February 27th, 1946
“Motored down from Palm Beach to Colonel Clarke’s house in Miami Beach to meet Mr. and Mrs. Winston Churchill and to watch the latter receive his degree from the University of Miami. Seymour Berry and I arrived about 9:15. Leslie Hore-Belisha and his wife, Cynthia were already there in the small living room of the house where the former Prime Minister was spending his vacation.
We hadn’t been in the house long before Winston appeared downstairs with an enormous cigar, bare-footed in his dressing gown complaining as to whether quarter of ten meant quarter to or past. Mrs C. calmed him, he went upstairs and we (the party included General and Mrs. Anderson, Col. Clarke and Sarah Oliver) talked for about half an hour. Then escorted by 20 motor-cycle policemen we drove to the Orange Bowl Stadium.
We marched in the official entourage followed by members of different Florida universities. I sat on the platform in between Seymour and L. Hore-Belisha. Afterwards we drove back to the Clarkes, picked up our suits and bathed at the Surf Club.
Winston presented a very comical sight bobbing around in the surf. He adores the water although I must say I wouldn’t enjoy swimming in quite such a public spot every day. He asked about Daddy and when I said he sends you best regards W.C. replied ‘he makes an exception in my case.’ Daddy took umbrage at this remark. We then all went upstairs for the big official luncheon. I sat at the main table next to John Erskine who wrote ‘Private Life of Helen of Troy’ which supposedly made him an expert on the subject of women. There were about 20 short speeches and we arose from lunch about 4:00 P.M.
Mrs. Churchill is so gracious and with overwhelming charm.”