

This book would not have been possible without Kevin Byron’s amazing photographs of trees, forests, and wildlife. They are the result of more than 35 years of fieldwork and technical expertise, and many images have come from once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, sometimes in quite difficult situations. His photos are vital to this book’s design and presentation. Kevin has also been our “systems manager,” organizing the details of production and communication.

I would like to express my great appreciation of my parents, who were expert at cultivating and maintaining a variety of trees and flowering shrubs, and who encouraged my early interest in nature and science. Many people have helped to create this book. Our friends Dick and Jane gave us unlimited access to their beautiful sanctuary of gardens and woodlands. My sister Sandy told us about the woodland preserves south of us. Several people gave us photo ops of trees, landscapes, wildlife, and special scenes: we thank Eileen, Bob, Brandon, Domenica, Bernie, and Myra.

Our many thanks and appreciation also go to Lisa Reardon, senior editor at Chicago Review Press, for her guidance in the development of this book.