Ever since Cinderella’s Dress was published, I’m often asked when I knew I wanted to be a writer. Back in school, several wonderful teachers put books into my hands, planting seeds, but fifth grade was a standout. Halfway through the school year, Miss Swetlikoe swept into our classroom like Mary Poppins and her umbrella, except our beloved teacher arrived with a guitar and books and changed everything. She read to us The Hobbit and Watership Down, and I thought I would burst if I didn’t try writing my own novel. So I did. Turns out I wrote fan fiction of Watership Down, but it was my first attempt at a novel. That teacher is now a high school librarian, continuing to inspire students to greatness. Thank you, Mrs. Lunde, for all you do.
For this second novel I picked up two talented new critique partners who helped hold my feet to the fire and fix plot holes. A big thank-you and hugs go out to Kristi Doyle from the back of the room at Phoenix Comicon, and Sarah Chanis, who likes to hang out in book-signing lines. I also want to give a shout-out to Ms. Bieszczady who shared countless Polish historical and cultural pins for my Pinterest board. Thanks also to ever-faithful Andrea Huelsenbeck who, as a first reader, supplies equal parts enthusiastic support and critical eye. And to my final first reader, Rebekah Slayton, thank you for gasping in all the right places and giving me good ideas.
I wish we could publish an edition that includes all the editor notes, because my editors Stacy Cantor Abrams and Lydia Sharp can be a hoot. So many times their notes had me laughing, sometimes because they were tactfully pointing out my errors, and sometimes because they were being encouraging cheerleaders. Erin Crum, I especially appreciate you holding my commas accountable. Ladies, you are a joy to work with. I cannot properly express how much I appreciate the careful time you put into editing my story.
Alexandra Shostak, you created another beautiful cover. One day we will hold a joint book signing so people can get your autograph on all that prettiness.
Thanks also to all the behind-the-scenes folks at Entangled: Heather Riccio, Debbie Suzuki, Melanie Smith, Anita Orr, Jeremy Howland, Liz Pelletier, and any others who have touched this project.
I especially can’t forget my patient and supportive family. You didn’t know what was involved when the first book came out, but now that you do, you still signed up for another go! Thank you for encouraging me to live my dream. It’s better with you there to share it with me.
And to my readers, it’s been so much fun to connect with you. I love getting mail, so please visit me at my website and send me a note. While you’re there, you can also sign up for my Reader’s Group. (In the newsletter I spill a lot of the behind-the-scenes happenings in an author’s life.)