellular fibroblastic proliferation surrounded by dense masses of collagen. Calcification and ossification may occur. The process appears to begin as a vasculitis in the areolar connective tissue beneath the tunica albuginea, whence it extends to adjacent structures.
The disease presents with painful erections and curvature of the erect penis due to a thickened subcutaneous plaque, rubbery or hard, usually on the dorsal aspect of the penis in its distal third (Figure 96.35a,b). The erectile deformity may make vaginal penetration impossible, and pain or anxiety about performance may cause secondary impotence. Fibrosis of the underlying cavernous erectile tissue may lead to a constriction or ‘waisting’ of the penile shaft, leading to flaccidity of the distal portion.
The course is unpredictable [4]. The pain generally subsides within a few months, but the fibrous plaque may resolve, remain unchanged or progress [5].
The severity of the disease and the response to treatment can now be evaluated by high-resolution ultrasonography [6], computed tomography [7] or magnetic resonance imaging of the erect penis [8]. If necessary, an erection can be induced by the intracavernosal injection of papaverine [9].
Many treatments have been tried, but there is little evidence that vitamin E, potassium aminobenzoate, orgotein, radiotherapy, ultrasonic therapy or intralesional steroids affect the long-term outcome, although they may relieve the pain [4, 10]. There are case reports of success with more aggressive treatment using pulsed dexamethasone and low-dose cyclophosphamide [10]. Clostridial collagenase injections have given promising results, as in Dupuytren contracture [11–13]. A recent study suggests that iontophoresis with verapamil and dexamethasone (‘electromotive drug administration’) may reduce the curvature and is well tolerated [14]. Penile traction has its devotees [15].
Surgery is probably the treatment of choice: a bewildering variety of procedures have been employed, including Nesbit's procedure, in which ellipses of normal tunica albuginea are excised from the side of the shaft, opposite the point of maximum curvature. Alternatives include plaque incision and grafting [16] and venous grafting, using the deep dorsal vein [17] A semirigid penile prosthesis may also be inserted.
Knuckle pads are circumscribed thickenings overlying the finger joints. The term is a misnomer as most lesions occur over the proximal interphalangeal rather than the metacarpo-phalangeal joints (knuckles).
Knuckle pads were first described in the medical literature by Garrod [1] as an ‘unusual form of nodule upon the joints of the fingers’. However, they are probably not so unusual, and they feature in several of Michelangelo's works, including the statues of David and the Sleeping Slave [1]. They should be distinguished from the ‘pseudo-knuckle pads’ associated with trauma.
The condition is not rare but the true prevalence is uncertain, as most patients ignore the lesions. Mikkelson reported a prevalence of 8.8% in the population of Haugesund, Norway, and of 44.3% in individuals with palmar fibromatosis [2].
Onset is usually between 15 and 30 years of age; however, lesions typically develop slowly and asymmetrically and may not present significant cosmetic problems for several years.
Probably equal.
Mostly reported in white people.
There is a strong association with other fibromatoses such as palmar fibromatosis [2–4]. An association between Dupuytren contracture and other fibromatous lesions has been recorded in some families. In one large family, knuckle pads were associated with sensorineural deafness and with leukonychia (Bart–Pumphrey syndrome) [5]. Knuckle pads have also been associated with epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma in a Chinese family due to keratin 9 mutations [6].
Another family has been described with knuckle pads in association with oesophageal cancer, hyperkeratosis and oral leukoplakia [7].
Although trauma has been implicated, this is more closely linked to ‘pseudo knuckle pads’. Familial cases are reported.
The epidermis is grossly hyperkeratotic and acanthotic, with elongated rete ridges. The dermal connective tissue is hyperplastic; a proliferative phase is followed by a fibrotic phase. individual collagen fibres may be obviously thickened and arranged in irregular bundles. Spindle-shaped myofibroblasts can be seen on electron microscopy [4, 8, 9]. Histologically, the changes resemble those of palmar fibromatosis.
The condition is usually sporadic but several pedigrees have shown an autosomal dominant inheritance, e.g. the Bart–Pumphrey syndrome [5]. The age of onset and the distribution of the lesions tend to be more or less constant in each family, but show interfamily variation. Similar single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are found in familial Dupuytren contracture [10]. Knuckle pads are reported in families with palmoplantar keratodermas linked with keratin 9 mutations [6, 11]. A family has been reported with familial knuckle pads but no associated conditions [4].
Trauma is more probably relevant in ‘pseudo knuckle pads’.
Usually asymptomatic, with insidious onset.
Flat or convex, smooth, circumscribed nodules develop slowly and almost imperceptibly over the course of months or years, achieving 0.5–1.5 cm diameter. The lesions may be hypo- or hyperpigmented. In some patients, they become very much raised and obviously indurated, but in others the dermal component is not clinically apparent. They are most commonly seen over the dorsa of the proximal interphalangeal joints (Figure 96.36), but occasionally develop over the knuckles or the distal interphalangeal joints. Any single site or combination of sites may be involved [1, 4, 8].
Sites other than the hands are not often affected, but similar lesions on the knees were also present in one family [3].
Knuckle pads should be distinguished from the ‘pseudo knuckle pads’ associated with occupational trauma, such as in carpet layers, sheep shearers and tailors. Similar lesions are induced by children chewing or biting their fingers or ‘knuckle cracking’ [12] or playing video games [13]. Unlike true knuckle pads, these lesions tend to regress if the traumatic stimulus is removed, and may respond to topical keratolytics.
Heberden nodes of osteoarthritis, pachydermodactyly, granuloma annulare [14], erythema elevatum diutinum and rheumatoid nodules [15] should be excluded.
A cosmetic embarrassment.
Association with other fibromatoses (as noted earlier).
Lesions gradually enlarge to a maximal size and tend to persist.
None usually necessary, unless another inflammatory condition needs to be excluded by skin biopsy.
If the lesions do not bother the patient, conservative management is appropriate. Recurrence and keloidal scarring are common following excision. Intralesional triamcinolone or cryotherapy are ineffective and often painful. Intralesional 5-fluorouracil inhibits fibroblast proliferation and shows promise clinically [16].
This is a benign fibromatosis of the fingers (Figure 96.37).
This rare condition typically presents in adolescent males, who develop spade-like enlargement of the hands and occasionally the feet [1–9].
Rare; incidence uncertain.
Young adults.
Males are chiefly affected although it has been reported in women [4, 5] and two young girls, one of whom had tuberous sclerosis and the other Ehlers–Danlos syndrome [6].
It may be associated with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome [2] and varioliform atrophy (p. 96.12) [10].
It has been suggested that unconscious repeated rubbing and gripping of the fingers, repetitive movements or mechanical injury to the joints may contribute to the condition [3, 6, 11, 12], but pachydermodactyly must be distinguished from occupational callosities and obsessive ‘chewing pads’.
Histology shows epidermal hyperplasia and marked dermal thickening, with extension of collagenous fibres into the subcutaneous tissue. Types III and V collagen are increased, and electron microscopy shows increased numbers of fine-diameter collagen fibres.
Affected families have been reported [13].
Possible local repetitive trauma.
Usually asymptomatic and insidious in onset. A few individuals describe pain of the long bones.
It produces a symmetrical diffuse swelling of the skin around the dorsal and lateral aspects of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the index, ring and middle fingers.
A distal variant has been described in an elderly woman, who also presented with nodules over the extensor aspects of the elbows [14].
Patients may be referred to the rheumatologist with a diagnosis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis [12, 15]. It may be confused with knuckle pads [16, 17], which may coexist [18].
The condition is benign.
Knuckle pads and pachydermodactyly coexisted in one family [18].
The condition tends to persist.
Patients with the condition can be spared the detailed investigations of a patient with suspected inflammatory arthritis [19].
Most patients do not require treatment. Intralesional triamcinolone has been reported to be beneficial [20], although this is unlikely to be necessary.
Asymptomatic small white fibrous papules around the neck have been described in several Japanese [1, 2], Iranian and European patients [3, 4]. The number of papules ranges from 10 to 100; middle-aged to elderly men are predominantly affected. The papules are round to oval, clearly marginated and non-follicular (Figure 96.38). Histology is unremarkable, showing bundles of thickened collagen fibres in the mid-papillary dermis. Although lesions clinically resemble disorders of elastic tissue, such as anetoderma and Buschke–Ollendorff syndrome, elastic fibres are morphologically normal on histology. Acquired connective tissue naevi could exhibit similar features, although the late age of onset makes this diagnosis unlikely. The condition appears to have no prognostic significance, and may be underreported. It may reflect intrinsic ageing or photoageing [5].
It has been suggested that there may be a relationship between fibrous papulosis of the neck and acquired elastolysis of the papillary dermis [6, 7], indeed lesions of PXE-like papillary dermal elastolysis coexisted in a patient with white fibrous papulosis, suggesting that they are part of the same disease spectrum [8]. These changes are attributed to ageing or photoageing [5, 9].
Camptodactyly is a non-traumatic flexion deformity affecting the proximal interphalangeal joint of one or more fingers (Figure 96.39) [1].
Camptodactyly should be distinguished from clinodactyly, which refers to bending or curvature of the finger in the plane of the hand. Camptodactyly is associated with numerous inherited disorders, the most important of which are described below. It is often depicted in Renaissance art [2].
The prevalence of isolated camptodactyly is unclear. The most commonly associated syndrome is microdeletion of 1p36, which affects 1 : 5000 neonates [3].
Most cases are congenital, although some familial cases present in adult life, associated with an erosive arthritis [4].
Probably equal sex incidence.
All races may be affected.
Camptodactyly may be a feature of a variety of syndromes of which several have had molecular defects identified. Clinical features of microdeletion of 1p36 include camptodactyly, facial dysmorphism and low-set ears, cardiac and central nervous system defects; it is responsible for around 1% of idiopathic mental retardation [3].
Congenital camptodactyly is most notably associated with non-inflammatory arthropathy [5]. Additionally, other serous membranes undergo fibrosis leading to constricting pericarditis, coxa vara and pleuritic (camptodactyly, arthropathy, coxa vara and pericarditis =CAP or CACP syndrome) [6–9]. Gordon syndrome encompasses camptodactyly, cleft palate and club foot [10]. The association of camptodactyly, tall stature and hearing loss has been termed the CATSHL syndrome [11]. Familial camptodactyly of later onset has been described in association with an inflammatory arthritis with erosive changes [4]. Blau syndrome encompasses familial camptodactyly, granulomatous arthritis, uveitis and an erythematous eruption with phenotypic overlap with early-onset sarcoidosis [12]. In one family, taurinuria was associated [13]. Bilateral camptodactyly is also part of an autosomal recessive disorder (Crisponi syndrome) characterized by muscular contractions of the face, trismus, facial anomalies and death due to fevers. The syndrome is caused by CRLF1 mutations and is allelic to cold-induced sweating syndrome type I [14].
Sporadic cases of camptodactyly have been linked with accelerated growth and osseous maturation, unusual facial appearance (including large ears, small mouth, broad forehead and hypertelorism), a hoarse, low-pitched cry and hypertonia (Weaver syndrome) [15]. Other associated features include pectus excavatum and scoliosis.
Several genetic disorders (see earlier).
Histology of skin lesions may be unremarkable.
Many cases are familial. Microdeletion of 1p36 is the most commonly associated abnormality. Mutations in NOD2/CARD15 have been shown to confer susceptibility to several chronic inflammatory disorders, including Crohn disease, Blau syndrome and early-onset sarcoidosis [16]. CAP (or CACP) syndrome is autosomal recessive, and related to the 1.9 cM interval in the human chromosome 1q25-31; this gene encodes for proteoglycan 4, a surface lubricant for tendons and joints [8]. CATSHL syndrome is associated with mutation in FGR3 [11], and Crisponi syndrome with a CRLF1 mutation [14].
None apparent.
The deformity is asymptomatic.
In most cases, the affected child will present with clinical features of a related syndrome.
Streblodactyly [17, 18] (streblos = crooked) is inherited as a sex-linked autosomal dominant character. The affected females show from birth a flexion deformity at the metacarpo-phalangeal joints of the thumbs and the proximal interphalangeal joints of the little fingers. Some fingers show swan-neck deformities and hyperextensible metacarpo-phalangeal joints. In one family, there was an abnormal amino aciduria.
Dupuytren disease (palmar fibromatosis) is associated with fibrous scarring affecting the fascia. Juvenile chronic arthritis is typically erosive, whereas the arthritis in CACP syndrome and related disorders is non-erosive [9].
Morbidity relates to the associated syndrome, if any.
Relates to any associated syndrome.
Lesions are persistent.
Treatment, if required, is surgical [1, 19, 20]; however, results can be unsatisfactory [21]. Techniques include tendon transfer [21] and a flap with vascular reconstruction [22].
The term juvenile fibromatosis has been applied to a group of disorders occurring in infants and children, and characterized by proliferative activity of the fibroblasts [1–6]. There is a tendency to local recurrence but, unlike fibrosarcomas, they do not metastasize. The group includes a number of well-defined clinical entities that affect the skin as follows:
Solitary or multiple fibrous nodules developing in infancy in the skin, striated muscle, bone and occasionally viscera [1, 2].
Although rare, this is the commonest cause of fibrous nodules presenting in infancy. In around 50% of patients, lesions are solitary, predominantly affecting the head and neck. Multiple lesions can occur, with or without visceral involvement.
Rare; incidence unknown.
Around 60% of lesions are present at birth, and around 80% by the age of 2 years.
There is a slight male predominance, around 60% of patients are boys [2].
May affect all races.
None known.
Histology of a lesion shows characteristic zoning, with peripheral spindle-shaped cells in bundles surrounding a central zone of less poorly differentiated round and polygonal cells. Staining is positive for vimentin and α-smooth muscle elastin, negative for desmin and S-100 [1].
Familial cases exhibit autosomal dominant inheritance. Mutations have been described in PDGFRB [3, 4] and NOTCH3 [5] genes.
None known.
Lesions are typically asymptomatic.
Solitary or multiple nodules, mostly on the head and neck, more rarely the arms. Lesions can occur anywhere on the body. Multiple lesions may be associated with visceral involvement. Lesions may ulcerate.
Solitary lesions on the upper eyelid may cause amblyopia [6].
The solitary lesions of fibrous hamartoma of infancy usually affect the hand or foot, histology is that of an organoid naevus containing mature adipose cells with a nodular aggregate of fibroblasts and interlacing collagen bands. Juvenile aponeurotic fibromatosis affects the fingers and palms of older children or adults; clinically, it may resemble Dupuytren disease (which is very rare in infants), but histology reveals large dark-staining nuclei in a background of bland fibrosis, with calcification. Bony lesions may be difficult to distinguish from fibrosarcoma.
A benign process but the presence of systemic involvement considerably worsens the prognosis, with up to 30% mortality [2].
Dependent on systemic involvement.
Many solitary and even multiple cutaneous lesions involute spontaneously [7, 8]. Systemic involvement carries a worse prognosis.
Histology is essential to differentiate from other tumours and fibromatoses. Full clinical examination, chest and abdominal imaging are advisable in patients with multiple lesions.
Patients without systemic involvement can be managed conservatively. Debulking surgery, without attempting complete removal, may be necessary if the tumour compromises function.
Systemic disease warrants chemotherapy, e.g. with low-dose vinblastine and methotrexate [9].
This is a disorder of glycosaminoglycan synthesis, which is characterized clinically by skin papules or tumours, gingival enlargement, osteolytic lesions and joint contractures, and histologically by deposition of amorphous hyaline material [1–4].
This, together with systemic hyalinosis, is now regarded as part of the hyaline fibromatosis syndrome (see Chapter 72).
The disease is very rare and occurs sporadically, but it has occurred in siblings [6].
Onset in infancy.
Slight male predominance.
Most case reports and series originate from the Indian subcontinent.
The cause is unknown, but increased chondroitin synthesis has been demonstrated in skin fibroblasts cultured from the tumour tissue [1].
The skin lesions contain ‘chondroid’ cells embedded in amorphous eosinophilic ground substance in the dermis. In the early lesions, this consists of glycosaminoglycans, but in the later lesions the matrix is mainly composed of chondroitin sulphate [7]. The dermal collagen is decreased and the collagen fibrils are fewer and thinner than in normal skin. The hyaline material may also be present in the muscles and bones. Absence of pro-α2 chains and type III collagen has been demonstrated in affected skin [8].
Inheritance is autosomal recessive. The gene has been mapped to 4q21; there are also mutations in the capillary morphogenesis factor 2 gene [9]. Infantile systemic hyalinosis has been associated with mutations of the ANTXR2 gene [10, 11].
The condition presents at birth or early infancy.
There may be small pearly papules or nodules, particularly on the face or neck. Large subcutaneous tumours may also occur, particularly on the scalp. These may be hard or soft, fixed or mobile, and they may ulcerate. Gingival hypertrophy is commonly present, and flexion contractures of the fingers, elbows, hips and knees may develop. Osteolytic lesions can occur in the skull, long bones or phalanges. The musculature is poorly developed [1, 9, 12–15].
Infantile systemic hyalinosis is probably an extreme variant, often leading to death in infancy.
Other infiltrative disorders, such as lipoid proteinosis may need to be excluded histologically.
The condition is a severe disease, with considerable morbidity and reduced life expectancy.
Joint contractures are disabling.
The condition persists into adult life. However, many patients die in infancy and rarely survive beyond the fourth decade [9].
Histology is diagnostically helpful.
No treatment is of proven benefit. Surgery may be the treatment of choice [5], although nodules may recur after excision [16]. The tumours do not respond to radiotherapy. Joint contractures may respond to intralesional steroid injections in the early stages and patients may benefit from systemic steroids and physiotherapy.
In this condition, there is fibroblastic proliferation of one or more nodules, usually on the limbs or trunk.
Collagenoma (collagen naevus) is a form of connective tissue hamartoma (see Chapter 75) which may manifest as a single or localized group of fibrous dermal papules or plaques: the shagreen patch of tuberous sclerosis is an example (see Chapter 80). Multiple fibrous dermal nodules with coarse collagen fibres may develop as sporadic cases (eruptive collagenoma) or as a genetic disorder with a dominant inheritance (familial cutaneous collagenoma).
This rare form of epidermolysis bullosa is characterized by the development of ivory-white papules on the trunk, which histologically show connective tissue hyperplasia. Epidermolysis bullosa is discussed in Chapter 71.
Extensive nodular fibrosis may occur in the Buschke–Ollendorff syndrome (see Chapter 75), in association with juvenile elastoma and osteopoikilosis.
In addition to giant cell synovioma and infantile digital fibromatosis, fibrous nodules in the digits may be due to acquired digital fibrokeratoma, fibrous papule of the finger, dermatofibroma (see Chapter 137) or the Koenen tumour (see Chapter 95).
A rare fibrosing disorder which occurs in patients with renal impairment exposed to low-stability gadolinium-based contrast agents [1, 2].
The condition was first described in 1997 as nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy [1]. Initially thought to be restricted to the skin, there are several reports of involvement of internal organs including lungs, myocardium and striated muscle, which contribute to a high mortality [3].
Rare. With the development of guidelines on the use of gadolinium-based contrast agents [4], it is hoped that the condition will become a matter of historical importance only.
Mostly in elderly adults but several cases have been reported in children [5].
Equal sex incidence.
All races may be affected.
Associated with renal impairment.
The condition is strongly associated with the prior administration of gadolinium-based magnetic resonance contrast agents, particularly in patients with severe renal disease, typically with a glomerular filtration rate below 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 or on dialysis [6]. Gadolinium chelates stimulate an NLRP3 inflammasome-dependent inflammatory response, leading to fibroblast growth, synthesis and differentiation into myofibroblasts [7, 8]. Non-ionic linear gadolinium-based contrast agents, particularly gadodiamide, are strongly implicated. Macrocyclic chelating agents, such as gadoterate, are more stable and considerably less likely to induce the syndrome [9]. Additional risk factors include an associated vascular repair (e.g. leaking aortic aneurysm), associated thrombosis or procoagulant state, and concurrent administration of intravenous iron [2]. High-dose erythropoietin is also implicated in some cases; it has a pro-inflammatory action, particularly in the presence of increased iron stores [10].
Dermal mucin is detected with Alcian blue staining. Increased collagen and elastic fibres are laid down in haphazard bundles in the dermis and subcutis; there are increased numbers of CD68-positive fibroblasts in loose aggregates. Inflammatory changes may predominate, including a septal panniculitis [1, 11].
None proven.
Gadolinium-based contrast agents.
A history should be obtained of exposure to gadolinium chelates, although onset may be delayed by several years [7]. Patients may complain of myalgia.
Irregular erythematous or brownish indurated plaques, with amoeba-like projections and islands of sparing, occur chiefly on the lower trunk and legs (Figure 96.40). Typically the face is spared. Sometimes the skin has a ‘peau d'orange’ texture, which can mimic carcinoma erysipeloides [12].
The extent of visceral involvement is variable; in some cases the process may involve the testes, myocardium and dura.
Although initially described as ‘scleromyxoedema-like’, the lesions have a different distribution and morphology, and there is no associated paraproteinaemia [3].
The condition can be severe, occasionally fatal.
Fibrotic obstruction of structures, e.g. superior vena cava obstruction [13] may be a complicating factor. Associated metabolic abnormalities include hypophosphataemia [14].
Usually, the condition is progressive, although it may remit spontaneously, particularly with the correction of renal abnormalities.
A careful history, together with skin or muscle biopsy, can usually confirm the diagnosis. Investigations such as magnetic resonance imaging may be needed to determine the extent of macroscopic visceral involvement.
The most important aspect of management is to maximize renal function. No other treatment is of proven benefit, but thalidomide [15], hydroxychloroquine [16], corticosteroids, immune modulators (e.g. etanercept and rituximab), PUVA, intravenous sodium thiosulphate and extracorporeal photopheresis [17] have been used empirically. Alefacept appears to improve the skin disease [18]. Therapeutic plasma exchange offers pain relief [19]. Renal transplantation is sometimes associated with remission [2].
Prevention should be achieved by adherence to guidelines for the use of gadolinium chelates in radiology [4].
Some patients with diabetes have thick tight waxy skin and limited joint mobility which is thought to be related to altered collagen. This topic is discussed in Chapter 64.
A variety of environmental triggers, including drugs and occupational toxins, may stimulate a localized or diffuse scleroderma-like reaction in a genetically susceptible host. Important causes are listed in Box 96.2. Scleroderma-like lesions are seen in a photosensitive distribution in porphyria cutanea tarda. Lesions resembling generalized morphoea are seen in chronic graft-versus-host disease and paraneoplastic scleroderma is associated with neoplasms such as carcinoid. In most cases, the fibrotic process continues after withdrawal of the external stimulus. Sometimes, the ensuing clinical pattern resembles idiopathic forms of morphoea or systemic sclerosis (see Chapters 57 and 56 respectively).
Several occupational disorders resembling systemic sclerosis have been reported. In a Belgian study, men in construction-related occupations (notably electricians) were 10 times more likely to have systemic sclerosis than the general population [1]. Exposure to vinyl chloride monomer occurs in workers involved in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) production. One-third of male operatives in a British factory developed a clinical syndrome that included Raynaud phenomenon, dyspnoea, cutaneous sclerosis, pulp atrophy and radiological evidence of acro-osteolysis (Figure 96.41) [2]. Genetic marker studies have demonstrated an increased incidence of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR5 in affected individuals; severe disease is linked with -B8 and -DR3 [3]. A similar syndrome has been reported in gold miners exposed to silica dust [4], which is the most commonly reported occupational association in the literature [5]. Organic solvents, such as trichlorethylene [6] and perchlorethylene [7], which are structurally similar to vinyl chloride, have also been implicated. Exposure to epoxy resin results in an acute syndrome of cutaneous sclerosis, muscle weakness, arthralgia, impotence, lung and oesophageal involvement [8]. The causative agent appears to be a cyclohexylamine. Acrylamide has also been implicated [9].
Toxic oil syndrome is a multisystem illness, reported in Spain in 1981. Acute fever, severe but transient pulmonary oedema, myalgia and a pruritic exanthem and eosinophilia were followed after several months by widespread cutaneous sclerosis in 30% of cases [10, 11]. The syndrome was probably due to ingestion of imported rapeseed oil mixed with an aniline denaturant, designed to make the oil unfit for human consumption. Toxic oil syndrome bears a striking resemblance to the eosinophilia–myalgia syndrome [12–14], linked with consumption of L-tryptophan; this was used as a ‘food supplement’ to treat insomnia and depression. The offending batches of L-tryptophan contained impurities similar to the contaminants in toxic oil [15, 16].
In environmental fibrotic disorders, as in idiopathic scleroderma, subpopulations of fibroblasts appear to be activated to synthesize excess collagen; this property is perpetuated by fibroblasts in vitro, indicating that the elevated collagen gene expression is independent of extracellular stimuli [14]. Cytokines appear to stimulate the proliferation of these abnormal clones of fibroblasts; thus, TGF-β and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) are elevated in the eosinophilia–myalgia syndrome [17].
Numerous drugs have been reported to induce cutaneous sclerosis. Lesions resembling morphoea may follow injections of pentazocine [18], heparin [19] and vitamin K1 (phytomenadione) [20–23]; in the case of vitamin K1, the trigger may be a solvent rather than vitamin K1 itself [24]. Morphoea-like plaques have also been reported in patients taking penicillamine [25], valproate [26] and etanercept, even in areas remote from the injection site [27]. The case is not proven that silicone breast implants are associated with scleroderma-like disease [28].
Diffuse scleroderma-like changes have been reported following bleomycin therapy [29, 30]. A combination of L-5-hydroxytryptophan and carbidopa induced lesions resembling eosinophilia–myalgia syndrome [31]. Phenytoin and diltiazem both induce gingival hypertrophy [32, 33]. A patient on phenytoin developed florid hypertrophic retroauricular folds [34]. Thickened skin on the feet has been reported in a patient taking diltiazem [35].
Alcohol can provoke porphyria cutanea tarda, which can produce a sclerodermatous appearance in a photosensitive distribution (Figure 96.42).
Constricting bands occur around a digit or limb. The bands may be shallow, involving only the skin, or deeper, involving fascia or bone, and in some cases amputation may result. The term ainhum (an African word meaning ‘to saw’ [1]) is applied to a specific type in which a painful constriction of the fifth toe occurs in adults, with eventual spontaneous amputation. Pseudo-ainhum is the term applied to other constricting bands which are congenital or secondary to another disease.
Constricting bands characteristically present in infants. Patterson [2] has provided a classification of congenital constrictions. Type I describes simple fibrotic rings; the limb distal to the ring is normal. In Type II, there is neurovascular or lymphatic disruption distal to the ring, causing atrophy, lymphoedema and maybe sensory deficit. Type III refers to acrosyndactyly (fenestrated syndactyly), where there is distal fusion of digits which are separated proximally, forming a ‘window’. In type IV, there is amputation of the digit or limb (ainhum).
Sporadic cases of constricting bands occur rarely worldwide.
Constricting bands typically present in infants and young children (Figure 96.43). Adults in resource-poor countries present with ainhum aged around 30–50 years, although the onset of the condition is probably in childhood [3–5].
Both sexes are affected.
Ainhum has been reported chiefly in black Africans and African Americans.
Constricting bands are often associated with other congenital abnormalities [6].
Extrinsic and intrinsic factors are probably equally important. Disruption of the development of the germinal disc in the embryo may predispose to fibrotic bands and associated congenital abnormalities. Rupture of the amnion may result in loss of amniotic fluid and extrusion of all or part of the fetus into the chorionic cavity, with resultant trapping of limbs [6, 7]. In adults with ainhum, vascular damage appears to be important, resulting in hypoxia. In some patients, arteriography has shown that the posterior tibial artery is attenuated at the ankle, and the plantar arch and its branches are absent [3].
Vascular damage secondary to smoking or diabetes may exacerbate ainhum in adults [3].
Fibrosis may be associated with distal degenerative change and osteoporosis, particularly in ainhum.
Tropical infections have been implicated in ainhum, but are probably coincidental [3, 4].
Most cases are sporadic, although familial cases of ainhum have been reported.
Rupture of the amniotic membrane is likely to be an important factor in congenital constrictions. Mechanical factors, including trauma from walking barefoot, may precipitate the development of a groove in the ischaemic toe in ainhum.
Fibrous bands may be solitary or multiple, encasing the limb (usually the leg or foot).
Ainhum represents the extreme form of the condition, resulting in spontaneous amputation of the digit.
Painful fissuring and hyperkeratosis on the medial aspect of the digit is followed by fibrosis, distal degeneration and osteoporosis. There may be secondary infection and osteomyelitis. The toe becomes dorsiflexed at the metatarso-phalangeal joint, and gradually becomes clawed. Rest pain, coolness and cyanosis of the digit distal to the groove suggest that ischaemia is present. Once the constricting band has encircled the toe, the condition tends to progress rapidly. The toe becomes globular, hangs by a thread of fibrous tissue and is eventually shed (Figure 96.44). Control of secondary infection and protection from trauma may prevent extension of the scarring process. If symptoms are severe, or the dangling digit is a disability, amputation is indicated.
Congenital. Congenital pseudo-ainhum may involve a digit, a limb or even the trunk, and it ranges in severity from a superficial groove to amputation in utero [6, 8–10]. The cause is unknown, but familial cases have been reported. Some cases of pseudo-ainhum may be due to amniotic bands [11] or adhesions in utero, which may arise as a result of tearing of the amnion some time after the 45th day of pregnancy [12]. Cases have occurred in Ehlers–Danlos syndrome and after amniocentesis [12, 13]. Several cases are reported where raised limb bands develop in the postnatal period, not always associated with amniotic tears; other possible causes include an early teratogenic insult [1, 14].
Histology of the affected digit or limb reveals broad, finger-like projections of collagen, and coarse elastic bundles that penetrate deep into the subcutaneous fat [10].
Congenital pseudo-ainhum must be distinguished from the following: aplasia of the limbs with rudimentary digits; acromelia (in which part of the limb does not develop); and hypoplasia (in which the parts, although formed, are poorly developed).
Acquired. Pseudo-ainhum may be acquired as a result of infection (particularly leprosy), trauma, cold injury, neuropathy (especially congenital sensory neuropathy), systemic sclerosis, etc. [15], chronic psoriasis [16] and it may occur in association with other hereditary diseases such as palmoplantar keratoderma, particularly Vohwinkel keratoderma (see Figure 96.57b) pachyonychia congenita, erythropoietic protoporphyria [17, 18] and Olmsted syndrome (see Chapter 65). Factitial pseudo-ainhum has also been reported due to the self-application of a rubber tourniquet.
Multiple skin creases resembling constrictions may be seen in the Michelin tyre baby syndrome and in ‘multiple benign annular creases of the extremity’.
See Patterson severity grading earlier.
Constricting bands may be associated with other congenital defects. In types II–IV, limb mutilation may be caused by fibrotic adhesions [6].
Ainhum results in spontaneous amputation of the digit.
Some children's constricting bands may involute spontaneously without functional deficit. Most will require surgery to prevent limb deformity or amputation.
Surgical treatments include staged Z-plasty [19]. Good results have been obtained from two-stage sine plasty with removal of the fascial groove and fasciotomy, treating half the limb initially and the other half a week later [20].
Keloids and hypertrophic scars represent an excessive connective tissue response to injury, which may be trivial. A keloid is a benign well-demarcated overgrowth of fibrotic tissue which extends beyond the original boundaries of a defect (Figure 96.45a). A hypertrophic scar is similar, but remains confined to the original defect and tends to resolve after several months (Figure 96.45b). Both conditions may represent different stages of the same disorder [1].
Keloids and hypertrophic scars are cosmetically distressing (Figure 96.46), and often painful or pruritic. They appear to be unique to humans, and the lack of an animal model has hampered studies into their pathogenesis. A scar at any site has the potential to become keloidal or hypertrophic, although the earlobes (especially after ear piercing) (Figure 96.47), chin, neck, shoulders, upper trunk and lower legs are especially vulnerable. Burns, scars or tissue infection predispose to hypertrophic scarring. Lesions may follow trivial trauma or inflammatory conditions such as acne. Even chemical trauma, from irritant herbal remedies, can trigger keloid formation. Sometimes keloids appear to develop spontaneously, particularly on the upper chest.
Introduction of foreign material, either exogenous, such as suture material, or endogenous, such as embedded hairs, is another risk factor. Some African tribes introduce foreign bodies into tribal marks to induce scar hypertrophy. Scarring acne, particularly on the trunk, may become keloid-like (Figure 96.48).
Isotretinoin has been reported to delay wound healing and induce keloids in patients who received argon laser or dermabrasion for acne or rosacea [2], although there is debate as to whether the association is real [3].
Keloids or hypertrophic scars occur in 4.5–16.0% of people of African or Hispanic descent [4]. A survey of Taiwanese children reported a prevalence of keloids of 0.3–0.6% [5]. A positive family history is obtained in 5–10% of Europeans with keloids, particularly severe lesions. Family studies suggest an autosomal dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance [6]. Keloids have been reported in identical twins [7].
Keloids are rare in infancy and old age, occurring chiefly between puberty and age 30 years.
Women have a greater predisposition in some ethnic groups; keloids may appear or enlarge during pregnancy [8].
Individuals of African, Hispanic or Asian descent are more prone to keloids (see Figure 96.46) [4].
Keloids are associated with other fibromatoses such as palmar fibromatosis (Dupuytren contracture) [9], together with genetic disorders such as Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, pachydermoperiostosis [10], Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome [11] and Dubowitz syndrome [12].
Linear keloids occur in athletes abusing anabolic steroids [13]. They form readily in individuals with acromegaly and following thyroidectomy in young patients. Recently, it has been postulated that systemic hypertension may promote the development of keloids [14].
Biochemical studies confirm that synthesis of type I and type III collagen is increased in both keloids and hypertrophic scars [15]. Keloids differ from healthy skin in that there is greatly increased dermal cellularity, the ratio of type I to type III collagen is increased and there is greater dermal expression of several extracellular matrix proteins including fibronectin, versican, elastin and tenascin; conversely, there is decreased expression of fibrillin 1 and decorin [16, 17]. Hypertrophic scar collagen possesses the reducible keto cross-link, dehydrohydroxylysinonorleucine, normally associated with embryonic skin and granulation tissue [18]. Periostin, in particular, may play an important role in pathogenesis: it is expressed by keloid fibroblasts in hypoxic conditions and, among other actions, stimulates collagen synthesis [19]. Altered expression of proteoglycans may affect the three-dimensional organization of collagen fibres [20]. Keloid fibroblasts, unlike those from hypertrophic scar tissue, are hyperresponsive to TGF-β, which is abundant in healing wounds [21], and to PDGF [22]. They also express increased levels of heat shock protein (HSP) 47, another stimulus to collagen synthesis [23]. Neuropeptide-containing nerves are present [24] and the increased discomfort and itching which may be experienced in hypertrophic scars may be due to up-regulation of opioid receptors [25].
Histology may resemble normal wound healing in the early stages, with increased cellularity. In a keloid of recent onset, endothelial proliferation is surrounded by increased numbers of fibroblasts, which form large, irregular nodules or whorls of hyalinized collagen. Later, the lesion matures into an acellular core, made up of thick, poorly vascularized bands of immature collagen [26] (Figure 96.49a,b). There may be focal deposition of mucinous material in keloids, but not in hypertrophic scars. Mast cell numbers are increased in hypertrophic scars [27]. The epidermis is normal or thinned by the underlying lesion in keloids, but may be thickened in hypertrophic scars [28]. The fibroblasts have a stellate morphology on transmission electron microscopy [28, 29]. Scanning electron microscopy reveals a more haphazard organization of collagen bundles than in normal skin or mature scars, with collagen fibrils about half the diameter of those of normal skin.
The genetic basis is unknown. Telomere shortening has been described in keloids, and attributed to oxidative stress [30].
Local trauma, which may be trivial. Hypertrophic scars commonly follow deep burns. Tension on the scar, and the presence of foreign material are aggravating factors in keloids.
Hypertrophic scars and keloids typically become raised and thickened within 3–4 weeks of the provocative stimulus, although keloids may develop up to a year later. Lesions are often pruritic and hypersensitive, and sometimes exquisitely tender. They may continue to grow for months or years.
Depending on skin colour, lesions may present as firm skin-coloured, pink or red plaques (Figure 96.50); hypertrophic scars remain within the boundaries of the initial wound (see Figure 96.45b), whereas keloids become smoother and rounder and extend outside the wound boundary (Figure 96.45a), often assuming a ‘dumb-bell’ configuration but sometimes becoming bizarre and irregular (see Figure 96.46).
Keloids on the beard area sometimes undergo central suppurative necrosis.
The diagnosis is usually straightforward if there is a history of trauma or an inflammatory skin lesion. Keloid scarring may follow surgical treatment of BCC, and a sclerotic BCC can mimic a keloid. Other differential diagnoses include fibrosarcoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, a malignancy developing in a scar or scar sarcoid. In endemic regions, blastomycosis and lobomycosis cause keloidal reactions.
The Vancouver scar scale (VSS), recording pliability, height, vascularization and pigmentation, is used to quantify disease severity and response to treatment [31].
Malignant degeneration is reported [32], although a fibrosarcoma can mimic a keloid clinically.
Hypertrophic scars typically regress spontaneously, although it may take a few years. Regression of keloids is a much slower process, and keloids can expand gradually over years.
A diagnostic skin biopsy is mandatory if the diagnosis is in doubt.
Non-essential surgery should be avoided in sites prone to keloids. Despite numerous small case series advocating a wide range of therapies, there is no level-one evidence for any single treatment [33]. Enthusiastic reports should be assessed critically as there may be racial variation in response to treatment and some studies include both keloids and hypertrophic scars. The follow-up period may be brief, and keloids have a high recurrence rate. Some modalities of treatment may exacerbate the condition. The optimal approach may involve a combination of different modalities of treatment.
Intralesional corticosteroids (most commonly triamcinolone acetonide) inhibit fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis [34]. However, there is a risk of telangiectasia, atrophy and pigmentary change. Injections may need to be repeated monthly and recurrence rates can be up to 50% [35].
Self-adherent silicone gel sheeting may be effective for keloids and hypertrophic scars [36]; they may maintain skin hydration by occlusion but a meta-analysis of 13 trials showed only a weak preventative effect [37]. A cream made of 20% silicone oil applied under occlusion may be beneficial where it is impracticable to use silicone sheeting [38].
Other treatments include the following:
Skin disorders in which material is eliminated from the dermis by extrusion through the epidermis to the skin surface by a process of transepidermal (transepithelial) elimination. The primary perforating disorders are particularly associated with diabetes and chronic renal failure in the case of acquired perforating dermatosis and heritable disorders of connective tissue or Down syndrome in the case of elastosis perforans serpiginosum.
There has been considerable confusion over the terminology used to describe the perforating disorders, with an array of different terms used to denote what is now thought to represent essentially the same underlying process: biopsies taken at different sites or times from the same patient may show a variety of different patterns depending on whether the lesion involves a follicle and whether it has been modified by excoriation. Perforation is a histopathological construct signifying that material, usually degenerate collagen or elastin, has breached or perforated an epithelium, usually the epidermis, in which case the process is usually referred to as transepidermal elimination (TEE).
The term perforating folliculitis continues to be used in the published literature as a disease entity, though several authorities have recommended that it should be abandoned [1, 2]. The term acquired reactive perforating collagenosis fell out of favour some years ago to be replaced by acquired perforating dermatosis when it was demonstrated that both collagen and elastin were commonly involved [2]. Similarly, the distinction between acquired perforating dermatosis and Kyrle disease is not clear-cut [3] and separation of the two is no longer felt to be valid.
Many dermatoses occasionally exhibit the phenomenon of TEE, in which material from the dermis is extruded through the epidermis to the exterior with little or no disruption of the surrounding structures [4]. The extruded material may include inflammatory cells, red cells, microorganisms and extracellular substances, such as mucin or degenerate collagen and elastin [4–7]. In most of these conditions, the TEE is secondary to some underlying disease, such as granuloma annulare or PXE. There is also a rare hereditary disorder, familial reactive perforating collagenosis, which is characterized by TEE of collagen from an early age (see Chapter 72). The primary acquired perforating skin disorders which will be discussed here are therefore limited to acquired perforating dermatosis, which is strongly linked in the majority but not all cases to either diabetes, renal failure or both, and elastosis perforans serpiginosa, which is linked to heritable disorders of connective tissue and Down syndrome.
An acquired disorder of transepidermal elimination of degenerate collagen, elastin and other connective tissue components. It is strongly associated with diabetes and chronic kidney disease.
Acquired perforating dermatosis is strongly linked with longstanding diabetes (Figure 96.51) and chronic kidney disease, often in association with haemodialysis [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. It is characterized by TEE of both collagen and elastin and presents as a chronic pruritic dermatosis with multiple keratotic crusted papules and nodules.
Relatively frequent in the commonly affected population with reported rates of 4–11% of patients on haemodialysis [7, 8].
Generally occurs in the fifth to sixth decades of life.
Female to male ratio is 3 : 1 [9, 10].
All races affected.
Strong association with chronic kidney disease and diabetes. Case reports of association with dermatomyositis [11] and drugs such as natalizumab [12].
The bulk of the coarse granular basophilic material which is extruded by TEE appears to derive from the nuclei of polymorphonuclear leukocytes [13]. It has been suggested that lysosomal enzymes derived from leukocytes might be responsible for the altered staining of collagen fibres, the degradation of elastic fibres and the impairment of keratinocyte adhesion, which allows TEE of dermal components [3].
Most patients have chronic renal disease and/or longstanding diabetes.
Histology reveals cup-shaped invagination of the epidermis, which is plugged with necrotic inflammatory debris. Collagen bundles are arranged vertically at the base of the lesion and there is transepidermal elimination of collagen fibres (Figure 96.52) [14].
Generally none, although there is one reported case associated with disseminated histoplasmosis [15].
No known genetic factors.
Pruritus, which may be intractable, is a common symptom.
Keratotic dome-shaped papules with central crusts develop anywhere on the body but primarily on extensor aspects of the limbs and trunk (Figure 96.53). Dermoscopy with polarized light reveals bright white patches on a featureless grey background, surrounded by reticulate brown lines [1].
Familial reactive perforating collagenosis [2, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18] is a rare inherited form of TEE in which collagen is extruded through the epidermis. It is usually precipitated by environmental cold or trauma. The basic defect seems to be a type of focal damage to collagen, which is then extruded as a result of necrolysis of the overlying epidermis [19].
The lesion originates in the papillary dermis, where collagen is surrounded and engulfed by focal epidermal proliferation. The collagen appears normal on electron microscopy, but gives an abnormal staining pattern with trichrome and phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin. The central crater which develops contains inflammatory cells and keratinous debris. Elastic tissue is typically absent, and the abnormal collagen is eliminated by transepithelial migration [19, 20, 21].
It usually starts in early childhood as small papules on the extensor surface of the hands, the elbows and the knees following superficial trauma. Each skin-coloured papule increases to a size of about 6 mm over 3–5 weeks and then becomes umbilicated, with a keratinous plug [19]. The lesions regress spontaneously in 6–8 weeks to leave a hypopigmented area or slight scar, but new lesions may appear. Lesions can be produced experimentally, and the Koebner phenomenon may result in linear lesions [22]. The papules can also be provoked by inflamed acne lesions, but deep incisions do not produce the lesions. The condition persists into adult life. In some cases, the disease is associated with intolerance to cold and improves in warm weather.
The nosological relationship between familial reactive perforating collagenosis and the acquired reactive perforating dermatosis of chronic kidney disease remains uncertain [23].
Verrucous perforating collagenoma [24, 25, 26] (synonym collagénome perforant verruciforme). This rarely reported condition appears to be a reaction to the traumatic introduction of foreign materials including fibreglass, vegetable matter, calcium chloride and irritant drugs into the skin. Damaged collagen extruded to the surface by TEE, is manifest as verrucous papules.
Perforating disease due to exogenous agents. Occasionally, a chemical which has been applied to the skin topically or by intradermal injection can be eliminated by the transepidermal route. Eight cases have been reported following occupational exposure to a caustic drilling fluid used in the petrochemical industry [27]. Each patient noted skin irritation following exposure to the fluid and 1 or 2 days later developed tender papules with central umbilication followed by ulceration and crusting. Histological examination demonstrated TEE of altered collagen and debris which stained for calcium.
It is possible that the lesions were due to follicular penetration by the calcium present in the drilling mud. The drilling fluids contain many additives, but calcium carbonate or calcium chloride are often present in high concentrations in the mud. Similar cases have been reported following the use of calcium-containing electroencephalography paste [28].
TEE of altered collagen has also been reported following the use of intradermal steroid injections [29, 30].
The condition may be mistaken clinically for molluscum contagiosum, papular urticaria or other perforating disorders, but the histology is characteristic [14, 18].
Some patients improve spontaneously, particularly if renal function can be improved [7, 10]. No treatment is of proven benefit, although there are several reports of the use of allopurinol [31, 32].
Topical retinoids may reduce the number of lesions. Other treatments which may help include oral isotretinoin, methotrexate, rifampicin, emollient creams, intralesional steroids and topical steroids under occlusion [5, 9, 23]. Narrow-band UVB [33], PUVA [34] and photodynamic therapy [35] have all been used. Associated uraemic pruritus may improve with amitriptyline [36]. Complete remission has been reported after the use of topical tacalcitol [37], however spontaneous resolution can occur.
A perforating dermatosis in which the material extruded through the epidermis is derived from elastic fibres in the upper dermis [1]. It is closely associated with heritable disorders of connective tissue and Down syndrome.
Usually presents between the ages of 5 and 20 years.
Males are predominantly affected.
All races affected.
Some 40% of reported cases have been associated with heritable connective tissue disorders, such as PXE, Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome, OI and acrogeria [2, 3]. It has also been reported in otherwise healthy individuals and in association with Down syndrome [4–7].
It sometimes occurs in patients receiving penicillamine, which is known to cause the production of abnormal elastin [8–12], and there is an overlap with ‘pseudo-PXE’ (see earlier).
The altered elastin resembles that seen in experimental animals subjected to lathyrogens or copper deficiency.
It is probable that the primary abnormality is in the dermal elastin, which provokes a cellular response that ultimately leads to extrusion of the abnormal elastic tissue. It may be significant that the lesions are commonly seen in areas subjected to wear and tear.
The earliest detectable change is the focal development of elastotic-staining tissue and basophilic debris in the dermis. This is followed by a reaction of the overlying epidermis, which grows down to engulf the elastotic material. The epidermis surrounding the fully developed lesion is acanthotic and hyperkeratotic (Figure 96.54). The papule consists of a circumscribed area of epidermal hyperplasia traversed by a channel communicating directly with the dermis and containing a mass of tissue, which projects above the surface. This plug consists of horny material in its upper third and of amorphous debris derived from elastin in its lower two-thirds [4, 13–16]. In the dermis beneath and around the lesion, there is a foreign-body giant cell reaction. The elastotic material is finally extruded, to leave irregular scarring and warty thickening. Electron microscopy shows an increase in elastic fibres, with fine filaments on the surface similar to those seen in normal embryos. In penicillamine-induced cases the elastic fibres have a characteristic ‘bramble bush’ or ‘lumpy-bumpy’ morphology [10, 17]. The hydroxylation of dermal collagen is similar to that of newborn skin [14].
No specific organism identified.
The cause is unknown, but a genetically determined defect of elastic tissue may be involved [1]. Often associated with a known heritable disorder of connective tissue.
The lesions may follow minor trauma such as an abrasion.
Lesions are generally asymptomatic.
Small, horny or umbilicated papules are characteristically arranged in lines, circles or segments of circles in a serpiginous pattern (Figure 96.55). The individual papules may remain small or may enlarge slightly to assume a crateriform appearance with an elevated edge and a central plug, or further to leave an area of atrophic skin surrounded by smaller papules, each with a horny plug. The rings may reach a diameter of 15–20 cm but are usually smaller (Figure 96.56). The back and sides of the neck are most commonly affected, but the lesions may also occur on the cheeks or on the arms or thighs, and are sometimes bilaterally symmetrical [1, 16, 18, 19].
The annular or linear arrangements of the papules and their distribution suggest the diagnosis, which is confirmed by the characteristic histology. Conditions which may cause confusion include porokeratosis of Mibelli, familial reactive perforating collagenosis and perforating granuloma annulare.
A similar histological appearance can occur in acquired perforating dermatosis (see earlier) [20].
Not of prognostic significance in its own right, but may reflect an underlying heritable disorder of connective tissue.
Associated connective tissue disease.
They may persist for several years, but eventually involute spontaneously to leave reticulate atrophic scars.
Skin biopsy is diagnostic, but biopsy scars readily become keloidal.
The condition tends to be self-limiting, and no treatment is of proven benefit [18]. However, careful removal of the nodules with a curette under local anaesthesia may give a reasonable cosmetic result. Freezing has been recommended [18, 21, 22]. Excision should be avoided, and dermabrasion may make the condition worse [4]. In a child with Down syndrome and associated vitamin A deficiency, clinical improvement was observed with oral retinoid therapy, even though the treatment produced side effects [6]. Isotretinoin has been used successfully in a patient with penicillamine-induced disease [23]. There are reports of improvement following Sellotape® stripping of the surface keratinous material [24], tazarotene [25], imiquimod [26] and calcipotriol [27]. Treatment with the pulsed dye [28], ultrapulsed carbon dioxide [29, 30] and Er : YAG [31] lasers have also been advocated [2].