Syntax. FACT(number)

Definition. This function returns the factorial of a number.


Background. The factorial function is used to calculate partial products of natural numbers. The factorial of a number n is the result of the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n.

For example, the factorial of the number 4 is calculated as:

4! = 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 = 24

The formula is:

n! = n • (n – 1) • (n – 2) •...• 3 • 2 • 1

Note that the factorial of zero is defined: 0! = 1.

Example. In combinatorics, factorials are important because n! is the number of possibilities to arrange n discriminable elements.

Assume four runners participate in a marathon. How many different combinations are possible when all runners reach the finish line?

Every of the four runners could make first place. After the first runner passes the finish line, three runners can compete for second place. After the second runner passes the finish line, only two runners are left for third place, and only one runner is left for fourth place. Therefore, 4! = 24 different combinations exist.

The Excel formula is =FACT(4)

See Also