This category includes the ROMAN() function, which converts number values into Roman numerals. (It is not possible to calculate with this function because the result is text.) This function was categorized as a math function by Microsoft even though the authors think it belongs with the text and data functions (see Chapter 8).
Some mathematical and trigonometry functions are not readily available in the standard installation of Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and earlier versions. To use these functions, you have to activate them in the Add-Ins dialog box (Tools/Add-Ins). You’ll find more information in the Analysis Functions section in Chapter 2.
Table 16-1. Mathematical and Trigonometry Functions
Function | Description |
ABS() | Returns the absolute value of a number |
ACOS() | Calculates the angle whose cosine is a number |
ACOSH() | Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number |
AGGREGATE() | Returns an aggregate in a list or array |
ASIN() | Returns the arc sine of a number |
ASINH() | Calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number |
ATAN() | Returns the arctangent or inverse tangent of a number |
ATAN2() | Returns the arctangent or inverse tangent based on an x-coordinate or a y-coordinate |
ATANH() | Calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number |
CEILING() | Rounds a number up to the smallest multiple of another value |
CEILING.PRECISE() | Rounds a number up regardless of the sign |
COMBIN() | Calculates the number of combinations for a given number of items |
COS() | Returns the cosine of a number |
COSH() | Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of a number |
DEGREES() | Converts a radian measure into degrees |
EVEN() | Rounds a number to the next even integer |
EXP() | Raises a number to a given power |
FACT() | Returns the factorial of a number |
FACTDOUBLE() | Returns the factorial of a number |
FLOOR() | Rounds a number to the multiple of another value |
FLOOR.PRECISE() | Rounds a number regardless of the sign |
GCD() | Calculates the greatest common divisor |
INT() | Rounds a number to the next smaller integer |
LCM() | Calculates the least common multiple |
LN() | Returns the natural logarithm of a number |
LOG() | Calculates the logarithm of a number |
LOG10() | Calculates the base-10 logarithm of a number |
MDETERM() | Calculates the determinant of an array |
MINVERSE() | Returns the inverse array of an array |
MMULT() | Calculates the product of two arrays |
MOD() | Returns the remainder of a division |
MROUND() | Returns a number rounded to a multiple |
MULTINOMIAL() | Returns the polynomial coefficient of a number group |
ODD() | Rounds a number to the next odd integer |
PI() | Returns the pi constant |
POWER() | Raises a number to a higher power |
PRODUCT() | Multiplies values |
QUOTIENT() | Returns the integer part of a division |
RADIANS() | Converts degrees into radian measures |
RAND() | Returns a random number between 0 and 1 with up to 16 decimal places |
RANDBETWEEN() | Returns a random number from a range |
ROMAN() | Converts an Arabic number into a Roman numeral |
ROUND() | Rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places |
ROUNDDOWN() | Rounds a number down |
ROUNDUP() | Rounds a number up |
SERIESSUM() | Returns the sum of powers (to calculate power series and dichotomous probabilities) |
SIGN() | Returns the algebraic sign of a number |
SIN() | Calculates the sine of a number |
SINH() | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number |
SQRT() | Calculates the square root of a number |
SQRTPI() | Calculates the root from a number multiplied by pi |
SUBTOTAL() | Calculates a partial result in a list or database |
SUM() | |
SUMIF() | Adds the numbers matching a search criterion |
SUMIFS() | Adds the numbers matching several search criteria |
SUMPRODUCT() | Multiplies the numbers in an array and returns the sum of these products |
SUMSQ() | Adds squared arguments |
SUMX2MY2() | Adds the differences between the squares of two corresponding arrays |
SUMX2PY2() | Adds the sum of the squares of two corresponding arrays |
SUMXMY2() | Adds the squares of the differences of two corresponding arrays |
TAN() | Calculates the tangent of a number |
TANH() | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number |
TRUNC() | Truncates a number to the specified decimal places |