Function | Description |
AVEDEV | Returns the average absolute variance of data points |
AVERAGE | Returns the mean value of arguments |
AVERAGEA | Returns the mean value of arguments considering numbers, text, and logical values |
AVERAGEIF | Returns the mean value (mean average) of all cells in a range meeting a specified criterion |
AVERAGEIFS | Returns the mean value (mean average) of all cells meeting several criteria |
BETA.INV (2010) | See BETAINV |
BETADIST | Returns the values of the cumulative beta distribution function |
BETAINV | Returns the quantile of the given beta distribution |
BINOM.INV (2010) | Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative probabilities of the binominal distribution are greater than or equal to a marginal probability |
BINOMDIST | Returns the probabilities of a binominal-distributed random variable |
CHIINV | Returns the quantile of a distribution function (1 alpha) of a chi-square distributed random variable |
CHISQ.DIST (2010) | Returns the values of the left distribution function (1 alpha) of a chi-square distributed random variable |
CHISQ.DIST.RT (2010) | Returns the values of the right distribution function (1 alpha) of a chi-square distributed random variable |
CHISQU.INV (2010) | Returns the quantile of the left γ2 distribution |
CHISQU.INV.RT (2010) | Returns the quantile of the right γ2 distribution |
CHIDIST | Returns the values of a distribution function (1 alpha) of a chi-square distributed random variable |
CHITEST | Returns the test statistics of a chi-square independence test |
CONFIDENCE | Returns a confidence interval for the average value of a population |
CONFIDENCE.T (2010) | Returns a value used to create a confidence interval for the expected value of a t-distributed random variable |
CORREL | Returns the correlation coefficient of two data sets |
COUNT | Calculates how many numbers are included in an argument list |
COUNTA | Calculates how many values are included in an argument list |
COUNTBLANK | Counts the empty cells in a range |
COUNTIF | Counts the cells of a range whose content matches the search criterion |
COUNTIFS | Counts the cells of a range whose content matches several criteria |
COVAR | Returns the covariance, the average of the products of deviations for each data point pair |
COVARIANCE.S (2010) | Returns the covariance of a sample, the average of the products of deviations for each data point pair |
CRITBINOM | Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative probabilities of the binominal distribution are less than or equal to a marginal probability |
DEVSQ | Returns the sum of the squared variances |
EXPONDIST | Returns the exponential distribution |
F.DIST (2010) | Returns the values of a distribution function (1 alpha) of a left F-distributed random variable |
F.DIST.RT (2010) | Returns the values of a distribution function (1 alpha) of a right F-distributed random variable |
F.INV (2010) | Returns the quantile of the left F-distribution |
F.INV.RT (2010) | Returns the quantile of the right F-distribution |
F.TEST (2010) | See FTEST |
FDIST | Returns the F-distribution |
FINV | Returns the quantile of the F-distribution |
FISHER | Returns the Fisher transformation |
FISHERINV | Returns the inversion of the Fisher transformation |
FORECAST | Returns a value from a linear trend |
FREQUENCY | Returns a frequency distribution as a single-column array (matrix) |
FTEST | Returns the result of an f-test |
GAMMADIST | Returns the gamma distribution |
GAMMAINV | Returns the quantile of the gamma distribution |
GAMMALN | Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, Γ(x) |
GEOMEAN | Returns the geometric mean |
GROWTH | Returns values from an exponential trend |
HARMEAN | Returns the harmonic mean |
HYPGEOM.DIST (2010) | Returns the probabilities of a hypergeometric-distributed random variable |
HYPGEOMDIST | Returns the hypergeometric distribution |
INTERCEPT | Returns the value at which the regression line intercepts the y-axis |
KURT | Returns the kurtosis of a data group |
LARGE | Returns the highest k-value of a data group |
LINEST | Returns the parameters of a linear trend |
LOGEST | Returns the parameters of a exponential trend |
LOGINV | Returns the quantile of a log-normal distribution |
LOGNORMDIST | Returns values of the distribution function of a log-normal distributed random variable |
MAX | Returns the highest value in an argument list |
MAXA | Returns the highest value in an argument list considering numbers, text, and logical values |
MEDIAN | Returns the median of numbers |
MIN | Returns the lowest value in an argument list |
MINA | Returns the lowest value in an argument list considering numbers, text, and logical values |
MODE | Returns the most frequent value of a data group |
MODE.MULT (2010) | Returns a vertical array of the most frequent values in an array or a data range |
MODE.SNGL (2010) | See MODE |
NEGBINOMDIST | Returns the negative binomial distribution |
NORM.INV (2010) | See NORMINV |
NORM.S.INV (2010) | See NORMSINV |
NORMDIST | Returns the cumulative normal distribution |
NORMINV | Returns the quantile of the cumulative normal distribution |
NORMSDIST | Returns the standard normal distribution |
NORMSINV | Returns the quantile of the standard log-normal distribution |
PEARSON | Returns the Pearson correlation coefficient |
PERCENTILE | Returns the Alpha quantile of a data set |
PERCENTILE.EXC (2010) | Returns the k-quantile of a data group where k is between 0 and 1, excluding 0 and 1 |
PERCENTILE.INC (2010) | Returns the k-quantile of a data group where k can be between 0 and 1, including 0 and 1 |
PERCENTRANK | Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage |
PERCENTRANK.EXC (2010) | Returns the rank of a value (Alpha) as a percentage between 0 and 1 |
PERCENTRANK.INC (2010) | Returns the rank of a value (Alpha) as a percentage including 0 through 1 |
PERMUT | Returns the number of possibilities to query k elements from an n-element set |
POISSON | Returns the Poisson distribution |
PROB | Returns the probability for an interval enclosed in two values |
QUARTILE | Returns the quartile of a data set |
QUARTILE.EXC (2010) | Returns the quartile of a data group only based on 0 to 1 |
QUARTILE.INC (2010) | Returns the quartile of a data group including 0 through 1 |
RANK | Returns the rank of a number within a list of numbers |
RANK.AVG (2010) | Returns the average rank of a number within a list of numbers |
RANK.EQ (2010) | See RANK |
RSQ | Returns the square of the Pearson correlation coefficient |
SKEW | Returns the skewness of a distribution |
SLOPE | Returns the slope of the regression line |
SMALL | Returns the lowest k-value of a data group |
STANDARDIZE | Returns a normalized value |
STDEV | Calculates the standard variance based on a sample |
STDEV.P (2010) | See STDEVP |
STDEV.S (2010) | See STDEV |
STDEVA | Calculates the standard variance based on a sample considering numbers, text, and logical values |
STDEVP | Calculates the standard variance based on the population |
STDEVPA | Calculates the standard variance based on the population considering numbers, text, and logical values |
STEYX | Returns the standard error of the predicted y-values for each x in a regression |
T.DIST (2010) | Returns the Student’s t-distribution of the left end range |
T.DIST.2T (2010) | Returns the Student’s t-distribution of two end ranges |
T.DIST.RT (2010) | |
T.INV (2010) | See TINV |
T.INV.2T (2010) | See TINV |
T.TEST (2010) | See TTEST |
TDIST | Returns the Student’s t-distribution |
TINV | Returns the quantile of a Student’s t-distribution |
TREND | Returns the values following a linear trend |
TRIMMEAN | Returns the average value of a data group without considering the marginal values |
TTEST | Returns the probability of a Student’s t-test |
VAR | Calculates the variance based on a sample |
VAR.P (2010) | See VARP |
VAR.S (2010) | See VAR |
VARA | Calculates the variance based on a sample considering numbers, text, and logical values |
VARP | Calculates the variance based on the population |
VARPA | Calculates the variance based on the population considering numbers, text, and logical values |
WEIBULL | Returns the probabilities of a Weibull distribution random variable |
Z.TEST (2010) | Returns the one-tailed probability value for a Gauss test (normal distribution) |
ZTEST | Returns the one-tailed probability value for a z-test |