Syntax. TBILLPRICE(Settlement,Maturity,Discount)

Definition. This function returns the price of a discounted security as a percent, as if the par value was 100 monetary units. It is used for U.S. treasury bills.


There are the following requirements:

Background. You can calculate the price with a simple percentage calculation: The anticipative annual interest rate (disagio) is fractioned into the actual duration. The day counter works with 360 days per year, where each month has as many days as it has in the calendar.

This corresponds to the option Basis = 2 for those functions that use an argument, such as the functions in Table 15-2, shown earlier.

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Example. In the sample files for this function, you can find some number experiments that show the equivalency to the function PRICEDISC(), if the calculation uses the day counter with Basis = 2.

See Also