
My thanks for this story begins with my editor, Dave Long, who’s never satisfied with the first version of any story I throw out (seriously, Dave, thank you for that!) but who has an amazing talent for weeding ideas down to the healthiest sprout with the strongest roots. I’m also so very grateful for the rest of the editorial team.

Then there’s the marketing team at Bethany House, led by Noelle Chew and Amy Lokkesmoe. Not only are they smart cookies but they’re also super fun to hang out with!

I couldn’t do this work without the great team at Books & Such Literary Management. My agent, Wendy Lawton, is an encourager, a cheerleader, a prayer warrior, and a voice of wisdom when a story needs a little extra push.

Penultimate thanks go to my husband, Jim Thomas, who sometimes wonders if I prefer my laptop to him (I don’t!). Thanks for putting the kettle on, hon.

And ultimate thanks go to God, who gave me the gift of words and the ability to wield them. May every story glorify Him.