Syntax. LOG10(number)
Definition. This function returns the common logarithm (base 10) of a number.
number (required) The positive real number for which you want to calculate the base-10 logarithm
Background. The LOG10() function uses the common logarithm with base 10.
Examples. The common logarithm is often used in natural science; for example, to calculate the volume in decibels:
You will find more information in specialist literature.
More examples for this function are:
=LOG10(2) returns 0.301029996.
=LOG10(6) returns 0.77815125.
=LOG10(9) returns 0.954242509.
=LOG10(10) returns 1.
EXP(), IMLN(), IMLOG10(), IMLOG2(), LN(), LOG()
Sample Files
Use the LOG_LN worksheet in the Chapter16.xls or Chapter16.xlsx sample file. The sample files are found in the Chapter16 folder. For more information about the sample files, see the section titled Using the Sample Files.