Syntax. WORKDAY(start_date,days,holidays)
Definition. This function returns the serial number of the date before or after an indicated number of workdays.
start_date (required). The start date for the calculation.
days (required). The number of nonweekend and nonholiday days (workdays) before or after the start date. A positive value for the days returns a future date and a negative value a past date.
holidays (optional). An array of one or more dates for work-free days to exclude from the working calendar, such as federal holidays and floating holidays.
Background. You might want to calculate a payment date based on a delivery time, or you might need to know the date 20 workdays after a particular date. If these calculations need to ignore nonworking days, use the WORKDAY() function.
This function doesn’t count weekends and the days indicated in holidays as workdays. The holidays array can be a cell range containing the dates or an array of serial numbers for the dates.
The WORKDAY() function doesn’t count the start date in the calculation, unlike the NETWORKDAYS() function, which would return one additional day.
Also note the following when working with this function:
If one of the arguments is not a valid date, the WORKDAY() function returns the #VALUE!
If the sum of the start date plus days is an invalid date, the WORKDAY() function returns the #NUMBER!
If the number of the day is not an integer, the decimal places are truncated.
Example. To calculate the date of a payment 14 workdays after the current date, you would use the formula
For example, this returns 08/03/2011
on July 14, 2011. This is the 14th workday after July 14, 2011. For a payment date of 10 days, the formula
returns 12/29/2010
for the start date December 15, 2010. But taking the Christmas holidays into consideration and an interval of 15 days, the calculation
returns 01/05/2011
. Note that in this last formula, holidays are enclosed in braces and not in parentheses.