
To my parents, Robert and Marita Pierce, thank you for everything— for all your love, support, and encouragement, for always helping me find ways to pursue my dreams. Kathryn, Christopher, and Michael; and the entire McKendall family, I’m so incredibly lucky to have a family as supportive as you all.

Zack, thank you for all the adventures and endless encouragement.

Cate, thank you for reading every version of this book and believing in it since day one.

This book was written in part during my time at Wheaton College. I’m so grateful to every workshop group I worked with there for their thoughtful feedback and critiques, and to the Creative Writing faculty, especially Deyonne Bryant, for your guidance and mentorship, and for helping me become a better writer.

Thank you to Xander Cansell, Anna Simpson, Julia Koppitz, Becca Allen, and the rest of the team at Unbound for your patience, support, and enthusiasm. Editors Sarah Forbes Stewart, Dushi Horti, and Philippa Hudson, thank you for making this book better with your valuable insights and suggestions; and to designer Mark Ecob for bringing it to life with the gorgeous cover.

To the Unbound Author Social Club, it’s been a pleasure to be part of such a supportive community of writers; thank you all for your wisdom and encouragement over the last few years.

Finally, to all the Unbound patrons who helped make this book possible, thank you so much for your generosity.