1. Is there ever a time when a family secret shouldn’t be revealed? Did Taylor and Jerome make the right decision by keeping the truth from Joi and Renee? How might their lives have been different if Taylor and Jerome were honest from the very beginning?
2. Describe the relationship Joi had with Lance. Although Lance was Joi’s step-father, did he treat her any different than his biological children?
3. How much did Taylor’s childhood influence the way she interacted with her children?
4. How do you feel about the way in which Taylor and Lance handled discipline in their home? Was it effective?
5. One of Taylor’s friends mentioned that a generational curse was looming over her family. Joi hadn’t met her biological father until she was sixteen years old, yet she inherited some of his characteristics. Do you believe children are destined to repeat the habits of their parents, good or bad?
6. Taylor never talked to Joi about sex. How did this affect Joi? When and how should you handle talking to your children about such a delicate subject?
7. Genesis 2:24 notes that when a man marries a woman, he should separate from his parents so that he could be joined to his wife. Did the Belle women interfere too much in Lance and Taylor’s marriage? How should Taylor and Lance have handled the Belle women?
8. Why do you think the Belle women treated Taylor the way they did? Were their reasons justified?
9. Was there more than a child that connected Taylor to Jerome? Was there still chemistry between them?
10. Did Lance and Renee feel threatened by Jerome’s relationship with Joi?
11. God teaches us to forgive others just as He forgives us for our mistakes. But how should we handle people who continually cause us pain?
12. Both Taylor and Jerome were saved and had a personal relationship with Christ. Discuss situations when Taylor and/or Jerome exercised their faith in God, as well as times when their faith wavered. What were some of the results of their faith in these situations?
13. Did Taylor put her dream before her family at any point?
14. Do you think Renee will file for divorce, or will she try to accept Joi and remain in her marriage to Jerome?
15. Do you think Everett’s presence in Renee’s life influenced in any way her decision to leave Jerome?
16. Was it a good decision to let Joi spend her senior year in Illinois with Jerome?
17. What are some of the pros and cons of blended families? What are some of the challenges both Taylor and Jerome faced with their families as a result of conceiving a child outside of marriage?