
Thank you to Entangled Publishing and my fabulous editor, Tracy Montoya. As with The Reaper’s Kiss, you helped take Ollie and Brent’s story to another level.

Thank you to my agent, Suzie Townsend, and all the lovely people at New Leaf Literary.

A special thanks to my friends and family. It is a blessing that the list of friends and family is too long to put here. Thank you all for understanding when I’d cancel plans to work on edits. Thanks for continually checking in on my progress before dragging me out of the editing cave for some fun and laughs.

Mom and Dad, thank you. You let me be that introverted kid who was better at making up creepy stories than doing her math homework. Thanks for that and for letting me watch scary movies at a really young age. It clearly didn’t do me any harm, did it?

And, of course, thank you, dear readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you…