To God be the glory! For loving me, and for continuing to bless me when things seem so far out of my reach. For strengthening my faith and encouraging me to reach higher.
I thank God for blessing me with the support of family and friends throughout the last few years of my life. Through all of my triumphs and trials, you have continued to encourage my visions. I truly appreciate your love and patience. Thank you for investing in my dream.
I’d especially like to thank: My mother, whose love and support over the years have blessed my life tremendously. What would I do without you? I love you! My father, for being a part of my literary journey. Your computer skills are definitely appreciated (smile). I love you! My editors, Joylynn, Linda, and Heather, thanks for keeping me focused. My best friend, Chairese Smith, for nineteen years of friendship. The beautiful women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc, especially my Philly sorors and the men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. To Sorors Dannette Hargraves and Donna Clark, you are the best promoters ever! I thank God for your sisterly love. My friends at Willow Creek Community and New Faith Baptist Church. My friend and writing partner, Sheila P. Miller, for her endless words of encouragement. My longtime friends from the HSES Class of ’89, especially Kymyetta Oglesby and the Pearson Scott Foresman family. To all of the readers that supported my first novel, thank you and may God bless you!
I’d also like to thank the Urban Christian family for their support and words of encouragement. Let’s continue to bless the world with our gifts!