Book 1

An Accounting Primer

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Principles of Accounting
    1. The Purpose of Accounting
    2. Reviewing the Common Financial Statements
    3. The Philosophy of Accounting
    4. A Few Words about Tax Accounting
  2. Chapter 2: Double-Entry Bookkeeping
    1. The Fiddle-Faddle Method of Accounting
    2. How Double-Entry Bookkeeping Works
    3. Almost a Real-Life Example
    4. A Few Words about How QuickBooks Works
  3. Chapter 3: Special Accounting Problems
    1. Working with Accounts Receivable
    2. Recording Accounts Payable Transactions
    3. Inventory Accounting
    4. Accounting for Fixed Assets
    5. Recognizing Liabilities
    6. Closing Out Revenue and Expense Accounts
    7. One More Thing …