A special note of gratitude to my readers: Marco F. Navarro, Robb Todd, A. Van. Jordan, Carla Edmon. Many thanks to the “straight shooter” Kathy Belden for not only agreeing to publish my novel but serving as a friend and mentor. Thank you to the team at Bloomsbury: George, Peter, Laura, Marie, Patti. Thank you to my agent, Liz Darhansoff, for taking the risk to represent me. Thank you to my wonderful publicist, Michelle Blankenship, for believing and pulling out her trumpet. Much appreciation to my fellow writers, teachers, and friends: Marcus Jackson, Cleyvis Natera, Tom Spanbauer, Gordon Lish, ZZ Packer, John Edgar Wideman, Marie Helene Bertino, Jesymn Ward, Amy Hempel, Michael Kimball, James Yeh, Freeway Rick Ross, Felicia Quaning, Denmark Reid, Ramon Blackburn, Ruth Danon, Barbara Adams, April Krassner, Kenny Warren Jr., and the rest of my 833 crew. Thank you to the Center for Fiction and in particular Noreen Tomassi and Kristin Henley. Thank you to my SEEK department family. Thank you to Self Enhancement Incorporated. Thank you to Bob Quillin and Vanessa for your grand support. Thank you to Sandy Vasceannie for years of opportunity. Thank you to John Ricard for all your assistance. Thank you to those who worked on the documentary: Todd Strickland, Nehemiah Booker, Chris and Erik Ewers, Dwight Myrick, P. Frank Williams, Josh Milowe. Thank you to my siblings: Adrian, Chris, Wesley, Romla, Monique, Jibri, Jesse, Latricia, De’Andre. Thank you to the family and friends who encouraged me to prosecute my dream: Rhonda, Myasha, Anthony, Jasmine A, Ladawn, Dr. Wallace, Almamia, Teresa, grand dad, Tanya. Thank you to my love, Juliette, for being everything. Thank you to my children: Justice Serene and Jaden Truth. And what would all of this be without my mother? Thank you, Mom. If I have left off anyone who played a role, I apologize, and thank you to you too.