Married at the Cardinal’s chapel at nine o’clock on Wednesday, October seventh. Wedding pictures taken at home before and after the ceremony. Bouquet of white orchids and lilies of the valley. Pictures for papers snapped outside Cardinal’s house. Reception at house. Later left for New York on one o’clock [rest of sentence incomplete].

Stopped at Hotel Belmont. Had luncheon at Claridge’s. Went to ride in Arthur Goldsmith’s machine. Later dined with him at [rest of sentence incomplete].

Went to see Douglas Fairbanks in He Comes Up Smiling. Father and John arrive on way to World Series games [Boston Braves vs. Philadelphia Athletics].

Left on Friday morning for Philadelphia where we met all the Royal Rooters led by Father. Took in the game in the afternoon and waited for the second game on Saturday. Taking the train for White Sulphur Springs in the evening. We arrived Sunday morning October eleventh. There we met some delightful as well as distinguished people including Mr. John Hays Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. George Watters, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hellman of Louisville and many others. Dr. Kanlo, who had charge of the ‘kur,’ was most interesting, as well as reliable.

We rode every day, and also enjoyed the tennis and golf. One of the most pleasant evenings was that spent with Mr. and Mrs. Watters where we dined with them.

We left White Sulphur on Wednesday October twenty-second in the evening and reached Atlantic City Thursday afternoon. After trying the bathing we went to the theatre to see Nazimova in a new play which was not especially good. The next morning we promenaded on the board walk and ‘had our picture took.’ In the afternoon we went back to New York and went to the theatre to see On Trial.

Saturday we went to see Montgomery and Stone in Chin Chin, later supped and danced at the Biltmore. We returned home Sunday and went to live at Beals Street Wednesday October twenty-eighth.