Syntax. LOG(number,base)
Definition. This function returns the logarithm of a number to the given base.
number (required) The positive real number for which you want the logarithm.
base (required) The base of the logarithm. If base is omitted, it is assumed to be 10.
Background. LOG() is the inverse function of EXP().
Example. The exponential function a = bx can use the logarithm as follows:
x = logba
The logarithm of a product (quotient) is the sum (difference) of the logarithms from the factors (dividend and divisor):
lg(a b) = lg a + lg b
lg(a : b) = lg a – lg b
Logarithms return:
Multiplication and division to addition and subtraction.
Exponentiation and root extraction to multiplication and division.
Logarithms simplify calculations with multidigit numbers. Unlike the LN() and LOG10() functions, the LOG() function allows you to specify the base. If you don’t specify the base, the LOG() function equals LOG10().