I gratefully acknowledge the former Alberta Foundation for Literary Arts and Alberta Culture, whose financial assistance enabled me to complete this collection.
I would like to thank the faculty and participants from the 1991 Banff May Studios, especially the late Adele Wiseman, who gave us so much grace. Thanks is also due, as always, to Nancy Holmes, and to Dennis Lee and Don McKay, my editor.
Some of these poems have appeared in their current or slightly altered forms in the following periodicals and anthologies:
Books In Canada, Dandelion, Descant, Grain, Guerra Azul (Spain), More Garden Varieties II, Midwest Quarterly (U.S.), New Myths (U.S.), The New Quarterly, Passages, Poetry Canada, Prism International, Secrets from the Orange Couch, Stand (England).
‘Amaya’ and ‘Amaya, in spring’ were aired on CBC'S Alberta Anthology.