\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\AllCoTracts, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\AllCoTracts_Statistics, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\AlleghenyCounty, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\FQHC, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\FQHCBuffer, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\MedExpress, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\MedExpressBuffer, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\Municipalities, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\Parks, courtesy of Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\Pittsburgh, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\PovertyData, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\PovertyIndex, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\PovertyRiskContour, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\Rivers, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\Streets, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter1.gdb\XYAllCoTractsCentroids, courtesy of US Census Bureau and W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter2.gdb\Boroughs, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter2.gdb\Facilities, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter2.gdb\FireCompanies, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter2.gdb\FireHouses, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter2.gdb\ManhattanStreets, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter2.gdb\Neighborhoods, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter2.gdb\PolicePrecincts, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter2.gdb\PoliceStations, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter2.gdb\Water, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter2.gdb\ZoningLandUse, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter3.gdb\MetroArtsPoints, courtesy of Bureau of Labor Statistics.
\Tutorials\Chapter3.gdb\MetroCOLIPoints, courtesy of The Council for Community and Economic Research.
\Tutorials\Chapter3.gdb\Neighborhoods, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter3.gdb\PghStreets, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter3.gdb\Pittsburgh, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter3.gdb\Rivers, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter3.gdb\USStates, courtesy of US Census Bureau, The Council for Community and Economic Research, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
\Tutorials\Chapter3.gdb\USStatesPoints, courtesy of US Census Bureau, The Council for Community and Economic Research, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
\Data\AlleghenyCounty\EducationalAttainment.csv, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Data\AlleghenyCounty\tl_2010_42003-tract10.shp, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Data\MaricopaCounty\CensusData.csv, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Data\MaricopaCounty\tl_2010_04013_cousub10.shp, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Data\MaricopaCounty\tl_2010_04013_tract10.shp, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Data\Pittsburgh\City.gdb\CrimeOffenses, courtesy of City of Pittsburgh Police Bureau.
\Data\Pittsburgh\City.gdb\Neighborhoods, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Data\Pittsburgh\City.gdb\PghStreets, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Data\Pittsburgh\City.gdb\PghTracts, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Data\Pittsburgh\City.gdb\Pittsburgh, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Data\Pittsburgh\PittsburghSeriousCrimesSummer2015.shp, courtesy of City of Pittsburgh Police Bureau.
\Data\Pittsburgh\PovertyTracts.csv, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Data\Crime.gdb\Burglaries, courtesy of City of Pittsburgh Police Bureau.
\Data\Crime.gdb\CrimeOffenses, courtesy of City of Pittsburgh Police Bureau.
\Data\Crime.gdb\Neighborhoods, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Data\Crime.gdb\Streets, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Data\NewYorkCity\CouncilDistricts.shp, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Data\NewYorkCity\Libraries.dbf, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Downloads\DataGov\AlreadyDownloaded\afrbeep020.shp, courtesy of National Atlas of the United States, downloaded from Data.gov (http://www.data.gov/geodata/g602112).
\Tutorials\Chapter5.gdb\Counties, from Esri® Data and Maps, 2010, courtesy of ArcUSA, US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter5.gdb\Country, from Esri Data and Maps, 2004, courtesy of ArcWorld Supplement.
\Tutorials\Chapter5.gdb\HennepinCounty, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter5.gdb\Municipalities, courtesy of Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission.
\Tutorials\Chapter5.gdb\Ocean, from Esri Data and Maps, courtesy of Esri.
\Tutorials\Chapter5.gdb\Parks, courtesy of Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission.
\Tutorials\Chapter5.gdb\Tracts, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter5.gdb\States, from Esri Data and Maps, 2010, courtesy of ArcUSA, US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\Boroughs, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\BronxWater, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\BronxWaterfrontParks, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\BrooklynWater, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\BrooklynWaterfrontParks, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\EMSFacilities, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\FireCompanies, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\FireHouses, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\ManhattanBlockGroups, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\ManhattanFireCompanies, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\ManhattanLandUse, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\ManhattanStreets, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\ManhattanTracts, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\ManhattanWater, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\ManhattanWaterfrontParks, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\NeighborhoodsZoningLandUse, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\NYCBlockGroups, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\NYCNeighborhoods, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\NYCWaterfrontParks, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\PoliceStations, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\QueensWater, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\QueensWaterfrontParks, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\StatenIslandWater, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\StatenIslandWaterfrontParks, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\UpperWestSideFireCompanies, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\UpperWestSideTracts, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\UpperWestSideZoningLandUse, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Tutorials\Chapter6.gdb\ZoningLandUse, courtesy of Department of City Planning, New York City.
\Data\HBH1.dwg, courtesy of Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter7.gdb\Bldgs, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter7.gdb\BldgsOriginal, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter7.gdb\BusStopCrossWalk, courtesy of Kristen Kurland, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter7.gdb\Greenspaces (from Parks), courtesy of Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission.
\Tutorials\Chapter7.gdb\Streets, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter7.gdb\StudyAreaBldgs, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter7.gdb\Water, courtesy of US Census Bureau.
\Data\AliasTable.csv, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Data\AssignmentsData.gdb\PghStreets, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Data\AssignmentsData.gdb\PghTracts, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Data\AssignmentsData.gdb\Pittsburgh, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Data\AttendeesAlleghenyCounty.csv, courtesy of FLUX.
\Data\AttendeesAlleghenyPARegion.csv, courtesy of FLUX.
\Data\Clients.csv, courtesy of Kristen Kurland, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Data\GroceryStores.csv, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter8.gdb\AlleghenyCounty.AllCoZIP, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter8.gdb\AlleghenyCounty.AlleghenyCounty, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter8.gdb\AlleghenyCounty.Municipalities, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter8.gdb\AlleghenyCounty.Streets, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter8.gdb\PARegion.PARegion, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter8.gdb\PARegion.PARegionZIP, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter8.gdb\PittsburghCBD.CBDOutline, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter8.gdb\PittsburghCBD.CBDStreets, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter8.gdb\USStates, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Data\Exponential.xlsx, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Data\PittsburghNetworkDataset.gdb\PittsburghStreets\PittsburghStreets, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Data\PittsburghNetworkDataset.gdb\PittsburghStreets\PittsburghStreets_ND, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER, and W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Data\PittsburghNetworkDataset.gdb\PittsburghStreets\PittsburghStreets_ND_Junctions, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER, and W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter9.gdb\DrugViolations, courtesy of City of Pittsburgh Police Bureau.
\Tutorials\Chapter9.gdb\Neighborhoods, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter9.gdb\Pittsburgh, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter9.gdb\PittsburghBlockCentroids, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter9.gdb\PoliceZones, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter9.gdb\Pools, courtesy of Pittsburgh CitiParks Department.
\Tutorials\Chapter9.gdb\Pooltags, courtesy of Pittsburgh CitiParks Department.
\Tutorials\Chapter9.gdb\PovertyRiskContour, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER, and W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter9.gdb\Rivers, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter9.gdb\Schools, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter9.gdb\SeriousViolentCrimes, courtesy of City of Pittsburgh Police Bureau.
\Data\LandUse_Pgh.tif, image courtesy of US Geological Survey, Department of the Interior/USGS.
\Data\LandUse.lyr, courtesy of US Geological Survey, Department of the Interior/USGS and W. L. Gorr,
\Data\LandUse_Pgh.prj, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter10.gdb\AllCoBlkGrps, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter10.gdb\Municipalities, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter10.gdb\NED, courtesy of US Geological Survey, Department of the Interior/USGS.
\Tutorials\Chapter10.gdb\Neighborhoods, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter10.gdb\OHCA, courtesy of Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
\Tutorials\Chapter10.gdb\Pittsburgh, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter10.gdb\PittsburghBlkGrps, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter10.gdb\PittsburghBlks, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter10.gdb\Rivers, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter10.gdb\ZoningCommercialBuffer, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning and W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Data\LASFiles\1336704E409152N, courtesy of Pictometry International Corp.
\Data\LASFiles\1336704E411792N, courtesy of Pictometry International Corp.
\Data\LASFiles\1339344E409152N, courtesy of Pictometry International Corp.
\Data\LASFiles\1339344E411792N, courtesy of Pictometry International Corp.
\Data\LASFiles\1341984E409152N, courtesy of Pictometry International Corp.
\Data\LASFiles\1341984E411792N, courtesy of Pictometry International Corp.
\Data\PACPIT14_LiDAR_Delivery_Area.shp, courtesy of Pictometry International Corp.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\Bldgs, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\Contours, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\Courthouse3D, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\Courthouse3DTowers, courtesy of Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\Parks, courtesy of Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\ParkTrees, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\Rivers, courtesy of Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\SmithfieldBldgs, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\SmithfieldTextured1, courtesy of Kristen Kurland, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\SmithfieldTextured2, courtesy of Kristen Kurland, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\StreetFurniture_Smithfield, courtesy of Kristen Kurland, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\StreetCurbs, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\StreetTrees, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\StudyArea (selected features from PACPIT14_LiDAR_Delivery_Area), courtesy of Pictometry International Corp.
\Tutorials\Chapter11.gdb\USSteelBldg, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Data\Graffiti20160603.txt, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of Innovation and Performance, downloaded from the Western Pennsylvania Data Center.
\Data\Graffiti20160610.txt, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of Innovation and Performance, downloaded from the Western Pennsylvania Data Center.
\Tutorials\Chapter12.gdb\Graffiti, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of Innovation and Performance, downloaded from the Western Pennsylvania Data Center, with Creative Commons license at https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/311-data. W. L. Gorr assigned random point locations within correct neighborhoods to the neighborhood-level data, added attributes (GraffitiTypeCode, RemovalTypeCode, Artist, Comment, and several dates used for scheduling graffiti removal in fictional scenarios), and entered fictitious values.
\Tutorials\Chapter12.gdb\Heading, courtesy of W. L. Gorr.
\Tutorials\Chapter12.gdb\Pittsburgh, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.
\Data\Graffiti20160603.txt, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of Innovation and Performance, downloaded from the Western Pennsylvania Data Center.
\Data\Graffiti20160610.txt, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of Innovation and Performance, downloaded from the Western Pennsylvania Data Center.
\Tutorials\Chapter13.gdb\PittsburghStreets\PittsburghStreets, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER.
\Tutorials\Chapter13.gdb\PittsburghStreets\PittsburghStreets_ND, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER, and W. L. Gorr.
\Tutorials\Chapter13.gdb\PittsburghStreets\PittsburghStreets_ND_Junctions, courtesy of US Census Bureau, TIGER, and W. L. Gorr.
\Tutorials\Chapter13.gdb\Garage, courtesy of W. L. Gorr.
\Tutorials\Chapter13.gdb\GraffitiCalls, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of Innovation and Performance, downloaded from the Western Pennsylvania Data Center, with Creative Commons license at https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/311-data. W. L. Gorr assigned random point locations within correct neighborhoods to the neighborhood-level data, added attributes (GraffitiTypeCode, RemovalTypeCode, Artist, Comment, and several dates used for scheduling graffiti removal in fictitious scenarios), and entered fictitious values.
\Tutorials\Chapter13.gdb\GraffitiCallsForCollector, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of Innovation and Performance, downloaded from the Western Pennsylvania Data Center.
\Tutorials\Chapter13.gdb\Heading, courtesy of W. L. Gorr, Carnegie Mellon University.
\Tutorials\Chapter13.gdb\Pittsburgh, courtesy of The City of Pittsburgh, Department of City Planning.