But where was home? If it had to be England in spite of the tax, then should it again be Cornwall? I had grown increasingly fond of London (or, at least, a small area in the centre) and although we had taken houses and flats in London four times for shortish periods in the last few years, we had never actually lived near enough to feel it within easy reach. It was a stimulating idea and I felt that while we were footloose we should experiment. To return to Cornwall so soon – though that was in our eventual sights – would be defeatist.
Several times in earlier days we had driven to London and thence to Glyndebourne and by stages home. Often also we had passed through Sussex on the way to and from the Channel ports. We both thought it a lovely county, one of the only ones I thought I could bear to live in after Cornwall. It was convenient, it had a long sea coast with easy access to France – which we still wanted to visit – it was wooded and undulating. It was a great cricketing county (though abysmal at rugby). It was near London and a lot of my friends.
I answered a number of advertisements in The Times; furnished houses to let. We had replies from five, so, regretful at the end, we packed up our two cars and our Kleppermaster – which was to go by rail – and made our affectionate farewells and started for home.
Having a choice of houses as far separated as Midhurst, Partridge Green and Uckfield, we chose Uckfield, because the house was eighteenth century and handsome and roomy and because it was immediately available. Hotel life with two cars overflowing with personal possessions did not attract. We moved in as quickly as we could, drove down at the earliest opportunity and recovered our Siamese cat, and settled to another world, another experience.
I shall not forget that first winter in Sussex. The weather was gentle, mild and sunny – I remember driving to Brighton one January day and seeing people sitting on the promenade in the sun. I thought: Good Lord, so this is winter in the south-east, how infinitely preferable to a Cornish winter with its cold rain and its ranting, bitter winds! The next summer, looking for a house to buy (we saw about forty), I was struck by the dishonesty of estate agents and the semi-squalor in which so many apparently respectable people lived. When we visited the house we eventually bought I observed an attractively distorted Japanese cherry in the garden and thought to myself, If this were in Cornwall I would think that tree had been so shaped by the wind – of course not in this balmy climate! We moved in in the following February, and the night after our arrival we were struck by a massive gale that shook the house to its foundations and nearly uprooted the cherry. It then proceeded to blow from every direction for the next twelve months.
But one strange thing was emerging: my wife’s asthma was going away. For years, almost from the time my son was born – and he was then eighteen – I had never seen her lie in bed without at least three non-feather pillows to prop her up. Now she was beginning to lie flat, relaxed, sprawled, on her back, on her side, on her stomach, the way most people sleep. One doctor in Cornwall, who loved to think himself a psychiatrist, had tried to find some linkage between her comparative freedom when she was away from home and her immediate tightness when she came back. He perceived that there was some deeply buried and unhappy connotation between his patient when she was away from home ties and when she returned to the domestic round. He even began to query whether most of it was my fault. Was I in some way too demanding, too critical, too expectant of perfection, and, knowing this, did her subconscious react, putting up a barrier of illness and disability?
It seemed in fact that all that happened when she went back home was that she returned to the sea. (Buxted is rather more than fifteen miles from the sea.)
When I first looked over the house in the village of Buxted, near Uckfield, which became our new home I said as we came out: ‘If anyone expects me to purchase that broken-down Victorian ruin, they’re very much mistaken.’ But having seen thirty-nine others, much more hideous and equally expensive, I consulted an architect to see what he thought of ‘the Gossage house’. Being an architect, he was enthusiastic (shouldn’t I have guessed?). He then produced plans for a possible renovation, which we disliked on sight; but more importantly he introduced me to a rich builder called Clarence Preston, who, although spoken ill of by many of his contemporaries, apparently took a liking to us and proceeded to offer his practical help. Liking him, I accepted it, and that was the greatest piece of luck.
The previous owner, Lady Gossage (widow of Sir Frederick Gossage, who during the war had been in charge of the barrage balloons of London’s air defences and who inevitably had become known as Sir Frederick Sausage), had lived alone in the big house and had allowed it to fall into disrepair. The twelve acres that went with it included two cottages which were in pretty good trim, but the main house was in a state of ghastly neglect. The alterations to be undertaken were enormous (the builder first suggested putting a charge of gelignite under the house and starting afresh) and would need major structural changes involving the knocking down of inner walls to make small rooms into large, virtually turning part of the house round to face the other way, more than half reroofing, and complete rewiring, replumbing, redecoration and new central heating. When the local doctor came to see it when it was nearing completion there seemed to be no room on the ground floor that he recognized.
‘No, don’t recognize that. No, completely different. No, don’t recognize that.’ Only when I took him into the room which I had chosen to be my study did he say: ‘Ah, I know this! This is where General O’Brien lived and died.’
Very wisely we did not take up the architect’s suggestion that we should go and spend six months in the West Indies while the major work was done. Instead, precipitately, we moved in while everything was in chaos. With half the roof off, rainwater frequently ran down the stairs; our big dining room gaped at the end like a memory of the Blitz, and was full of cement bags and piles of long planks; and in order to move from the kitchen to the morning room – the only two habitable rooms downstairs – I would regularly put on a hat and coat. Our son came home from Oxford on one occasion and found us both in bed upstairs, his mother in her fur coat and me in my overcoat and fur hat, while the bitter east wind blowing through exposed rafters below lifted the carpet on the bedroom floor as if we were on an Atlantic swell.
In the summer before this, while we were still in our furnished house, we went down to Cornwall for a holiday: all my friends urged us to come back; and one said to me, ‘There’s a charming house just come free above Polkerris in St Austell Bay. It belonged to a Dr Charles Singer, but he has just died and it is now up to rent – or maybe to buy. Why don’t you look it over?’
I said: ‘ I can hardly do that as I’ve just paid the deposit on a house in Sussex.’
I did not realize then that in the present ridiculous law of purchase one can simply withdraw from such an agreement and demand one’s deposit back and walk away without even an apology. Had I done so I might – just – have gone to see the house. And if I had seen it I might – just – have decided to buy it and come back to live in Cornwall after all. It was the house, Kilmarth, which later Daphne du Maurier, dispossessed of Menabilly by the return of the Rashleighs, was to take from them and where she spent the remainder of her life.
In the meantime my work had not, it seemed, materially suffered by the disturbances. Perhaps the long historical novel about sixteenthcentury Cornwall, The Grove of Eagles, would have taken a bit less than the three years it actually did take to finish; but, looking back on the amount of research that had to be done, one can’t be sure. The book was begun in the South of France looking out over a blue bay somewhat different from the wind-flecked blue of Falmouth Bay that the narrator of the book, Maugan Killigrew, looked out on from the great house of Arwenack where he was born. The book was continued for eighteen months in the furnished house we took, where the room I used as my study looked out on a beech hedge, some birch trees and a road; and it was finished in the room in my present house which has been my study ever since, where the view is of green fields and copses of woodland, with the Sussex Downs in the distance.
Just after we moved into our new house my agent rang to say an anonymous Hollywood buyer had made an offer for the film rights of another novel, called Marnie, which had been published before we left England. My three previous films had been British, though the third, Fortune is a Woman, had been financed by Columbia. This was the first direct Hollywood bite. The offer was for X thousand dollars, which seemed a big one to me. I talked it over with my agent, who said the anonymity was suspicious and he thought one of the leading women stars of the day fancied playing the lead and was buying it anonymously to keep the price down. He said we should ask double. We asked double. The reply came, accepting, but stipulating that we must agree within a fortnight or the deal fell through. We agreed.
It was a month after that that the news came: the buyer was Alfred Hitchcock. I was wholly delighted. I had admired his wonderful films since I was a boy. After the film was made he told me with satisfaction over lunch one day that he had bought the book anonymously for exactly the reason my agent suspected, to keep the price down. I did not tell him that such was my admiration for his work, if I had known he was the buyer I would gladly have sold it him for his original offer. The information would have spoiled his lunch.
Some months after the sale of the rights the news burst upon the world that Hitchcock had persuaded the former Grace Kelly, now Princess Grace of Monaco, to play the lead. All hell broke over my head. Newshounds from the five continents sought me out. The telephone never stopped ringing, nor the doorbell. One morning I had a telephone call from Sydney, another from Montreal, a third from New York, while a girl interviewing me for the Daily Mail was in the house and two more reporters were waiting. Very, very few people, it seemed, had ever heard of the novel and now everyone wanted to read it. There were no copies to be found. The book had just gone out of print, and my then publishers refused to reprint it, announcing a huge paperback issue for the autumn. An assistant at Harrods was heard to remark: ‘ If anyone else asks me for a copy of Marnie I shall go out of my mind.’ I was dragged into a bitter legal battle between Amalgamated Press, who had bought the serial rights, and Express Newspapers, who, having been outbid, decided to pinch the story anyway. Writs and ad-interim injunctions flew about. My American publisher said the whole thing was a million dollars’ worth of free publicity.
After some months, Grace Kelly decided to withdraw. It seems that when the Monegasques discovered that their princess had agreed to play the part – not of the Madonna or some stately queen of history, but of a girl thief who cheated and lied all through the film and who was sexually frigid – there was a sort of palace revolution. Reluctantly, having regard to the enormous sum Hitchcock had offered to pay her, she announced she must back down.
Although disappointing, life became normal for me again. The legal battle between the two newspaper groups (with me involved on one side) was finally settled out of court. The following year the film was made, with Sean Connery, and Tippi Hedren playing the title role.
I did not see any of the filming of this novel because I was having an operation in Hove at the time. Although agreeable and complimentary over the telephone, Hitchcock could not have regretted this. A man of many estimable qualities, he was, as far as film-making was concerned, the complete egoist. Writers, actors, musicians, editors, they were all disagreeable necessities in the making of a film; only one person was important. Everyone else and everything else ministered to him.
Two scriptwriters worked on the novel: only one, Jay Presson Allen, appeared on the credits. The scene of the film was switched from Plymouth in England to Baltimore in the United States, but that didn’t matter so much as the many nuances of the story missed and the drastic oversimplifications which took place. Of course the screen is the medium of broad brush strokes, and Hitchcock’s films are noted for their emphatic structure.
Bernard Herrmann, who wrote the music for the film, said to me when we met: ‘ Of course the real conflict of the film was not about Marnie’s frigidity – it was about Hitchcock’s sexual frustrations.’
Hitch had always had this fixation on ice-cool blondes, and after losing Grace Kelly to Prince Rainier, he had picked Tippi Hedren out from a TV advertisment to play in The Birds. When Kelly backed out of Marnie he cast Tippi in the lead. During the film his fascination with Tippi had overflowed, and one day he followed her into her caravan and made advances to her. Tippi rejected them – not too tactfully, Herrmann said – so that throughout the rest of the film they were not on speaking terms. When he was on he set Hitchcock would say to the Assistant Director: ‘Tell that woman to do So-and-so.’
Not perhaps the best environment for the making of a successful movie.
When the film was shown in England it got a fairly cool reception from the critics; but within ten years it was being hailed as one of the most important movies Hitchcock had ever made. Significances were discovered. I never quite know how the minds of critics work, either constructively or destructively. When the film was shown on BBC television on Boxing Day, 1992, their reviewer wrote: ‘Your heart goes out to the utterly believable Tippi Hedren, who is a combination of ice-cool sinner and vulnerable victim, in this gripping, subversive, jagged-edged emotional powerhouse of a thriller.’
The last time I saw Hitchcock was when we lunched with him in his caravan on the set in Hollywood. It was a hot, sunny day but all the blinds were drawn. He sat there like a large boiled egg, round, tough – part cockney, part ad-man, part genius – eating a fillet steak and nothing else at all, and drinking mineral water; talking with a hint of cynical amusement of the book François Truffaut had just written about him.
‘He asked me what the special significance was of that very bad backdrop of Baltimore harbour, when Marnie visits her mother. I didn’t tell him but in fact it had no significance, it was just a very bad backdrop.’
Since writing this I have received a copy of The Making of Marnie, a book published in January 2003 by the Manchester University Press. It is by Lee Moral and is a well-written, academic study which devotes the whole of its 211 pages to the one film, from its inception as a novel, and extensively tells the exact details of the purchase of the novel by Hitchcock, the Princess Grace involvement, the problems of the scriptwriters, details of the shooting, of the distribution, the showing, the reviews, the financial outcome, and the story of its later special significance in the eyes of the intellectual French film makers.
Hitchcock, as I have implied, did not take the highly intellectual Frenchmen’s analyses too seriously – nor do I – but neither should they be disregarded. Lee describes me in his book as an instinctive feminist. Maybe that is right. Maybe the Frenchmen’s analyses of my writing reveal more in the work than I knew of. Maybe the analyses of the filmmaking reveal more than Hitchcock himself was aware of. Artists, creative people, that is, often work by instinct. Possibly I did; possibly Hitchcock did. It remains for others to perceive what they may.
One point in this book which I find surprising is its reiteration that the film was a financial failure. I’m sure it did not live up to expectations. But when I met Hitch at Claridge’s when the film had been running three weeks in London and had had mixed reviews, he did not seem at all downcast. He complained bitterly about the amount Sean Connery had cost him, but then after a few more comments, added: ‘Anyway we’re already in profit.’ I can see no possible reason for him to say that if it had not been true.
But of course there had been the high expectations.
Proof, however, exists – for instance in the quote from the Radio Times – that opinions of a film can change radically even without the weighty influence of the French nouvelle vague.
Hitchcock was making a big event of the premiere in Rome, so I decided to go along. They said they would be delighted to arrange accommodation. When I arrived I at once had to give a couple of interviews and a bit of other publicity. It was only at about six o’clock, when I asked them where I was staying, that they suddenly were shocked to find that they had forgotten about my accommodation. Rome was bursting, every hotel full, but after some frantic telephoning they were able to twist somebody’s arm and found me a room at the Bernini-Bristol in the Piazza Barberini.
It was a very hot day, and at seven I got a cab and dragged myself into the portals of the hotel. I was expected and was allotted room 342. I went up: the room was large, with a big double bed and a deliciously spacious and cool bathroom. Hopefully I ran cool water to the brim of the bath, stripped off everything and plunged in. Five minutes later I climbed out, gorgeously refreshed, and came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a small towel, to look for something in my bag. As I crossed the room a key grated in the lock, it rattled, and the door opened to display a stout middle-aged American lady with blue-rinsed hair. What it revealed of me, I’m not sure, but I hastily retreated behind a blue velvet curtain.
‘What,’ I said, ‘ what the devil are you doing here?’
‘This is room 342, isn’t it?’ she said. ‘ I was given the key to room 342.’
‘Well, 342 is taken,’ I said angrily. ‘ This is my room!’
‘So it seems,’ she said, and retreated.
As soon as the door closed, I padded to the telephone.
‘Look!’ I said. ‘I have just been given room 342, and almost on my heels, almost, almost on my very heels, you have sent up some blue-rinsed old girl claiming it’s hers. What in hell’s going on?’
There was a pause. Then the receptionist said: ‘I’m very sorry, sir, that we could not find anybody younger and better-looking.’
I slammed down the telephone and collapsed on the bed, choking with laughter.
In what other country in the world would you, in a five-star luxury hotel, get such a reply from a receptionist? Vivat Italia!
I have mentioned Christine, who came as nursemaid for our daughter. She was a tall, good-looking girl of about twenty, slim, well educated and well mannered, but she had one or two foibles. She took at least three baths a day, and her passion for horses far exceeded the norm for a girl of her age. She spent all her spare time at the riding school. Then one day Jean went into her bedroom when she was out, and there was a letter from her mother lying open on the dressing table. It was so peculiar that she brought it down for me to see.
It was full of hate – and the hatred was for men. Christine must learn to keep them at a distance, never encourage them, never allow them to touch her, they were filthy and any contact with them would contaminate her. She must be careful how she dressed, not ever to attract their lascivious glances, etc., etc., etc.
I am told that a few years later the girl committed suicide. But to all intents and purposes she was reliable and intelligent and a good nursemaid. It is only certain notorious cases that have made the headlines of the press since then that have made me realize the risk taken in putting one’s beloved child into the care of a comparative stranger, however normal and nice she may seem.
Just before that, during World War II, Perranporth received many scores of evacuees. A family was put up in a cottage near us. It consisted of a mother and three children, the father being in the navy and therefore usually absent. There were also in the village a large number of soldiers, some English, but later many American. Mrs A., the evacuee mother, was highly respectable, and the three children fairly well behaved. Andrew quickly began to talk with an East End accent.
One could see Mrs A. in the morning, out for her walk to the shops, trailing two children and walking with an entirely affected knock-kneed walk, almost as if in reaction to the thought that she would ever open her legs to anybody. In fact she took it upon herself that it was her patriotic duty to offer comfort to the poor boys who were so far from home. It was kept very discreet, but it got about that if a man she fancied came to her cottage late at night and tapped on her window, Mrs A. would pick up her youngest little girl, who normally slept with her, take her into the next room, and then gently slide open the window.
This went on for many months. Then Mrs A. found herself to be pregnant. Her husband was far from home, and no one – but no one – was to be told. Of course the village, like most villages, eventually got to know the truth. But she still denied it. Being very slim, she was able to wear disguising clothing until near the end. When the pains came on, she got the old charlady next door to help her, and she was delivered of a fine healthy boy. Her determination still to keep it a secret was eventually thwarted by a persistent haemorrhaging, so her helper went to call the doctor. While the other woman was away, Mrs A. stranged the child and wrapped it in a newspaper and hid the body under the bed in the spare room, where it was later discovered.
The mother was found not guilty because of ‘puerperal insanity’.
Two years later, the little daughter who was accustomed to being turned out of her mother’s warm bed at nights, and who probably witnessed some of the scenes of the new baby’s birth, began to steal, and the last I heard of her she had acquired a criminal record.
I do not know how I came to meet Sandy Mackendrick – it could have been at the Savile – but it was after the two splendid comedies, Whisky Galore and The Ladykillers, he had made for Ealing Studios, and before he left for Hollywood, where he made the big hit, Sweet Smell of Success, with Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis. I had had three of my novels made into films by then, and he was interested in me and my work. Anyway, he invited me to have dinner with him one night at the Ecu de France in Jermyn Street.
We had a very pleasant meal and talk, and towards the end of it conversation turned to my books. He suggested I might write a book that he could film.
Then he said: ‘ D’you know, Winston, your women characters are always particularly good, attractive, intelligent, they are real people, real women, with real emotion. But they are all what I might call white ladies, people who embody the right side of life. Have you ever thought of writing a book about a grey lady, one who is maybe a transgressor of some sort?’
I replied that I had not. I am not, as may have become clear, an easily suggestible man so far as my novels go. Whatever the quality they may have, or lack, they are homegrown. We did not pursue the subject, but I was flattered that he should take so much interest, and I said so. The evening ended agreeably, and we parted, to meet only once more before he left for his triumph in Hollywood.
So far as I know, I entirely forgot his suggestion, but it has occurred to me more recently to wonder if it had lodged itself in my subconscious and had itself contributed to the genesis of Marnie.