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Benaïm, Laurence Debut, Yves Saint Laurent 1962, Harry N Abrams, 2002
Bergé, Pierre Yves Saint Laurent, Thames & Hudson, 1997
Bergé, Pierre 10 Ans, Fondation Pierre Bergé, Yves Saint Laurent, Editions du Regard, 2014
Drake, Alicia The Beautiful Fall: Fashion, Genius and Glorious Excess in 1970s Paris, Bloomsbury, 2006
Dupire, Beatrice and Sy, Hady (eds) Yves Saint Laurent: Forty Years of Creation 1958–1998, International Festival of Fashion Photography, 1998
Fraser-Cavassoni, Natasha Monsieur Dior: Once Upon A Time, Pointed Leaf Press, 2014
Müller, Florence and Bowles, Hamish Yves Saint Laurent, Style, Style, Style, Abrams, 2008
De Ravenel, Ariel and Fraser-Cavassoni, Natasha Loulou de la Falaise, Rizzoli, 2014
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Sinclair Charlotte Vogue on Christian Dior, Quadrille, 2012
Vreeland, Diana DV, George Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1984
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