“His attitudes about dress and appearance were apt to be equally offhand. We have a snapshot of him at the time he graduated from Harvard, in his black academic gown, with a suitably serious expression, but with his feet in a pair of worn brown-and-white saddle shoes…”
Hyannis Port, June 24, 1940
“Dear Joe,
We went up to the Class Day on Wednesday; Rose, Eunice, Bob, and I, and were joined by Kathleen up there. We went directly to lunch in the Yard. Jack was as usual entirely irresponsible when he talked to me Tuesday night. He thought we could go to Dutchland for lunch. We arrived about 15 minutes ahead, and Torb [Torbert MacDonald] came out and took us to a couple of gates where we were checked up for tickets which we did not have and he referred them to Jack. We had a hurried lunch, and Jack was greeted by several of the waitresses who served him solicitously, and seemed anxious that he should have something good to eat; however, he decided he should leap out and get something suitable for his tummy, and then decided everything was in a rush any way and that he should be on his way to join his class. We then swallowed our lunch and made for the stadium and had no tickets again and bought some and clammered up the stairs. The festivities there were as usual. There was a speech made suggesting the probability of the present graduating class going into war and there was considerable hissing. Otherwise, everything went on as usual. I did not see anyone I knew…
At 9 the next morning Jack phoned and urged us to come out at once. We stopped at Spee Club for our tickets. Jack popped out and we got at the Quadrangle where our seats were. They were the worst in the place; three rows from the back on the extreme left; however, we had the brave idea of moving back against the college wall where it was sunny. As it happened, all the dignitaries & the graduates passed along that particular section on their way to the platform so we had a marvelous view of everyone. Kick was sure he had chosen the seats for this, but I am sure he got them at the last minute.
He was really very handsome in his cap and gown as he had a tan which made him look healthy and he has got a wonderful smile. After graduation, we returned to his room where after waiting several minutes and not finding him, we left and went in town…
All my love dearest,