
A.1: Comparison of Various BEM Tools


A.2: All Shape Simulation Outcomes Presented in the Pattern Guide


A.3 Baseline Project Example

Date: April 2016

Project Details
Elementary School Example
Building Type Education Primary School
Location City: El Paso State: Texas
Climate Zone 3B
Building Size Gross Area 73,960 ft2
Dimensions 340’ x 270’
Floors 1 floor with 13 foot floor to floor height
Site Orientation North-east
Context Suburban
Baseline Settings Notes
Occupants 1,477 total occupants
Schedule M-F, 95% 9am - 4pm, 15% 4pm - 9pm
Exterior Walls Steel-framed walls Mtl studs 2×4 16″ OC ASHRAE 90.1 Requirements Above grade non-res R = 13 + 3.8 c.i Construction type: 2003 CBECS Data and PNNL’s CBECS Study 2007
Non-res Ext. Wall U w/ film = 0.437 W/m2-K = 0.077 Btu/h ft2 F ASHRAE 90.1
Reflectance = 0.30 Annual Building Utility Performance Summary, html
Wall Sheathing 0.625″ gyp board Exterior Wall Layers: default 90.1 Layering
Ext. finishing 0.75″ Stucco
Interior finish 0.625″ gyp board
Roof Built-up roof Non-res, insulation entirely above deck Construction type: 2003 CBECS Data and
ASHRAE 90.1 Requirements Non-res R = 20 c.i. PNNL’s CBECS Study 2007.
Non-res roof U w/ film = 0.219 W/m2-K = 0.039 Btu/h ft2 F ASHRAE 90.1
(No basement included in baseline)
Windows Windows Areas Based on window fraction, location, glazing sill height, floor area and aspect ratio PNNL’s Glazing Market Data for ASHRAE spreadsheet
Operable area: 35%
Area of multiplied openings* Total or average: 903.75 m2 = 9,727.88 ft2 North total or average: 324.80 m2 = 3,496.12 ft2 Annual Building Utility Performance Summary, html
Glass Non-north total or average: 578.95 m2 = 6,231.77 ft2 average: 3.184 W/m2-K = Annual Building Utility
U-factor* 0.561 Btu/h ft2 F North average: 3.191 W/m2-K = 0.562 Btu/h ft2 F Performance Summary, html
Non-north average:3.181 W/ m2-K = 0.5602 Btu/h ft2 F
Glass SHGC* average: 0.221 Annual Building Utility
North average: 0.218 Performance Summary, html
Non-north average: 0.223
Glass visible average: 0.289 * Totals/average also include skylight glazing
transmittance* North average: 0.284
Non-north average: 0.291
Window Non-res; vertical glazing, Score Card
properties 30.1-40% ASHRAE 90.1
Metal Framing (all other)
U = 0.65
SHGC = 0.25
Skylight Dimensions Gymnasium/multipurpose room Score Card
Nine 4’×4’ skylights total skylight area = 144 ft2 = 3.75% of gym roof area ASHRAE 90.1
Skylight with curb
U = 1.30
SHGC = 0.34
U = 2.956 W/m2 k = 0.521 Annual Building Utility
Btu/h ft2 F Performance Summary.
SHGC = 0.335 html
Skylight Meet ASHRAE 90.1
Properties Requirements
Non-res; skylight with curb, glass, 2.1-5%
Foundation Slab-on-grade (unheated) 6″ concrete slab poured directly on earth + Carpet Score Card
Meet ASHRAE 90.1 Requirements ASHRAE 90.1
Carpet and rubber pad R value = 1.23
Concrete @ R = 0.0625/in -6″ = 0.38
Annual Building Utility
U w/ film = 0.219 W/m2-K = 0.219 Btu/h ft2 F Performance Summary, html
Infiltration Air leakage Peak: 0.2016 cfm/ft2 of above grade exterior wall surface area (when fans turn off) Off-peak: 25% of peak infiltration rate (when fans turn on) Reference: PNNL-18898: Infiltration Modeling Guidelines for Commercial Building Energy Analysis.
Internal 6″ standard wood 16.6 lb/ft2 Score Card
HVAC ASHRAE Ventilation Standard 62.1
Heating type 1. Gas furnace inside packaged AC unit Score Card
2. Hot water from a gas boiler for heating
Cooling type Fans Packaged AC Unit AC_2:5_unitary package =.85 m3/s =1801 cfm AC_1:6_unitary package = 1.50 m3/s = 3178 cfm AC_2:7_unitary package = 1.49 m3/s = 3157 cfm Score Card
Ventilation Total OSA ventilation = .339 cfm/ft2 Score Card
Central air capacity Cooling coils nominal efficiency = 3.80 W/W Annual Building Utility Performance Summary.
Heating capacity Heating coils nominal efficiency = 0.80 W/W Annual Building Utility Performance Summary, html
Cooling set point 75\s=deg\F
Heating set point 70\s=deg\F
Cooling setback 80\s=deg\F
Heating setback 60\s=deg\F
Lighting Lighting power density (LPD) Area weighted average of lighting = 1.19 W/ft2 (More detailed schedule available in scorecard) Score Card
Equipment Appliances and equipment Area weighted average plug and process load = 4.80 W/ft2 Score Card

A.4 Baseline Setting Template

Date: __________________

Project Details

Project Name


Building TypeCommercial/ResidentialType
Climate Zone#
GeometryGross Area
Floors# of floors ## foot floor to floor height
ContextUrban, Suburban, Rural or None
Baseline Model Notes
Occupants Total
Schedule % occupancy each day of the week
Exterior Walls
Interzonal Wall
Roof Attic/Plenum
Basement Finished Basement Unfinished basement Slab
Windows Windows Areas Window Properties
Infiltration Air Leakage
Ventilation Rate
Domestic Hot Water (DHW)
Central Air Capacity
Cooling Efficiency
Heating Capacity
Heating Efficiency
Cooling Set Point
Heating Set Point
Lighting Lighting Power Density (LPD)
Exterior Lighting Density
Lighting Controls
Equipment Appliances and Equipment

ACH = air changes per hour; SC = shading coefficient; HX = heat exchanger; MBH = 1000 Btu/ hour; cfm = cubic feet per minute; c.i. = continuous insulation; UFAD = under floor air distribution; CV = constant volume; oc = on center; AHU = air handling unit; VAV = variable air volume; VFD = variable frequency drive.

A.5 Design Comparison Template

Date: __________________

Project Details

Project Name


Building TypeCommercial/Residential Office
Climate Zone#
GeometryGross Area
Floors# of floors ## foot floor to floor height
DimensionsL×W× H
SiteOrientation VegetationEast-West
ContextUrban, Suburban, Rural or None
Comparison of Baseline versus Design
Operations Baseline Design Option Notes
Exterior Walls
Interzonal Wall
Roof Roof Finish
Basement Finished Basement
Unfinished basement Slab
Windows Windows Areas
Window Properties
Infiltration Air Leakage
Ventilation Rate
Domestic Hot Water (DHW)
Central Air Capacity
Cooling Efficiency
Heating Capacity
Heating Efficiency
Operations Baseline Design Option
Cooling Set Point
Heating Set Point
Lighting Lighting Power Density (LPD)
Exterior Lighting
Lighting Controls
Equipment Appliances and