Taylor was safe.
We were on my land. Both Dex and Archer were keeping an eye on the perimeter.
I’d promised her answers when we arrived at the cabin, and as she’d pointed out: here we were.
My time was up.
She was owed an explanation.
But I needed to touch her. Feel her curves pressed against me. Taste her sweetness. Once more, in case it was the last time.
Once I told her I’d lied to her, that I’d hidden who I truly was, I doubted she’d welcome me with open arms.
And when I told her she was bound to me in a way so intimate, so permanent that it could never be undone? I’d be lucky if she didn’t walk out the door, Sal and his horde of rats be damned.
I got out of the truck and walked around to the passenger side.
My woman was a badass.
Seeing her first dragon hadn’t flustered her. The opposite. She’d hollered at Dex to get off her bluebonnets. If I hadn't been so worried about the fact that she’d seen him, I'd have laughed.
The radio flipping on without explanation had rattled her, but then she’d recovered. She was taking all of the revelations thrown at her in stride.
I could only hope that she’d be equally as accepting when I revealed my hidden truth and that of our new circumstances
She opened the passenger door as I approached, and said, “Well? Where’s this big explanation you’ve been promising me?”
I tugged her out of the truck and into my arms.
My intentions were honorable, to hold her for a brief moment before revealing all.
But then she tipped her head back and looked into my eyes, and I saw desire.
That was all the invitation I needed. I palmed the back of her head and kissed her.
Her mouth was hot and needy, her desperate hunger feeding my own, and I wanted to devour her.
I didn’t. I took my time. Let her settle into the feeling of my arms around her, my lips on hers. I nibbled the corner of her mouth, traced the seam. Kept my touch gentle, coaxing her to slow down, to feel. This powerful pull between us wasn’t just animal attraction. It was more. We were more than just our desires.
When I felt her relax, her frantic, anxious need melting into warm welcome, I pressed her closer, demanded more. The heat grew between us like a tangible thing.
The skirt of her dress was flirty and pretty, but it was also practical. I lifted her up and the ample folds allowed her to wrap her legs around my waist. “I love this dress.”
“You love the easy access of this dress.”
“Um-hmm,” I agreed while I kissed her neck.
She pushed against my chest and leaned back, looking up at the roof. “Dex?”
“Not here.” When worry clouded her eyes, I added, “Keeping watch, but giving us some privacy.”
She nodded. “Good. That’s good.”
I knew we needed to talk. For one, she’d completely forgotten all about Archer, which meant she hadn’t made the connection that there were two dragons cruising the skies above my property and beyond.
Where there were two, there could be three.
But she hadn’t made that leap. Not yet. And she wouldn’t, if I kept her busy.
Everything else could wait a short time longer.
I had to confess my sins. Reveal the lies I’d told. Tell her we’d been bound. Or partially bound. Confess that I wasn’t certain what exactly had happened, but that we needed to complete the binding so that she’d be fully protected.
If she’d complete the binding, then we’d have time.
I’d have time. To woo her. To win her love.
Taylor was my sweetness, all cherry blossoms, pure air, and innocence, but she was also, at her core, strong and full of resolve. She knew her mind.
The strong, self-reliant woman I was falling in love with might not forgive me for taking away her choices. Even if I’d done so by accident.
And that was why I remained silent.
Why I took control of her mouth, held her close, and urged her on.
I needed her, but I also needed to have this moment. In case it was our last.
She shifted, rubbing her drenched pussy against me. “I want you.”
I groaned as my cock grew impossibly harder. I was beyond want. I was all need. I burned with it.
With one hand on her plush ass, I opened the door to the cabin then carried her to the far corner where the bed was.
I lowered her to the mattress. “I want to feel your tight cunt wrapped about my cock. Do you want that?”
“Oh, lord yes. Please. Right now.” As she continued to ramble a combination of pleas and demands, she removed her soaked panties and untied the dress.
I watched her wriggle out of her dress as I stripped. I was naked, my hand on my cock, while she was still working her arms out of her dress. I’d help her, but no way was I putting an end to the show.
Her back arched, presenting her breasts like a fucking feast as she finally slipped free of the dress.
“You’re a goddess.”
She looked at me, her eyes passion-hazed, then her gaze dropped to my cock and she licked her lips.
“You want to taste this?” I asked as I stroked my cock.
“Yes.” Her cheeks pinked.
I squeezed the base of my dick. Just the thought of her shiny pink lips stretched around my cock made me want to shoot.
“You want me to fuck your mouth?” I asked. She wasn’t ready for that, but my girl liked it when I talked dirty.
She whimpered and reached for me.
When she licked my tip and swirled her tongue around my crown, my vision narrowed.
Then her lips closed around me and…
I lost my mind.