Syntax. F.DIST(x,degrees_freedom1,degrees_freedom2,cumulative)
Definition. This function returns the values of a distribution function (1 alpha) of a left F-distributed random variable. Use this function to determine whether two data sets have different variances.
For example, you can examine the test scores of men and women taking a recruitment test and determine whether the variance for the females is different from the variance for the males.
x (required). The value at which to evaluate the function.
degrees_freedom1 (required). The degrees of freedom in the numerator.
degrees_freedom2 (required). The degrees of freedom in the denominator.
cumulative (required). The logical value that represents the type of the function. If cumulative is TRUE, the F.DIST() function returns the value of the distribution function. If cumulative is FALSE, the F.DIST() function returns the value of the density function.
If one of the arguments isn’t a numeric expression, the F.DIST() function returns the #VALUE!
If x is negative, F.DIST() returns the #NUM!
error value.
If degrees_freedom1 or degrees_freedom2 isn’t an integer, the decimal places are truncated. If degrees_freedom1 is less than 1, F.DIST() returns the #NUM!
error. If degrees_ freedom2 is less than 1, F.DIST() returns the #NUM!
Background. The F.DIST.RT() function describes the quantile of the right F-distribution, and the F.DIST() function describes the left quantile.
Example. Compare the example for the F.DIST.RT() function.