Syntax. T.DIST(x,degrees_freedom,cumulative)
Definition. This function returns the Student’s t-distribution. The t-distribution is used to test hypotheses for small sample data sets. Use this function instead of a table of critical values for the t-distribution.
x (required). The numeric value at which to evaluate the distribution.
degrees_freedom (required). An integer indicating the number of degrees of freedom.
cumulative (required). The logical value that represents the type of the function. If cumulative is TRUE, the T.DIST() function returns the accumulated distribution function. If cumulative is FALSE, the T.DIST() function returns the value of the density function.
If one of the arguments isn’t a numeric expression, the T.DIST() function returns the #VALUE!
If degrees_freedom < 1, the function returns the #NUM!
If x < 0, the function returns the #NUM!
Background. You will find more information about t-distributed random variables in the description of T.TEST().
Example. You will find more information about the use of this function in the description of T.DIST.2T().