
I admit that I did a lot of soul-searching before I wrote this book. “What will people think?” I asked myself over and over, questioning if this was perhaps career suicide. After all, I think of myself as being abnormally normal in the psychic and mediumship world, and yet here I was writing about having a famous spirit guide. Would I be prepared for the judgment and teasing? I wasn’t sure, but what I did know was that the book had to be written and shared. And that couldn’t have happened without the help of many people. Thank you …

Thank you to Amy Glaser. I’m grateful that when I queried on the story she didn’t think that I was completely insane and continued to support me by wearing an Edgar Allan Poe T-shirt to the vision meeting. She never once blew me off when I anxiously and frequently inquired about this or that. I am very grateful that she believed in me.

Thank you to Ed Day for being a fabulous editor and for going to bat for me at the vision meeting.

To the many radio stations who have loved and promoted me, especially Blaine Fowler and Allyson Martinek of 96.3 WDVD, Detroit, Michigan; Jack and Ron of 98.9 Kiss FM, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and Shawn Wild and Kat du Bois originally of Panama City, Florida.

Thank you to Gayle Buchan who has supported and loved me like a best friend and a mother figure. Words cannot describe how much your constant encouragement has helped me find my path.

To Donna Shorkey who came into my life as a client and then as an assistant, but in the end became a best friend. Through her own trials and tragedies, she has always stood by my side without any agenda and always with love and support.

Thank you to Laura Bohlman, Rosalyn Wrobel, Nancie Rowe-Janitz, and Kerry Combs for being wonderful friends and cheerleaders, and to Courtney Sieira for always making my hair look messy fun.

Mary Byberg who met me through a serendipitous encounter and who is the most patient and loving friend and assistant that I could ask for. I am eternally grateful.

Billy Sanders and Michael Griffith of the Reynolds Mansion, who shared their beautiful B & B with Chuck and me and who didn’t think I was too nuts when I randomly called them out of the blue. And to Shary Connella for taking awesome photos and helping continue my connection to the mansion.

Thanks to Debi Martone for her help in reading and editing my manuscript before I handed it over to the publisher. I am incredibly grateful for her creativity and her honesty.

Jenni Licata and Jennifer Hupke—my goddesses of the abnormally normal. With your friendship and our blog the Majickal Life (, you’ve helped me with an outlet that simply helped me embrace the gifts that I always knew I had but never had the support to share. It has taken me a long time to confess who I truly am, what I truly am, and even then I grow each day within the identity of who I am and who I want to be. The years haven’t been without trials and tribulations, but through all of the negative, and with your help, I always saw the rainbow through the rain, and I continue to.

My husband, Chuck Robinett, kids Micaela Even and Connor Even, and stepdaughters Cora Robinett and Molly Robinett. It isn’t easy having me as a wife or a mom, but it is rare for any of them to complain even when I say that I think we need to take a trip, or that we need to visit a cemetery down a darkened dirt road. They’ve blindly and with endless trust came along with me on my journey, and I love each one of them so much.

To my clients, my friends, readers, listeners, and fans who have stood by my side through life’s crazy ride. Without you and all your love and support, this book would not have been written.

To all the law enforcement agencies that I’ve worked with and who’ve tirelessly poured over cases. And to all of the families of the missing and murdered. There will forever be a place in my heart for and with you.

To my mom, Sally Schiller, on the other side who shared her love of reading and literature with me, and to my dad, Ronald Schiller, who I share a birthday with, along with his stubbornness and perseverance.
