
A great meditation to help balance yourself and awaken your senses so that you can connect with your guides is called the Tree Hugging Meditation. And you do just that—hug a tree. You can envision the tree or actually hug the tree, it is up to you! Nature is very healing and grounding.

In your yard, a park, or a forest where you have privacy, choose a tree that attracts you. It might be young or old. Then inwardly ask it for permission to approach it. When you sense the okay, approach it.

Put your hands on the tree trunk. Begin speaking to the tree out loud, if possible, or mentally. Tell it your story. If you feel sad or have some unresolved situation, speak it. Trust yourself to do this. Speak until your story is finished and you have no more to say. At some point or when you reach the end, just rest your forehead against the trunk. There is no wrong or right with this meditation, or any meditation. Do what feels right for you.

You may feel the tree receive your story and lift your energy upward. Your mind may become still and silent. No thoughts. No sadness. You may enter meditation or deep relaxation standing with the tree. You’ll get a sense of the grounding force of nature. It might be the first time or maybe more deeply than other times.

This grounding meditation can show you just how healing nature is and release negative emotions. Nature is a powerful healer.

Be good to yourself. By using a grounding meditation for five minutes a day you will begin to see and feel the results!

If you feel uncomfortable actually hugging the tree, simply close your eyes and in your mind’s eye envision a park and a large oak tree and do the exercise accordingly. You may even sense an animal guide standing with you near the tree; the animals, too, have medicinal qualities.
