Note: (ill.) indicates photos and illustrations.
Aachen, Germany, 3
Afghanistan, 293 (ill.)
Air Intelligence Service Squadron (AISS), 4602nd
attitude of, 254-59
creation of, 275
demise of, 259–60
investigations, 245–51
Alabama, UFO sightings in, 65, 73–74, 74 (ill.), 166, 167
Alaska, UFO sightings in, 69, 229–43
Albert, John E., 185, 186, 187
Albert, Lieutenant, 121
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 117, 134, 135 (ill.)
Aldrich, Jan, 16
Aldrich, Lynn C., 159
Alexander, Gregory, 266
alien encounters. See also UFOs
Cisco Grove, California, case, 177–83, 200, 201
Kelly-Hopkinsville, Kentucky, case, 183–88, 184 (ill.)
Pittsburg, Kansas, case, 197–200, 199 (ill.), 200
Socorro, New Mexico, case, 188–96, 189 (ill.), 190 (ill.), 191 (ill.), 193 (ill.), 194 (ill.), 201
Temple, Oklahoma, case, 196–97
Alien Life Forms (ALF), 149, 149 (ill.)
Allis, Airman, 302
Althoff, Lieutenant, 9–10
Alvarez, Luis, 13
Alvarez, Vince, 180
Amazing Stories, 56, 57 (ill.)
Anchorage, Alaska, 69
Anderson, C. W., 197
Andrews Air Force Base, 135–36, 137, 138, 141–42
Andrus, Walt, 236, 237, 237 (ill.), 238–39
Angel Hair, 252 (ill.), 252–54, 266
Anthon, Maurice C., 113
Archer, J. J., 157
Area 51 site, 87 (ill.)
Argentina, UFO sightings in, 278–81
green fireball sightings in, 105
UFO sightings in, 159
Armstrong, Eric B., 75
Army Air Forces Intelligence, 162–63, 165
Arnold, “Hap,” 7, 13, 13 (ill.), 14
Arnold, Kenneth, 59 (ill.)
Army Air Forces interviews, 70
The Coming of the Saucers, 56 (ill.)
comparison to Phoenix sighting, 60
FBI assistance in investigation, 155
modern era of UFOs begins, 1, 2 (ill.)
nine flying objects, 54 (ill.), 54–59
prompts reports of other UFO sightings, 3, 45, 52, 53, 65, 81–82, 83, 334
Aztec, New Mexico, 160–61
Bahadur, Chitta, 282
Baird, Vernon, 157
balls of fire, 15–17. See also green fireballs
Ballweg, Lawrence, 169
Banning, Monte, 141
Barnes, R., 181
Barth, Norman P., 259–60
Bartoll, Karl-Gösta, 26, 33 (ill.), 45
Battelle Memorial Institute, 150, 151, 151 (ill.)
Battey, Colden R., 82
Bauman, Major, 7
Bäcklund, Birger, 25
Baxter, L. V., 198
Baynes, Colonel, 121
Bays, Dale, 53
Beaufort, Georgia, 82–83
BeBruler, Major, 250
Behind the Flying Saucers (Scully), 160, 160 (ill.)
Belt, Montana, and the Minuteman Missile Crisis, 203–4, 204–5, 205–8, 215–17, 335
Berliner, Don, 236–37
Berliner, Jeff, 236
Bermuda, UFO sightings in, 272, 273
Bethart, Mrs. Edgar J., 113
Betz, Albert L., 265
Bingaman, Jeff, 283, 284 (ill.), 285
Bishop, James, 329
Bitburg Air Force Base, 273
Bitters, Richard, 52
Black, Harry D., 76
Black River Falls, Wisconsin, 164
Blakeslee, Clifton W., 295
Blanca, Colorado, 106–7
Blanchard, William, 84, 89, 89 (ill.), 90
Bloecher, Ted, 51, 81–83, 90, 178, 180
Bloomer, Joseph A., 253–54
Blue Book Special/Status Reports
Albuquerque sighting, 134, 135 (ill.)
Lubbock Lights, 128–34, 129 (ill.), 131 (ill.)
Real Special Report No. 13, 150–53
start of, 127–28
Status Report No. 8, 143–46
Status Report No. 13, 146–50
Washington National Airport sightings, 134–43, 136 (ill.), 138 (ill.)
Boling, Jack, 116
Bolivia, UFO sightings in, 276, 277–81
Bordelon, John, 332
Bossert, Howard, 132
Bradbury, Norris, 119
Bradshaw, Captain, 207
Braun, Wernher von, 22, 22 (ill.)
Brazel, W. W., 89–90
Brickner, Stephen J., 2
Briggs, Trooper, 168
Brookings Institution, 312–16, 319, 319 (ill.)
Brown, Guard, 168
Bryant, Captain, 121
Bryant, Joe, 129
“Buck Rogers” Trauma, 258, 258 (ill.)
Buckley, Lieutenant, 117
Burg, Captain, 222
Burnell, Jocelynn Bell, 310
Burniston, James H., 67
Burzych, Craig, 326
Bush, George W., 332
Bynes, Agent, 195
Cabell, Charles, 77, 119, 120 (ill.)
alien encounters in, 177–83, 200, 201
Angel Hair sighting in, 252–53
Callahan, John J., 229, 238, 238 (ill.), 241–43, 327–28, 328–29, 336
Calvano, Tammy, 291
Camacho, Angel, 222
Cantril, Hadley, 315
Capella (star), 223
Carey, General, 251
Carlau, Major, 158
Carlson, Eric, 208, 217–18, 219
Carlson, James, 217–18
Carlsson, Gösta, 43–45
Carroll, Charles, 71
Carter, Jimmy, 174, 174 (ill.), 175
Carter, Roger, 106
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 328–29
Cerny, Paul C., 1, 2, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182
Cervell, Major, 38
Chad, UFO sightings in, 276
Chamberlin, Stephen J., 28
Chapman, Richard E., 296–97
Chase, Lewis D., 204, 205, 207–8, 210, 211
Chaves, Sergeant, 191
Chavez, Sam, 195
Chertoff, Michael, 332
Chi Sagittarii (star), 311, 312
Chidlaw, Benjamin, 119
Chiles, Clarence, 66–67, 73, 166, 167
Chiles-Whitted sighting, 66–67
CIA, 328–29
Cinker, Jim, 205
Cisco Grove, California, 177–83, 200, 201
Civil Air Patrol, 69 (ill.)
Clark, Allan, 109
Clark, Jerome, 3, 3 (ill.), 13, 19, 24–25, 43
Clark, Trooper, 168
Clay Center, Kansas, 67
Clingerman, William E., 39–40, 41, 47
green fireball sightings in, 106–7
Combined Intelligence Objectives Committee (CIOS), 12–13, 47
Committee for the Scientific Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), 239–40
Compton Scientific Intelligence Committee, 15
Condon, Edward U., 40, 142 (ill.), 204, 205
Condon Committee, 141–43, 143 (ill.), 222–23, 336–37
Connors, Wendy, 49–50, 71, 73, 74, 78, 95
copper, 118–19
Cory, Elizabeth Isham, 326
Cowan, Harlan, 329
Cox, Billy, 217
Cox, Colonel, 122
Crawford, Don, 208
Crow, Loren W., 142–43
Crozier, W. D., 118
CSICOP, 239–40
Cunningham, William, 147–48
Cybulski, J., 255
Dallveg, Major, 168
Davenport, Peter, 323, 325, 332
Davidson, William L., 56, 58–59, 262
Davis, Guard, 168
Day, John, 297
de Rose, Edward L., 64
Deer, Airman, 302
DeGraw, Ralph, 195
Delaware, UFO sightings in, 96–97
Ghost Rocket sightings in, 30
UFO sightings in, 21
Derry, James, 233
Des Moines, Iowa, 53
Devoid (blogger), 217
Dey, H. E., 117
Deyarmond, Albert
military admits to investigations, 91, 334
Project Saucer, 49, 52, 56, 93–94
Dillman, Gary, 287–88
Dittmar, Mrs. George, 253
Doolittle, Jimmy, 13
Doty, Major, 122
Durant, F. C., 13
Durant, Robert, 291
Edwards, Frank, 53
Efishoff, K., 321
Eggleston, Grover K., 294
Eichner, Steven, 295
electromagnetic effects, 6, 260–64
Ellingsen, Simon, 311
Elliott, Charles, 107
Elterman, Mr., 121–23
Elwood, Wallace W., 184
Emmit, Idaho, 48
England, UFO sightings in, 5, 274, 274 (ill.)
English, William “Bill,” 146–50
Ent Air Force Base, 249 (ill.), 249–50
Erickson, John G., 124
Estimate of the Situation, 63, 64–69, 77–78, 79, 98
Evans, Bradford, 291
Everett, Rebecca, 329
Exon, Arthur, 148, 215–16, 217
F. E. Warren Air Force Base, 225–27, 226 (ill.)
Farley, John, 132
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 325, 326–29
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 162–66, 172–74
Fender, Trudy, 205
Fenstermacher, Bruce, 226–27
Field Activities Group, 1127th, investigation, 264–66
Figel, Walt, 208–9, 212, 217, 218–19
Finland, Ghost Rocket sightings in, 19, 20, 21, 41
Florida, flying saucer sightings in, 48–49
flying saucers/discs. See also UFOs
American investigation, 49–50
Arnold sighting, 56–59
FBI investigation, 162–66
Florida, 48–49
Idaho, 48
Illinois, 52–53
investigations of, 61
Iowa, 53
Ohio, 52
Rhodes photographs, 59–60
Virginia, 50–52
Foo Fighters, 11 (ill.). See also UFOs
Allies form group to study, 334
as enemy development, 15–17
England, 5
as first manifestation of flying disks, 102
France, 10–11
Germany, 3–4, 11–12, 16, 16 (ill.)
Griggs, David T., 13–15
Guadalcanal, 1–3
history of, 1–6
Holland, 1
Italy, 4–5
Robertson Panel, 13
term first used, 10–11
Timor Sea, 1
Forney, L. R., 156
Foster, Tad, 141
415th Night Fighter Squadron, 10
4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron (AISS). See Air Intelligence Service Squadron (AISS), 4602nd
Fournet, Dewey, 75, 78, 138, 139, 140, 143
Fowler, Raymond, 219–20
France, UFO sightings in, 10–11
Friend, Robert, 147
Fugate, Mr., 159
Funk, Mr., 107
Futch, Max, 248
Gaitan, Lee Roy, 331
Garman, Colonel, 193
Garrett, George, 39, 64, 69–71, 91, 335
geese, 247–48
George, E. L., 128
Georgia, UFO sightings in, 82–83
Germany, UFO sightings in, 3–4, 11–12, 16, 16 (ill.), 273
Ghost Rockets. See also UFOs
American investigation, 39–42
conclusions, 45–46
evidence, 23–24
extraterrestrials in, 43
Greece, 37
Macedonia, 37
origin of, 19
Portugal, 37
press stops covering, 42–43
Project Sign, 92
Scandinavia, 102
Soviet rockets, 27, 28–29, 32–33, 36–37, 334
Sweden, 19–21, 22, 24–25, 26, 27–33, 34–36, 36 (ill.), 37–39, 39 (ill.), 43–45
Gilkey, Colonel, 76
Glass, Henry F., 48
Goade, William, 106
Goff, Mr., 307
Gonzalez, Jorge Arias, 280
Grand Canyon, UFO sightings in, 75
Grand Falls, Newfoundland, 68–69
Grasser, John, 207
Gray, Robert, 311
Great Falls, Montana, 255–56
Greece, Ghost Rocket sightings in, 37
green fireballs. See also balls of fire
Arizona, 105
Colorado, 106–7
FBI investigation, 166
meteors, 334–35
New Mexico, 106, 107 (ill.), 117, 118, 125
Sandia Peak investigation, 108–11
Washington, 117
Greene, Robert E., 198, 199, 200
Greenfield, Massachusetts, 64–65
Greenland, 274
Greenwood, Barry, 256, 283, 295
Grinder, Opal, 194
Groseclose, Roger, 116
Grudge Report. See Project Grudge
Guadalcanal, UFO sightings in, 1–3
Guildenberg, D., 122
Haines, Richard, 240–41, 321–23, 322 (ill.)
Halko, Staff Sergeant, 302
Hall, Michael, 49, 71, 72, 74, 78
Hamill, James P., 22
Hanika, Robert C., 59
Hanson, Sigurd, 164
Harder, James, 180
Hardie, John D., 111
Hardy, Donald, 42
Harston, Mr., 158
Hart, Carl, Jr., 130, 132–33, 134
Hastings, Robert
Echo Flight, 208, 209, 211, 212
information leaked to public, 227
Lytle, Chester, 90
North Dakota UFO sighting, 219
Oscar Flight, 213–14
Hauser, Dean A., 82
Heath, Mr., 29
Heise, John, 280
Helmlek, Paul F., 164
Henderson, Francis B., 299
Henninger, Carl, 129
Herron, Guard, 168
Hertell, Robert J., 185
Hewish, Antony, 310
Hilkevitch, Jon, 325–26
Hill, Barney and Betty, 183
Hippler, Robert, 210–11
Hisshouse, Marion, 82
Hokanson, Jack, 237
Holcomb, Lieutenant, 138, 139, 140, 143
Holder, Richard, 195
Holiday, Airman, 221–22
Holland, UFO sightings in, 3–4
Holloway, Dr., 115
Hoover, J. Edgar, 87, 156, 157 (ill.), 158, 165, 167
Hottel, Guy, 160–61
Howe, Linda Moulton, 110
Huneeus, Antonio, 279, 279 (ill.), 280–81
Hynek, J. Allen
Blue Book Status Report No. 8, 144–45, 145 (ill.)
Chiles-Whitted case, 74
meeting with Cybulski, 255
North Dakota UFOs, 219, 221, 223
Pittsburg, Kansas, case, 199–200
Project Sign, 96
Rhodes photographs, 60
Smith, Val, 225
Socorro, New Mexico, case, 192
Status Report No. 13, 147, 148–49
Temple, Oklahoma, case, 196
Idaho, flying saucer sightings in, 48
Illinois, flying saucer sightings in, 52–53
Illinois, UFO sightings in, 321–29
India, UFO sightings in, 276
Iowa, flying saucer sightings in, 53
Isabell, Trooper, 168
Isley, Airman, 302
Italy, UFO sightings in, 4–5
Jacks, Maston, 193
Jacobsson, Bengt, 38
James, Trevlor, 95 (ill.)
Jamison, L. D., 82
Jamison, Robert C., 214–15
Japan Airlines 1628 incident, 229–43, 232 (ill.)
Jeffers, Inspector, 109
Jenkins, Airman, 302
Johns, Mrs. Robert R., 113
Johnson, Lyndon, 162 (ill.)
Joiner, Angelia, 330
Joliet, Illinois, 52–53
Jones, Alfred H., 118
Jones, Bill, 254
Jones, Harold T., 40 (ill.)
Jones, Jerome J., 220
Jones, Marvin L., 118
Jones, R., 295
Joyce, Frank, 84
alien encounters in, 197–200, 199 (ill.), 200
Kastl, Charles, 53
Katrineholm, Sweden, 20, 21 (ill.)
Kean, Leslie, 324, 325, 327–28
Kellihan, Jason, 86
Kelly-Hopkinsville, Kentucky, 183–88
Kentucky, UFO sightings in, 72–73, 73 (ill.)
Ketelson, Raymond P., 6
Key, William, 74
Keyhoe, Donald, 260, 260 (ill.), 262
Killick, Victor, 180–81
Kimball, Harry M., 164
Kirkland, S. H., 150
Kirton, E. M., 87–88
Kjellson, Mr., 29
Klass, Philip, 66 (ill.), 221 (ill.)
Chiles-Whitted case, 66
government trust, 337
Loring UFO sightings, 297–300
North Dakota UFO sightings, 220–21
plasmas, 307
Knotts, Don, 203
Koshkonong, Wisconsin, 67–68
Kratzer, Larry, 195
Kries, Paul, 195
La Paz, Lincoln
copper in meteorites, 118–19
green fireballs, 117, 122–23, 334–35
Phoenix green fireball sighting, 105
Roswell crash, 110, 113–15, 116–17
Sandia green fireball sighting, 108–9
Lake Kolmjarv, Sweden, 26, 33 (ill.), 38, 39 (ill.)
Lake Meade, Nevada, 75
Lake Mjϕsa, Norway, 25, 25 (ill.)
Lamesa, Texas, 114
Lankford, Glennie, 185, 186–88
Las Vegas, New Mexico, 106
Lassell, Robert W., 168
Ledger, D., 321
Legg, Beatrice, 181
Leidy, Mr., 68
Lemke, L., 321
Levelland, Texas, 259–60
Lever, Captain, 4
Lewis, Hilma, 40 (ill.)
Lewis, Karl, 330
Life magazine, 144
Lindbäck, Ludvig, 39 (ill.), 45
Lindblad, Bertil, 24
Linden, Torvald, 24
Lipp, James E., 101–2
Loedding, Alfred, 50, 71, 74, 78, 92, 93, 94
Lombard, Albert E., Jr., 124
Long, Joseph F., 260–64
Long, William J., 295
Look magazine, 144
Lopes, Nep, 190–91
Lorenzen, Coral, 180
Loring Air Force Base, 294 (ill.), 294–300
Los Alamos, New Mexico, 145–46
Los Alamos Laboratory, 76, 77 (ill.)
Louisiana, UFO sightings in, 94, 158
Lovette, Jonathan P., 147–48
Low, Robert, 40, 210, 223, 337
Lubbock, Texas, lights, 128–34, 129 (ill.), 131 (ill.)
Luckey, Charles D., 237
Lytle, Chester, 90
Maccabee, Bruce, 329
MacDonald, George, 165
Macedonia, Ghost Rocket sightings in, 37
Madison, John E., 283–84
Mahoney, Warren, 205
Maine, UFO sightings in, 294–300, 299 (ill.)
Malmberg, Engineer, 38
Malmstrom Air Force Base, 204, 205–8, 206 (ill.), 209–10, 213–14
Malone, Mr., 29
Mandelkorn, Commander, 115
Manitou Springs, Colorado, 64, 82
Mann, Johnny, 88–89
Mantell, Thomas, 72 (ill.), 72–73, 73 (ill.), 95, 95 (ill.), 232, 234 (ill.), 234–35
Marano, Lieutenant, 304, 305, 306–7
Maranto, S., 321
Mariana, Nick, 255–56, 256 (ill.)
Marley, William F., Jr., 40 (ill.)
Martin, Douglas, 290
Martin, Harold, 205
Martin, Wilfred T., 113
Marysville, Ohio, 253
Massachusetts, UFO sightings in, 64–65, 329
Matthews, Woodrow D., 58
Mattingley, George M., Jr., 284, 285
McCarthy, Megan, 326
McCloud, Captain, 181
McCoy, Howard
Combined Intelligence Objectives Committee (CIOS), 12
military admits to investigations, 91, 92, 334
Project Saucer, 47, 49–50, 52, 56, 93–94
Twining memo, 71
McCrary, Edward P., 112
McDonald, James, 14, 16, 51, 52 (ill.), 82, 159
McGinty, William, 75
McGuigan, Inspector, 109
McKelvie, Clarence L., 73–74
McMullen, Clements, 88
Medlock, Mrs. Early, 129
Meiers, Donald J., 10–11
Meiwald, Fred, 213–14
Melaris, Spyros, 149 (ill.)
Menzel, Donald H., 40–41, 41 (ill.), 253, 254
meteor falls, 114
Meyer, Roger D., 221
Mickie, Ronald, 233
Miller, Francis J., 168
Minczewski, Walter, 51–52, 334
Minot Air Force Base, 301–9
Minuteman Missiles, 212, 214–15, 225
Mirarchi, A. C., 120
Mission Beach, California, 157
Mitchell, Wilbur L., 121
Molinaro, Tony, 327
Moneymaker, John, 168, 170, 171, 172
Montana, UFO sightings in, 157, 203–4, 204–5, 205–8, 215–17, 255–56
Montgomery, Alabama, 65, 73–74, 166, 167
Moon, 239 (ill.)
Moore, Richard, 204–5
Morris, Robert, 237
Moseley, James, 66 (ill.)
Mt. Baldy, California, 68
Mueller, Michael D., 222
Mullock, Major, 4
Muroc Air Force Base, 76
Myers, Duncan C., 222
Naffziger, Charles, 111
Neef, Melvin E., 107–8, 109, 114
Nepal, UFO sightings in, 276
Nevada, UFO sightings in, 75, 260–64, 261 (ill.)
New Mexico
alien encounters in, 188–96, 189 (ill.), 190 (ill.), 191 (ill.), 193 (ill.), 194 (ill.), 201
green fireball sightings in, 106, 107 (ill.), 117, 118, 125
UFO sightings in, 65, 83, 84–90, 110, 111–17, 134, 135 (ill.), 145–46, 160–61
New Zealand, UFO sightings in, 276
Newfoundland, UFO sightings in, 68–69
Newhouse, Delbert C., 256, 257 (ill.)
Nicely, Mr., 305
Nichols, Major General, 304
Noah’s Ark, 173
Norris, Peter, 1
Norstad, General, 29
North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), 237, 289–90, 290 (ill.), 292
North Dakota, UFO sightings in, 219–23, 223–25
Norway, Ghost Rocket sightings in, 25–26, 26, 30
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 167–69, 168 (ill.)
Oak Ridge laboratories, 170–72
Oberg, A. G., 128
O’Hare International Airport, 321–29
Angel Hair sighting in, 253
flying saucer sightings in, 52
Ojeda, Nicholas M., 279
alien encounters in, 196–97
UFO sightings in, 64
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 64
1127th Field Activities Group investigation, 264–66
Ontario, UFO sightings in, 252
Orozco, Velez, 280
Ortyl, James, 211
Oscar Flight, 213–15, 214 (ill.), 219
Pacific Theater, UFO sightings in, 5–6, 12
Palmer, Arthur S., 247
Palmer, Ray, 56 (ill.), 56–59, 58 (ill.), 258
Pandolfi, Ron, 329
Patrick, Don, 168
Pearson, Drew, 162, 162 (ill.)
Pelham, Massachusetts, 329
Petersen, James C., 113
Peterson, Don, 212
Peterson, Ellen, 105
Phillips, C. L., 109
Pickering, Jack, 254
pirate bodies, 13
Pittsburg, Kansas, 197–200, 199 (ill.)
Platt, Raymond P., 110, 112, 114
Port Hope, Ontario, 252
Portugal, Ghost Rocket sightings in, 37
Poulin, Bernard, 296–97
Pounders, Robert, 211
Powell, Robert, 83, 91, 330, 332
Powers, Dick, 233
Pratt, Bob, 280–81
Preucil, Charles, 53
Project Blue Book
end of, 267
first American UFO investigation, 39–42, 40 (ill.)
Oak Ridge laboratories, 170–72
Project Moon Dust, 272–74
Project Blue Fly, 269, 270, 271
Project Grudge, 41–42, 50, 78, 127–28
Project Moon Dust
Angel Hair, 266
background, 269–72, 270 (ill.)
end of, 285
government’s denial of existence of, 283–85, 335–36
missions, 281–83
origins of, 274–76
Project Blue Book, 272–74
sightings, 276–81
Project Saucer, 92–94
Project Sign, 39, 47, 71–72, 73, 81, 95–103
Project Stork, 150–53
Project Twinkle, 119–24
Pruett, J. Hugh, 105
Puckett, Jack, 48–49
Puckett, William “Bill,” 291, 321
Puerto Rico, UFO sightings in, 272
Quintanilla, Hector, 40, 40 (ill.), 188–94, 196, 220, 305, 307–8
Raftery, Bernard G., 118
Ramey, Roger, 88 (ill.)
flying saucer statement, 84
Roswell crash, 86, 87, 88–89, 90, 159
Washington National Airport UFO sightings, 144
Randle, Kevin, 132–33, 138, 143, 237
Ravndal, Christian M., 27
Reagan, Ronald, 242
Rees, Doyle, 107, 108, 115–16, 118, 119
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, 96–97
Rense, Jeff, 325
Renualdi, Dan, 211
Renuart, General, 332
Reuterswärd, Åsa, 23
Reuterswärd, Erik, 23–24, 36 (ill.), 46
Reynolds, S. W., 63, 65, 91, 155–56, 158
Rhodes photographs, 59–60, 159, 162
Richardson, Airman, 302
Richardson, James, 247
Rickard, D. M., 117
Rickett, Lewis “Bill,” 110, 113, 114
Riley, Albert, 74
Ringwald, F., 10
Robertson Panel, 13
Robinson, W. I., 128
Roe, T., 321
Rogers, Mrs. F. A., 129
Rogers, Mrs. R. A., 129
Rogers, Renny, 288–89
Roseville, California, 252–53
Roswell, New Mexico, crashes, 84–90, 85 (ill.), 87 (ill.), 88 (ill.), 89 (ill.), 93 (ill.), 110, 111–17, 335
Royal Air Force, 3
Ruiz, Natalio Farfan, 280
Ruppelt, Edward, 50 (ill.)
Air Intelligence Service Squadron (AISS), 4602nd, 246, 248–49
Alabama UFO sighting, 65
Blue Book Special Reports, 127–28
Estimate of the Situation, 63, 64 (ill.), 75, 77–78
private papers, 50
Real Special Report No. 13, 150
Washington National Airport sightings, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142
Ryan, Joe, 291
Ryan, Paul L., 111
Rymer, Edward D., 168, 170, 171, 172
Sadowski, Vernon L., 246
Safeer, Harvey, 241
Sagan, Carl, 313
Sagittarius (constellation), 311
Salas, Robert, 208, 209 (ill.), 217, 218, 219, 225, 227
Samford, John A., 140, 140 (ill.), 144
Sandia Peak, 106, 107 (ill.), 108–11
Saucerian Bulletin, 95 (ill.)
Schindele, David D., 223–25
Schluter, Edward, 10–11
Schmidt, Lieutenant, 10
Schmitt, Don, 148
Schraff, Major, 210
Schulgen, George F.
Estimate of the Situation, 61, 63–64, 65, 69, 91–92
Schulze, Glen, 330
Schweizer, John W., 118
Scully, Frank, 160
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), 301
history of, 309 (ill.), 309–11, 311 (ill.)
WOW signal, 311–12, 312 (ill.)
Seely, Ben, 118
Semitjov, Eugen, 43
Sessions, William S., 175
73rd Bombardment Wing, 9
Sewell, Louis, 16
Shavery Mystery, 56, 57 (ill.)
Shaw, Chester A., 220
Shoop, Richard R., 76
Shough, M., 321
Shreveport, Louisiana, 94
Shrum, Donald, 177–82
Shrum, Judy, 180
Simmons, Robert, 280
Simpson, Captain, 21
61 Squadron, 4
skyhook balloons, 95
Smith, Howard, 116
Smith, R. H., 163
Smith, Staff Sergeant, 302
Smith, T. J., 82
Snyder, Mike, 289
Socorro, New Mexico, 188–96, 201
Sorensen, Hans, 43
South Carolina, UFO sightings in, 246–48
South Dakota, UFO sightings in, 301–9, 307 (ill.), 308 (ill.)
Soviet Union
Ghost Rocket speculation, 22–23, 27, 28–29, 32–33, 36–37
Spaatz, Carl, 13, 29, 29 (ill.)
Sparks, Brad, 150
Springer, Lieutenant Colonel, 165
Sputnik, 277
Squyers, William, 198
St. Elmo’s fire, 4, 4 (ill.), 15
Stahl, John, 107–8
Stancombe, Marilyn, 40 (ill.), 192
Stefanopoulos, Stefanos, 37
Stephenville, Texas, 329–33
Steucke, Paul, 235–36, 237, 238
Stevens, Captain, 237
Strasbourg, France, 10–11
Stratmeyer, Lieutenant General, 163
Strentz, Herbert, 40
Strepp, John Paul, 76
Stringfield, Leonard, 5–6, 15, 278, 280
Sudan, UFO sightings in, 276
Sutton, Aline, 188
Sutton, George, 157
Sutton, Lucky, 183
Sutton, Vera, 188
Svahn, Clas, 23, 24 (ill.), 45–46
Sweden, Ghost Rocket sightings in, 19–21, 22, 24–25, 26, 27–33, 34–36, 36 (ill.), 37–39, 39 (ill.), 43–45
Swords, Michael
Estimate of the Situation, 71, 77
Griggs, David T., 14–15
increase reporting of UFO sightings after Arnold case, 83
Newfoundland UFO sightings, 68
Roswell case, 91
Stephenville, Texas, case, 330, 331
Tacker, Lawrence, 79
Tamefuji, Takanori, 229, 230, 238, 241
Taylor, Robert, 90–91
Teller, Edward, 119
Temple, Oklahoma, 196–97
Tennessee, UFO sightings in, 167–69, 168 (ill.)
Terauchi, Kenju, 229–33, 230 (ill.), 234, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240–41
Tesla, Nikolai, 309
Texas, UFO sightings in, 114, 128–34, 259–60, 265–66, 329–33
Thompson, Phillip E., 285
384th Bomb Group, 6–7
Timor Sea, UFO sightings over, 1
Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana, 157
Tolson, Clyde, 156, 157 (ill.)
Tombaugh, Clyde, 122, 123 (ill.), 124–25, 125 (ill.)
Tonopah, Nevada, 260
Toulouse, Joseph, 108
Tremonton, Utah, 256
Truett, Buford G., 109
Truman, Harry S., 194
Tsaldaris, Constantine, 37
Tsukuda, Yoshio, 229
Turin, Italy, 4–5
Turmell, Ivon, 299
21st Bomber Command, 8–10
29th Bombardment Group, 9 (ill.)
Twining, Nathan, 61 (ill.)
flying disks, 69–71, 84, 91–92
Project Sign, 81
UFOs. See also alien encounters; flying saucers/discs; Foo Fighters; Ghost Rockets; green fireballs
Alabama, 65, 73–74, 74 (ill.), 166, 167
Argentina, 278–81
Arizona, 159
Bolender memo, 215–17
Chad, 276
Chiles-Whitted sighting, 66–67
Delaware, 96–97
Estimate of the Situation, 63
FBI investigation, 155–59, 162, 166–69, 174–75
FBI spies on lectures, 172–74
Georgia, 82–83
Germany, 273
Grand Canyon, 75
Greenland, 274
Illinois, 321–29
India, 276
Japan Airlines 1628 incident, 229–43, 232 (ill.)
Los Alamos Laboratory, 76, 77 (ill.)
Mantell sighting, 72 (ill.), 72–73, 73 (ill.)
Montana, 157, 203–8, 215–17, 255–56
Muroc Air Force Base, 76
Nepal, 276
Nevada, 75, 260–64, 261 (ill.)
New Mexico, 65, 83, 84–90, 110, 111–17, 145–46, 160–61
New Zealand, 276
Newfoundland, 68–69
North Dakota, 219–25
Oklahoma, 64
Ontario, 252
Oscar Flight, 213–15, 214 (ill.)
Puerto Rico, 272
Roswell crashes, 84–90, 110, 111–17, 112 (ill.), 116 (ill.)
South Carolina, 246–48
South Dakota, 301–9, 307 (ill.), 308 (ill.)
Sudan, 276
Texas, 114, 259–60, 265–66, 329–33
Twining response, 69–72
Washington, D.C., 287–94
United Airlines, 321–25, 326, 333
Uriarte, R., 321
Utah, UFO sightings in, 256, 257 (ill.)
V-1 German bomber, 26 (ill.), 27
V-weapons, 22
Vail, Ira W., 113
van Lloyd, Captain, 106
Van Tessel, George, 173, 173 (ill.)
Vandenberg, Hoyt S., 30, 30 (ill.), 77–78, 98, 119
Vaughn, Lieutenant, 251
Venus, 72–73, 95, 101, 239 (ill.)
Virginia, flying saucer sightings in, 50–52
Wagla, Staff Sergeant, 302
Walsh, George, 84
Wapakoneta, Ohio, 52
Warrick, Rodney, 253
flying saucer sightings in, 54 (ill.), 54–55
green fireball sightings in, 117
Washington, D.C., UFO sightings in, 287–94
Washington National Airport sightings, 134–43, 136 (ill.), 138 (ill.)
Watkins, Harold A., 170
Weigand, Ted, 82
Wenyon, Horace, 96–97
Werlich, Lieutenant Colonel, 304, 305, 306
Wertheimer, Michael, 141
Westlin, R., 25
Whipple, Dr., 123
White Sands, New Mexico, 65, 83, 83 (ill.)
Whitted, John, 66–67, 73, 166, 167
Wichita Falls, Texas, 265–66
Widner, D., 198
Williams, Virgil, 118
Wilson, William D., 109
Wisconsin, UFO sightings in, 67–68, 164
Wise, J. C., 76
Wolverton, Keith, 205
Wood, X. D., 97
Woodward, Joan, 287, 289, 290–91, 293
Wright, E. K., 30
Wright, Harold M., 106–7
Wright, Jack, 233
Wright, Newell, 259–60
Wright Field, 49 (ill.)
Wynn, Edward H., 78
Wyoming, UFO sightings in, 225–27, 226 (ill.)
Yakima, Washington, 54
Zamora, Lonnie, 188–90, 191–92, 193, 194, 197, 200
Zond 4 booster rockets, 66 (ill.)
Zuider Zee, Holland, 1