How Do You Know
if You’re Just Imagining It All?

Often people will wonder if it is their imagination playing tricks on them just because it can be confusing at first where the information is really coming from, or if it is coming from your subconscious. Some questions to ask are:

  1. Does it resonate with you?
  2. Is there anything validating that you can go off of?
  3. Does the advice make sense to you?
  4. Are you receiving results when you listen to what they say?
  5. Do your guides stay consistent each time that you connect?

Our guides, angels, and loved ones on the other side try to help us through times that we believe are difficult, but in fact are only lessons to teach us to roll with the punches. The more we paddle our boat opposite the flow, the more exhausted and frustrated we will become. It isn’t always comfortable to be put in certain positions and it sometimes takes a lot of strength, but relying on friends, family, and the other side certainly helps release some of the heaviness in the heart.

Remember that sometimes a slide backward means lessons unlearned, but it doesn’t mean “game over.” And when you are going through something that can’t be changed, listen closely, because I am sure your guides and angels are whispering, “Everything is happening just the way it is supposed to.”
