Syntax. CHISQ.DIST(x,degrees_freedom,cumulative)
Definition. This function returns the values of the chi-squared distribution. The chi-squared distribution is often used to examine the variance across samples. For example, you can calculate the percentage of time people spend every day watching TV.
x (required). The value (quantile) for which you want to calculate the probability (1-alpha).
degrees_freedom (required). The number of degrees of freedom.
cumulative (required). The logical value. If cumulative is TRUE, the cumulative distribution is returned; otherwise, the probability density function is returned.
If one of the arguments isn’t a numeric value, the CHISQ.DIST() function returns the #VALUE!
If x is negative, CHISQ.DIST() returns the #NUM!
error value.
If degrees_freedom isn’t an integer, the decimal places are truncated. If degrees_freedom is less than 1 or greater than or equal to 1010, the function returns the #NUM!
Background. The CHISQ.DIST.RT() function describes the right distribution function, and the CHISQ.DIST() function describes the left distribution of a chi-square distributed random variable.
You will find more information about chi-tests and significance levels in the description of CHISQ.TEST().
The CHISQ.INV() function is the inverse function of CHISQ.DIST().
Example. See the example for the CHISQ.DIST.RT() function.